*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Thank for the tip nonabean. My birthing ball still in attic too.. defo getting OH up there..

I love I never thought of doing that. That is good idea to get my little girl ready. I ordered a bednest this time so wont use the cot for while. It notaarriving til mid march but il be setting it up once it arrives.

Wonder if someone sent rhondalou a message would she get it to her emails. I knw though I turned off all notifications for the forum as my fone would be going off constantly. But may be worth a try.

Gf ur baby is gettn ready.. cant wait til im being told the same.
Well girls. Remember I said I was going to pack my maternity bag as I was feeling uneasy after my wee episode on Friday? Well I did indee pack it and put it in the car. Came into hospital for my consultant appointment on Monday and they admitted me due to high blood pressure and excessive swelling! Talks of baby being delivered if they can't get bp under control. If they can control it they will try and get me to 33 weeks! I've not got protein or ketones in urine so they said it might not be preeclampsia. Bloods came back clear too. They think it might be pregnancy hypertension. To say I'm up to high doe is an under statement lol. So girls , my advise is pack your bags nice n early as you just never know the moment!
TTC wow never heard of bednests, but just googled and they look so lovely!!

We ordered a cocoonababy, but will put it in a crib next to our bed. We will also take off one of the crib walls, so the idea will be quite similar to bednest I guess.
MamaMoo oh wow!! Well done for being prepared! How do you feel about it all? You might be our next March Mummy, how exciting!

Best of luck hun and keep us posted.
Oh I.love I cried sore and begged him not to deliver at 28+4. Our daughter was delivered at 27+2 so I know what to expect. I just want this wee one to Cook that extra bit longer so hopefully the meds will work and baby can stay put. Absolutely petrified and I miss my hubby n daughter lol. Been given first dose of steroids to help baby's lungs mature so will be getting second dose later. So far the meds have been taking good control, fingers crossed it works. I will be happy enough getting to 33 weeks, if they can help me get that far I will be delighted. I just had a feeling after Friday something was going to be happening lol. The docs laughed and said I had a wee premonition :) I've to stay in hospital for a while, which means no sleep. Big lights on ward are switched off at 11:30 but side lights are left on and may as well be the big ones. And the ward I'm on housing ladies in early stages of labour and those in full throw, so it's none stop all day :S
Aww MamaMoo hope your ok, but glad your prepared! I hope it's a nice ward your on.
I have done quite a bit of packing in my hospital bags today. Only a few bits and pieces left to buy for me which I will get this weekend, and I need to wash baby clothes to pack.
This may be a daft question but what maternity pads did you ladies buy to use and pack in your bag? I have brought some from Mothercare (they just look huge!), and a pack of boots ones. I just wanna make sure I'm comfy lol. Oh and also how many nappies are you packing? I was going to pack a handful in size 1 and some in size 2? Wow this is all becoming so so real! xx
Aww mamamoo lets hope baby is just keepin u on ur toes... hope u manage to get to even 33weeks.. god im defo packn my bags now.. I have a feelin I may go early with this one although im thinkn around 38weeks . I need to get myself sorted. But mamamoo keep us updated. Hated trying get sleep in hospital... people coming and going all the time. Get hubby to get u eye mask to cover ur eyes and sone ear plugs.

Yes I love.. I never heard of them before. But im a part of a fb March group as well and the ladies ranted and raved about them to had to find out what the fuss was about loved the green sheep snuzpod too.. but it was more expensive.
Sarah I was looking st pad yesterday. . I never bothered with maternity ones. I went for the pink bodyform ones last time and they were comfy and seemed to do the job. Asda hadnt any left so need buy some. As for nappies our hospital provided us with them last time but il take maybe a small pack of ones with me just incase things have changed from then I was in last time for 3nights so best being prepared.
TTC this is what I thought as some people have said they have just gone for extra absorbent sanitary towels. Mmmm maybe I will just take a few from the maternity ones I've brought and then some always or body form. I just can't imagine walking round with some like nappy thing down there on me lol. Sounds daft but I can't stand not beig comfy!!!
Fab I think I have packed enough nappies then. If anythig OH can drive home and get more. My hospital pretty much dont provide anything so even got those aptimil bottles in my bag as still unsure on if I'm going to breastfeed. Although the do provide bottles.... That's about it! Xx
Our hospital is pretty good I have to say.. they provide the milk etc. Im hoping to bf this time around too. Speakin of which dont foeget pack some nipple cream bloody life saver. In ordered lansioh of amazon as it was cheapest I cud find 6.99. Also orderd some water wipes from boors as they were on offer too. Cudnt be faffing about with cotton wool and water to change them first poos lol
MamaMoo sorry hun I know you must be worried, but try to stay positive. After all, there is a big difference between 27+2 and 28+4! And every day, even every hour helps. xx
Water wipes! Never heard of those... They do look tempting.

And gosh I completely forgot about milk! I really hope to breastfeed this time again, but I guess I should get some just in case? And bottles?... Omg I haven't thought about such things!!!
Cakey - that did make me giggle. I have had the occasional leak but nothing recently.

Gosh MamaMoo! are you at the Royal? fingers crossed all goes well and baby stays in there a few weeks more. its pretty scary even if you have been through it before.

Sarah I've just got some maternity pads from Tesco, have a couple of packs but not going overboard as hoping to use bodyform / always as they will probably be more comfortable. Will see how I get on though.
Nappies wise I've just put a pack of newborns in my bag so far, no idea how long I'll be in for or if hosp will provide - something to ask at antenatal class I guess! I'm also putting in some milk in case we struggle to feed but literally only one or two of the wee cartons as I don't want to take the easy way out!

I'm going to try and finish packing my bag this weekend - I'm 33+1 now so really need to be done! have got most stuff (I think) just need to choose what clothes and things to put in.

Anyone else finding time to be dragging? I thought after Christmas would fly but I'm finding it really slow. busy at work too which is odd for this time of year and does normally make time go faster.
Oh yes forgot to say I just bought normal pads - always ultra, maximum strength. I also bought some of the thick ones by accident, but I would prefer not to wear those ugly things if it can be avoided.

Niknaknnoo how about bottles? Will you be packing those?..
Oh yes forgot to say I just bought normal pads - always ultra, maximum strength. I also bought some of the thick ones by accident, but I would prefer not to wear those ugly things if it can be avoided.

Niknaknnoo how about bottles? Will you be packing those?..
Sorry girls no idea what's happening with my phone and why it keeps posting things twice!!
MammaMoo I hope you are ok, you are in the best place to keep baby cooking a little longer. Each day and hour makes a difference. I was born at 32 weeks (in the 70's!) and never had any problems health wise. keep positive and I agree with who said get some ear plugs and eye mask hospitals are noisy places. And good job on packing bag early you must have had some mother instincts kick in there :)

I havent bothered with maternity pads as they are so expensive compared to normal ones. I found some always night times (which I am using at the moment-cough-pee a bit-cough-pee a bit!) and they are comfy and very absorbent. Also I found them in my local 99p store so at 99p they are a bargain!

I am halfway through packing my bag, I went to superdrug and bought lots of travel sized bottles of things like shampoo/conditioner etc. Also facial wipes, fold up toothbrush and mini toothpaste etc. I found a cheap pear of slippers (99p store again) to just use for hospital.

I am starting to fill up baby's nursery box too with things like sudocrem, a thermometer, tommy tippee hairbrush and comb that sort of thing. I've opted for the organic baby milk as i seem to be working myself up about breast feeding.

yep, time is going slow, I feel like I have been at the 28/29 week mark for ages! I wish it would just whizz by lol
Demaris do you mind me asking why you are taking a thermometer?.. I would think they would have such things in the hospital if needed?
I am also finding this stage (29 weeks) to drag. I have a stupid project at work that is bound to go wrong as well. Not enjoying it right now...
Demaris do you mind me asking why you are taking a thermometer?.. I would think they would have such things in the hospital if needed?

Ahh no I mean starting to fill up the nursery box. We have this; http://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-Us/Bathing/Coordinating-Bath-Sets/Winnie-The-Pooh-Starry-Night-Nursery-Box%280083846%29

I used one with my first two and they were really in fashion back then, i found them invaluable for storing things like cream, nappies, wet wipes, first aid kit, thermometer etc. All to hand with the changing mat (we dont have a changing station). So, no not for hospital :)

Its funny I was showing baby's bits and bobs off to my sister who has a 4 year old and she asked me what the box was for! I guess its not that common to have one? Im behind the times hehe xx

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