*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Oh girls I had a wee scare today which is making me 100% pack my bag this weekend. I went to docs fory weekly blood pressure monitoring and it was sky high! It keep increasing in the surgery and I was sent to hospital! I got down to admission and they checked urine which was clear of protein and keytones but my bp was monitored for two hours. It eventually came back down to the high side of normal. They took my bloods and I've to phone in the morning for the results. I was absolutely petrified of them saying they needed to deliver(it was just like my last pregnancy all over). Thankfully it never came to that and I was allowed home. Def packing bag tomorrow just incase. Apparentlyy blood results will either confirm/rule out preeclampsia

I was so upset. Baby is grand in there. Brill heat beat, good movement. Ceph presentation. Nervous now.
Gosh mama moo! How scary! Great reason to take it easy though! Glad you are both ok. X
Oh MamaMoo! Hope everything is okay and baby gets to keep cooking for a while longer xx
Oh girls I had a wee scare today which is making me 100% pack my bag this weekend. I went to docs fory weekly blood pressure monitoring and it was sky high! It keep increasing in the surgery and I was sent to hospital! I got down to admission and they checked urine which was clear of protein and keytones but my bp was monitored for two hours. It eventually came back down to the high side of normal. They took my bloods and I've to phone in the morning for the results. I was absolutely petrified of them saying they needed to deliver(it was just like my last pregnancy all over). Thankfully it never came to that and I was allowed home. Def packing bag tomorrow just incase. Apparentlyy blood results will either confirm/rule out preeclampsia

I was so upset. Baby is grand in there. Brill heat beat, good movement. Ceph presentation. Nervous now.

What a fright! I hope your results come back ok MamaMoo xx
Well I have managed to pick up a cold from the kids resulting in an annoying cough that has me coughing-peeing a bit-coughing-peeing some more. Oh the joys of pregnancy :( So its a weekend in for me, but an excuse to pick up the oil paints which i havent felt like doing for a long time.

Some of our baby things have arrived, just waiting for the nappy bin, baby monitor and sterilizing kit to arrive then its over to my dads to pick up the pram which was delivered last week. Exciting!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :) x
MamaMoo oh wow that must have been so scary :( glad all is better now. Hope it stays this way!

I started packing my bag today as well. I don't have much to put in it yet though... Will be doing online shopping this evening.
Sorry to hear about your blood pressure mamma moo. Hope it was just one of those things and your bloods come back ok.

Glad your appt went well Sarah! Good luck with your house viewings.

I'm holding off doing my hospital bag and sorting nursery as we currently have one room in painting stage and the actual nursery is full of wardrobes, chest of drawers and beds ready to go in the painted room when finished, we are not going to get around the decorating nursery I don't think as still have stairs, hallway and landing which need decorating and new carpet. Luckily nursery is a pale green and ok decor wise so perfect for our yellow baby bump. Will probably get around to doing the nursery when baby grows up!

Hope your cold and cough eases off demaris, I sense me coming down with my little ones coldy virus too! Sore throat and achey body! Lovely when your pregnant and can't take any of the usual remedies!

Hope you all have a good weekend! Xxxx
Got our chest of drawers up! Not putting cot up yet due to space, wardrobe having to get a replacement part due to damage. Seems to be a common problem with m&ps unfortunately! But love it! Going to give it a good clean and start putting things away!

Yay for furniture!!! I am building ours next weekend.. Well not me but OH will be lol. I can't wait to get everything out of boxes! My hospital bags came today from good old ebay. 2 bags one for me one for LO. Cheap cheap :). Went to Primark today and got myself some £4 nighties, and knickers that I brought in the completely wrong size grrrrr. Never mind, 8 weeks to go for me today so have time to go and buy some more.
Oh wow Rachy... I wish you never posted that hahaha. Just when I was thinking I was doing pretty good on my own little check list. Eeeeek! I do think some things lists are very extensive, almost like moving house! I suppose you also never know how long you are going to be in hospital for. Shortest at ours is 6 hours so they say.... Wonder how many ladies only stay in for 6 hours! Not a lot I would think. The actual hospital bag bit on this check list isn't that bad xxx
Our nursery is all done, bar from the curtains and I managed to by a curtain pole 4 inches too short :blush: :oooo: :blush:
Last thing to order is the main car seat (going for a Britax dualfix) for my car as that's the main car she'll be in, then Jay and my mums car have maxi cosi carriers. Ordering it from boots so I get the points :bunny:

Not long to go now girls!! Major realisation, especially when my nan said earlier "technically she could come any day now!" Xxx
Oh you're all so organised :( our nursery still has boxes in from when we moved in before Christmas but between us we haven't had much time for anything other than work dinner bath then bed! I have a week off soon and my parents have said they will help sort it out with us, so maybe I can say the nursery is done for us soon too.

I have something that will make you all laugh though. I noticed earlier that my left nipple was leaking a lot more than my right and when I squeezed it a little, I got a big droplet and panicked so much. Then I realised it's from an old nipple piercing lol. I guess I won't have problems feeding from my left boob at least :p
Hello ladies hope uz are all good.. tomoro will be 30weeks woohoo.. only another 8 till maternity starts. God I cant wait for rhat now. Im much bigger this time around and sometimes I feel out of breath climbing the stairs. Dont knw how the heck il manage the next 8weeks till go off but I will just get thru it. I don't want to start maternity any earlier as I wont be back till towards end jan next yr which suits mr perfect.
Yesterday ive onlt made a start of buyin nappies and bath things. Still need to get all my big things down from attic and get them all cleaned and freshened up. And need to get started on hospital bags just incase I went early feeln unorganised at rhe moment
TTC: try sitting on your birthing ball for half an hour if you have one, helps baby move out of your ribs, so helps with the breathlessness xx
TTC im the same. I have 6 weeks left until my leave starts, and I can't wait! I also booked a 4day course in London in a month's time (I live in Southampton), and now I am starting to worry how I will cope with train journeys! It's a great course and my work paid for it, so I would really like to do it. But I so hope that someone will give me a seat on the train...

Also need to get OH to get the big things from the garage and wash them. I'd like to put the cot by my bed soon - apparently it might help my 3 year old to get used to the idea that a baby is coming soon!
TTC im the same. I have 6 weeks left until my leave starts, and I can't wait! I also booked a 4day course in London in a month's time (I live in Southampton), and now I am starting to worry how I will cope with train journeys! It's a great course and my work paid for it, so I would really like to do it. But I so hope that someone will give me a seat on the train...

Also need to get OH to get the big things from the garage and wash them. I'd like to put the cot by my bed soon - apparently it might help my 3 year old to get used to the idea that a baby is coming soon!
Off topic: has anyone heard fr RhondaLou? I just had a look at her profile and she hasn't posted anything on the forum for 3.5 weeks! Hope she is ok...
4/5ths engaged! Wahooo!! Best start squatting! Lol! Xxx
Haven't heard from RhondaLou :(. Hope she's ok!
GF how do you know how engaged you are? My LO is having a party in my belly right now lol. Have just cleaned the house top to tail, sat down ate some food and chocolate buttons...oops..and now my belly is moving all over the place lol. My next midwife app is when I am nearly 35 weeks. She said she will take bloods next time, is there anything else she might do?! Xx xx

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