*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Glad you are feeling better Tiggy! and hope your boy feels better soon, but enjoy the time to yourself! x

Thanks nicknaknoo I don't really know how to entertain myself now! He is still sleeping! Obviously doing a lot of repairing in his sleep!
It's incredibly quiet in march mummies. Have to admit when I was having a shitty time feeling crap I didn't feel like posting as I was a bit low and didn't want to keep moaning,

But feeling better now so hoping that I can stop moaning for a while :-)

My little boy is really poorly with a horrid virus. He slept 7.30pm-10.30am this morning. And then he went back to sleep at midday! I've never had so much time to myself during the day :-)

Aw glad your feeling better and hope your little one gets well soon. X
It has been quiet but I know I've been busy with work and then when I've gotten back I've been knackered so that might be why some of us haven't posted as much.

I had a bit of a scare this morning, Oscar hadn't moved as much yesterday and in the mornings when I wake up he always has a good kick and I didn't get anything. I got my OH to rub my belly and talk to him and still nothing. I went downstairs and got a cold drink of water but still didn't get anything. I had some Nutella on toast to see if the sugar would get him to move and had a bath because that sometimes helps as well. I got a few kicks but they were so light and few I was quite worried. I went to go and get my notes to find the birthing centre number and he suddenly jumped to life and started kicking me like mad! Now he won't stop lol. I was ready to ring the midwife and ask if they could check him and it was almost like he decided that actually hospital didn't sound like fun so he would behave lol. I think I'm going to have my hands full with this one! Xxxx

Cakey what a monkey!

It's such a worry isn't it! But I'm so he started dancing for you! Xx
With you Rachy! Its awful!

It is very quiet...Hopefully you are right!!

No sign of Night wolf, I hope they are doing OK.

Glad I'm not alone!
Ah yes Night wolf too! Maybe people are just hibernating :-)
Aww glad your ok Cakey!
Just been to my MW app. Have had a few episodes over the past few days of my body just turning to jelly and feeling like I might collapse. She is ringing me tomorrow to get me booked in to the glucose monitoring clinic... So if she gets me into the clinic tomorrow I will have to start stabbing my finger and make sure the results are ok :/. Have had a couple of episodes this week where I was just doing something normal in the kitchen, and then I turn to jelly and have to go and lye down. It even made me cry Tuesday! Baby is all good though very active and he is head down, but MW says he still has time to move.
Have had so much stress this week as well with poxy parcels, nursery furniture, city link going bust, yodel being twats! Still waiting for my Mothercare parcel that contains a lot to go in my hospital bag. Anyone else packed theirs yet? I think im half way there..... Back to midwife in 3 weeks. Can't believe it, 2 months today is my due date! Ahhhhhh lol xx
Cakey thats just typical baby behaviour I think! mine used to stop moving any time my OH went near but he wriggles away now. He had a bout of hiccups (i think) this morning which I found hilarious as did OH.

Sarah I hope everything OK - doesn't sound nice!
I have started my hospital bag but I think i'm going to need a suitcase the amount of stuff is on these lists! just need to sit down and go through it all I think and decide what outfits to take etc but I think I've got the essentials at least.

figured out today I've got 53 sleeps to go till due date! how scary is that!
Sorry I've been quiet I've hit abit of a brick wall I think- I'm absolutely exhausted! Not sleeping well, and Jays been having his blood pressure monitored for the last 2 nights so that's been going off every half an hour!
I'm waiting for my mothercare delivery- emailed them to check everything was ok, they said that I would get it before the 16th! Aslong as I get it before mid February as I'm being induced at 38 weeks! Xxx
Well it sounds like it's all go for us at the moment!
I have shortened my hospital list, I wrote down everyone's ideas etc and have written up one that's good for me. As I don't have all the stuff yet, I have absolutely no idea how big of a hospital bag im going to need lol.
GF my order with Mothercare was from 23rd December. They told me it would be here by the 5th, today they emailed me to say it will be with me by the 19th. The only downside is Mothercare have hired Yodel as their new courier and they are absolutely awful at losing things/not delivering/leaving in bins etc. Eeeek I hope I get it as it has so many essentials I really need in it.
We have just sold our spare bed today so our nursery furniture can go up next week when they collect it, yay!
I'm confused as to why some people get induced? Is it to do with medical conditions etc ? xx
Glad everyone is bearing up, sounds like there are so many stresses flying around at the moment.

I am up to my ears (and thoroughly p*ssed off) with needles, taking sugar levels, injecting insulin, monitoring everything I put in my mouth, phoning diabetic nurse....its horrible. So, grumpy me this week :( xx
I'm confused as to why some people get induced? Is it to do with medical conditions etc ? xx

I am being induced at 38 weeks because of the gestational diabetes and also my age (I am 41) so they wont let me go over my due date xx
Well it sounds like it's all go for us at the moment!
I have shortened my hospital list, I wrote down everyone's ideas etc and have written up one that's good for me. As I don't have all the stuff yet, I have absolutely no idea how big of a hospital bag im going to need lol.
GF my order with Mothercare was from 23rd December. They told me it would be here by the 5th, today they emailed me to say it will be with me by the 19th. The only downside is Mothercare have hired Yodel as their new courier and they are absolutely awful at losing things/not delivering/leaving in bins etc. Eeeek I hope I get it as it has so many essentials I really need in it.
We have just sold our spare bed today so our nursery furniture can go up next week when they collect it, yay!
I'm confused as to why some people get induced? Is it to do with medical conditions etc ? xx

I didn't order mine that long ago- but they've dispatched half of it and not the other? What's the point in that!! Hopefully you'll catch them so you don't loose anything!

I'm being induced due to my SPD. I'm getting to the point that I actually can't walk now & my pelvis is unstable due to where I broke it. aslong as she's in a good position (I.e head down which she is) and my cervix is favourable then I'll be induced... If not I'll be in at 40+1 for a section. X
Oh GF91 I'm sorry to hear you are in such pain. Fingers crossed she will be in the right position and will come a little early!
I really hope my little one comes on time or a few days early. I can't imagine getting much bigger and I've still got 7 1/2 weeks to go! Think he might be starting to engage as feeling a bit of pressure down there.
Oh I see!! Well fingers crossed all goes well for you GF. Can't imagine in being in so much pain with your pelvis. I'm finding backache hard enough to cope with. Sometimes I can't sit in a position for longer than 5 minutes! I am in my pajamas the second I get home from work lol.
Midwife rang me this eve and has booked me into this glucose monitoring clinic tomorrow. Let's hope they discover why my body keeps turning to jelly! Xx
Midwife is testing me for Obstretic Cholestasis - which would mean possible induction for me. Managed to get myself properly stressed out, even though I have to wait until Monday for the results of today's blood test. Also stupidly read the NHS information page on OC which has freaked me out.

Eejit xx
Good luck for your glucose monitoring Sarah. Hope it's goes ok.

I've not got my hospital bag ready at all. I've thought about bits but upstairs is still in decorating chaos! Ill prob do it in February when hopefully things will be a bit more organised upstairs!

My little ones temp went up to 40.5c earlier and his poor little body was shaking like a leaf. Poor boy, he has only been awake 4hrs in the last 24hrs! Hope he has a good night and wakes up feeling better tommorrow

Anyone got any plans for the weekend? It's my boys birthday so was hoping to have a party for him, just hope he is well enough.
Tiggy hope your boy is well enough to enjoy his party and happy birthday to him!

Sarah how did you get on at the clinic??

No plans for weekend except carry on trying to prepare the house - there isn't much I can do at the minute as I'm waiting for hubby to sort out all his rubbish so I can move stuff around and get the nursery furniture up.

Ordered the main bit of decoration for our nursery the other day but I've got a lot of work to do on it when it arrives, this was my inspiration

But have struggled to find it in the UK painted and everything so have just bought blank MDF letters and am going to paint them myself....a heck of a lot cheaper and will be a nice project for when I finish work. Will be interesting to see how they turn out!
Hey ladies! I Just got back from a holiday in Bruges with our friends. Was awesome!! But missed the forum! (We had no Internet in our house - pretty much the only drawback)

Now I'm gonna start getting ready for the arrival of our LO seriously! Need to do shopping and start thinking about packing a hospital bag - eek! :)

Hope everyone is well x
Well I've had a rather good day :).
My appointment went fine, was a group of about 5 of us with a very lovely man teaching us how to prick our fingers lol. So have brought home my new little gadget in a very nice pink bag he gave us all (which is going to be my new lunch bag :) ) My sugar levels tested fine earlier today but he said we have to test it 4x a day. Seems like a lot but hey ho. He was talking to the group as if we all had diabetes, until pretty much all of us said the reasons as to why we were there. I just told him I have had jelly body like episodes lol.
Came home and my city link went bust Mothercare parcel had been delivered by Yodel so have loads of bits and pieces to unpack. Also came home to my antenatal appointment letter, 3 dates in Feb 2 hours each. So feeling rather pleased I have got all of those things sorted. OH being a bit annoying as told him the dates for the classes and they are in the afternoon so he could leave work early. His work is so flexible and yet he still said to me I don't know if I can come to all 3 classes. It really annoyed me! I don't really like the idea of going alone :(.
I absolutely love the idea of the wooden letters and painting them. I may steal your idea! Where do you buy the plain MDF letters from? I finish in 4 weeks so anything to keep me occupied at home im up for :).
I really want to prepare our place also. We have boxes everywhere of nursery furniture, baby clothing etc. I haven't unpacked or washed anything as we have no space. Have just sold our spare bed which is being collected Tuesday so we can crack on building! Off to view a couple of houses tomorrow, certainly won't be moved by due date in March but never the less we can't stop looking, it will happen when it's meant to be so everyone keeps telling me. When I tell them we have been waiting a year to move because of chain collapses etc they look at me schocked lol. It's a strange feeling as didn't see myself having LO whilst we are still living where we are :). Hoping you all have a lovely weeekend! Xx
Had my 31 week midwife appt yesterday. Our cheeky monkey is currently breech. So really hoping that she wriggles round the right way!! Xxx
Glad your things arrived and appointment went well!
Got the letters off eBay, just search alphabet wall letters and a few different options will come up.
I got our house valued the other day as we are thinking about moving in the near future but I couldn't do it just yet! Hope you get sorted soon! X

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