*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Had my 32 week growth scan today, baby is on the big side but he is fit and well, the scan guy was really lovely and showed us the baby in 3d! and was also kind enough to give us 2 pics for free, brought a tear to my eye when I seen his little face :love:


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What a amazing scan picture. .how gorgeous is he.. glad scan went well..

Ive whopping jab tomorrow and then off to hospital for scan :)
Nikanknoo.. lovely bump pic
OH has bought me a mum to be package at a spa cant wait to go be going with my mum and his mum. Plus my friend just aske me today woyld I go to one with her also. Thought may aswell as we hardly get a chance to do anything together anymore as we both have kids..
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Thanks TT, yikes I forgot about booking that whooping cough jab, will have to sort that, good luck for your scan tomorrow xxx
You'd best ring tomorrow Chrissie as the Whooping Cough jag is supposed to be between 28 and 32 weeks. Xx
Had my 32 week growth scan today, baby is on the big side but he is fit and well, the scan guy was really lovely and showed us the baby in 3d! and was also kind enough to give us 2 pics for free, brought a tear to my eye when I seen his little face :love:

What a gorgeous picture! Glad everything went well xx
Does anyone else find that their bump looks bigger on some days than others?

Sometimes my bump is huuuuge and other days it looks much smaller. I'm guessing it's all to do with the position he's lying in but it's very strange! I wouldn't have thought there could be that much difference.

He's also the most active he's ever been and you can see my belly jumping around and moving with all of his movements now. It freaks my OH out haha...
Chrissie that pic is lovely! I'm not usually a fan of the 3d ones but yours is really good!

TTC, enjoy it! Will probably be your last spa visit for a while! My therapist actually said the sciatic nerve in my right leg was a lot tighter than my left (my right hip has been bad) and didn't have any bother with it last night so I think it has really helped! Fingers crossed!

Podpie, yes, my bump looks different every day! And we are starting to see real movements too. If I push my belly you can see him move a second or two later. My OH also a bit freaked out!

I'm actually finding it nice to be back in work today, just sitting at a desk I can feel a lot more movement, I've been on the go all of the holidays so didn't get much time to just sit and let him wriggle!

Had a growth scan today baby at 29weeks estimated weight is 3lb 7oz.. this seemz alot to me.. my daughter was only 6lb 15oz when born so I wondering how big this baby will be.. apart from that all is looking good..
Just spoken to my MW on the phone as the itching has become unbearable, and is on the soles of my feet and palms of my hands, and I need to go for a blood test tomorrow afternoon, to make sure everything's okay.

Hope all you other ladies are getting on okay xx
Postie I have this! Some days I think I look way bigger than others.
I almost feel like I have no idea what way he is lying now, he moves around so much especially when I get in from work, my belly sticks out all over the place when he does!! MW tomorrow so going to ask if she can feel what position he's in.
I had my whooping cough jab last week, have a nice bump on my arm with a huge bruise round it! X
Hi ladies, hope your all well, hope the blood test comes back ok nonabean. Horrid to itch intensely. Hope you can find some relief with something.

I've been on my iron tablets a week and oh my god I feel so much better with my energy levels. I've stopped 'needing' to sleep 24hrs (even though no matter how much sleep I got I still felt like crap)

I can get through the day without thinking about crawling into bed, and I m now not planning to spend my day off in bed! Such a nice feeling! I'm still tierd at the end of the day but not sleepy and drowsy like I was!

Tummy is a different story, awful bloat and wind (TMI). Very embarrassing! Anyone else? I don't remember being this windy with my first! Or I had better control......lol!

Had my whopping cough today. Just a little achey arm ! X
Just spoken to my MW on the phone as the itching has become unbearable, and is on the soles of my feet and palms of my hands, and I need to go for a blood test tomorrow afternoon, to make sure everything's okay.

Hope all you other ladies are getting on okay xx

Hope ur blood come back ok..
Constipation. Errr!!

Is it me or does March mummies seem very quiet still? Not many of us in here! We've not heard from some in a whille like Rhondalou?

Maybe this will be a reflection on how the post natal ward will be in March. Nice and quiet so we get some sleep hehe!

With you Rachy! Its awful!

It is very quiet...Hopefully you are right!!

No sign of Night wolf, I hope they are doing OK.
It's incredibly quiet in march mummies. Have to admit when I was having a shitty time feeling crap I didn't feel like posting as I was a bit low and didn't want to keep moaning,

But feeling better now so hoping that I can stop moaning for a while :-)

My little boy is really poorly with a horrid virus. He slept 7.30pm-10.30am this morning. And then he went back to sleep at midday! I've never had so much time to myself during the day :-)
Glad you are feeling better Tiggy! and hope your boy feels better soon, but enjoy the time to yourself! x
It has been quiet but I know I've been busy with work and then when I've gotten back I've been knackered so that might be why some of us haven't posted as much.

I had a bit of a scare this morning, Oscar hadn't moved as much yesterday and in the mornings when I wake up he always has a good kick and I didn't get anything. I got my OH to rub my belly and talk to him and still nothing. I went downstairs and got a cold drink of water but still didn't get anything. I had some Nutella on toast to see if the sugar would get him to move and had a bath because that sometimes helps as well. I got a few kicks but they were so light and few I was quite worried. I went to go and get my notes to find the birthing centre number and he suddenly jumped to life and started kicking me like mad! Now he won't stop lol. I was ready to ring the midwife and ask if they could check him and it was almost like he decided that actually hospital didn't sound like fun so he would behave lol. I think I'm going to have my hands full with this one! Xxxx

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