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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I keep checking for news... Good luck ladies it's all going to happen very soon! And enjoy having bouncy tummies while you can - I miss mine sometimes x
I will miss my bump....
God I have just threw up.... just came on me all of a sudden..
Still waiting for news ladies!

Reuben had his 10 day appointment today. Was hoping he'd have gained some weight but he's actually lost a bit more, so I have to feed every three hours whether he asks for it or not, express from my emptier breast, take fenugreek and he's getting weighed again in two days. I feel so useless :( his feeding is going well, he latches well and stays on for a good amount of time so I don't know where I'm going wrong. I don't want them to tell me I don't have enough milk, I'm dreading it :(
TTC I felt horrendously sick the day my contractions started properly, fingers crossed this is it :D
Podpie you're obviously doing a good job, is Reuben quire active though? He could be wiggling all his weight off or just needs to catch up :) don't get downhearted.
I'm struggling to feed Oscar, he's so stubborn when it comes to sleep and impossible to wake and stay awake. Plus his latch isn't as good today, he doesn't seem to be opening his mouth enough for me to put enough boob in. I'm seeing midwives tomorrow so I'll talk to then but if that doesn't help there's a BF group locally so will try that xxx
TTC I was throwing up all over the place on the day I was going in for induction. I'm pretty sure it meant that things were starting for me! So let's hope this is a sign for you too!! Xx
Yes I was the same with my other 2labours .. so been thinking is my body showing me signs again.. noticed my other end is more frequent than normal too. So will have to wait and see.. It's exciting :)
Exciting ttc. Hope it's your body preparing!

Podpie how often was he feeding? Sounds like your doing brilliantly but these health visitors like you make you feel inadequate?

I've got a sleepy boy today too cakey. He is a little jaundice so we have to strip him down and tickle him to keep him feeding for longer then nappy change midway through. Last night he wasn't so sleepy and fed pretty much all night and would only sleep in my arms so I got no sleep! Thankfully he decided he would sleep on hubby this afternoon so I've had a 2 HR nap! Milk come in and it's everywhere lol! Milk bar open 24/7!
How are you doing nonabean.?
Still very much pregnant. Have a feeling the next 15 hours until it's time to go to the hospital are going to drag something awful. Xx
Just think this time tomorrow nonabean hopefully ul have baby or be close to it.
Today is my DUE DATE woohoo...

Best of luck nonabean today hope it goes well for u.. x
Thank you! :) on the way to the hospital just now.

Happy due date :D xxx
Good luck Nona :)
TTC I really hope it all kicks off for you today :) fingers crossed for you.
My milks come in today and I think it's better than getting a boob job lol! Xx
Good luck nona! And happy due date ttc!
We're heading to bf specialist this morning for a final opinion on whether we should get zachs tongue tie snipped,altho we have pretty much to go ahead - I've had varying opinions from midwives and health visitors.
Zach only lost 200 g at first weigh in but weighed day 9 and only gained 20 g when he should nearly be back to birth weight.
Hope everyone is enjoying their little ones, I've not had chance to read through everything. X
Been sent away with no induction as labour suite at my hospital is full. They might ring me and ask me back later today or even tomorrow.

Feeling really disheartened. :( xx
Oh nona how bloody annoying, you work up to this day don't you and to be told to go home.... Thinking of you, you must be feeling really deflated :( xxx

Hope all you other ladies are ok, not finding much time to catch up yet! I think things will settle down when hubby goes back to work next week, can't believe Jago is just over one week old already xx
Aww nonabean that is awful really hope u get that call soon to go back in.. big hugs x
awwww no :( that sucks nonabean, they couldn't do me the day I was suppose to be done either because of it being so busy but I was lucky enough to get a bed and wait my turn, hope they can sort you soon xxxx

Happy due date TTC :dance:

Hope all goes well Niknaknoo xx
Oh how annoying Nonabean! Such an annoying practical reason not to have a baby when you are so ready! Oh well let's hope they ring you back shortly x

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