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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Some Vicks vaporub on the soles of his feet with socks on the top. He's too wee to have it on his chest, but it's okay on their feet xx
Aww Cakey wonderful news!!! And no induction was needed, great!!

Congratulations!!! And congratulations colourmeblue :) well done girls!!

Right Nona and TTC! We are all waiting for you now :)
Chrissie sorry can't think of anything apart from calpol?... (I think you can give it so early? Better check of course). Hope your lo gets better very soon xx
We're in business now March mummies!!! Congrats to everyone who has had babies I the past week, I've been so busy I've hardly been on.

Thing are going great with Zach, he only lost 5lbs on his day 6 weigh in so at least I know he is getting enough milk. We were a bit worried as he has a wee tongue tie and I wasn't sure if it was affecting his feeding but apparently not.

Our first night tonight with no visitors! My mum went home fri afternoon but then my brother came over and he is going this afternoon. it's been great having them but now I don't feel like I have to stay up and see them so might get a bit more sleep now during the day!
Hope everyone is enjoying their babies and nona and ttc don't have to wait much longer! Xx
Congratulations ladies to all who have had their babies well done xxx
Nonabean really hope u go very soon.. god love ya... u have been waiting.

Nikna that's good it isnt affecting feeding. .
Gosh weve had so many babies there hsrd keep up lol after it being so quiet..
My brother's got a wrestling show today, and I cannot be bothered. Two hours in an uncomfy chair! Trying to convince my Mum and Dad to take my LO and I'll get peace for a few hours! So naughty of me, but feel like I could really do with it.

Hope everyone else is having a lovely Sunday xx
Chrissie sorry can't think of anything apart from calpol?... (I think you can give it so early? Better check of course). Hope your lo gets better very soon xx

They have to be 8 weeks for that but thanks anyway and nonabean, thanks I will try that, gonna see how he is tomorrow and if he isn't any better I'm gonna take to GP to be checked to make sure it's not on his chest, it will 3 weeks on Wednesday he has had this cold, he is suffocating when feeding :(
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Try massaging the bridge of his nose, right beside the corners of his eyes, three or four times a day. It helps to clear any blockages.
Sounds rough if he's had it three weeks. Xxx
Thank you ladies, not going to lie it was pretty tough but he is so worth it. He's just having his first go on boob and doing well :)

Thanks nonabean xxx

awwww he is gorgeous cakey, chubby cheeks like Oliver xxxx
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What a wee cutie Lanny!!

No probs Chrissie, it's rotten when they're poorly. Xx
Thank you :) he is a proper chunk.
Hoping that we'll all have babies before we reach April :) xxxx
Hes gorgeous cakey.. well done u..

Well we went out at 12 ended up walking up a blooming mountain... if that doesn't start something nothing will lol.. ive no idea how I managed it.. but my 3yr old was full of beans.. it was lovely though. Then we took her to playground in the forest and done a little nardia trail through the woods.. wrecked now..
Home to get ready for our meal out. Still dosed too so wont be even able taste the food...
Loving all these march babies xxxx
My lil chunk was 7lbs5oz at birth. On day 5 she was 7lbs. Day 9 she she was 7lbs9oz!!!!
Lovely gorgeous picture cakey! Hope your well.

Ttc I would be so so knackered after your walk, in fact I don't think I would have made it! Lol! Hope it helps to thin out that cervix ready! I did three lots of 20 min walks and 3x 10 mins of stair climbing on the day I went into labour. Think it helped. As I really wasn't doing much walking prior to that due to my dodgy pelvis. Which is now infact good!

Night two was good. managed to get a few good chunks of sleep in between feeds. Not sure why hubby is still in bed.,.....when I'm the one whom has had rubbish nights for a long time and been through labour! He went to bed at 9.30pm! He does help settle him down after a feed though so can't complain too much!

Awww my big toddler boy is unwell. Temp overnight of 39 degrees. Not sure the cause yet probably another virus. Just hope baby doesn't get poorly??
Tiggy hope ur wee man picks up very soon.. u dont need that with a newborn baby as im sure ur totally exhausted with night feeds and then the worry of ur little boy. Poor little fella.
Well dont knw if walk has done anything. . Maybe helped cervix but no pains. I did have sore back and of course legs last night but seems be ok today. Im thinking stayn n my pjs all day today and taken things easy. I really need get rid of this cold. And get back on my feet as In bein fit and healthy before labour does occur..
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What a lonely wee board this is now :lol: do we have a thread in baby and toddler yet?! I'm sure I seen one of the April mummies mentioning maybe pairing up with us seeing as a few of them already have their babies.

I had a rubbish night. My back is agony, just a proper dull ache and I couldn't really sleep. Then my LO woke up at 20 past 5! So ready for a nap now. :(

How are all you ladies with babies getting on? Xxx

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