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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

A March & April Babies Thread sounds good to me! Let's hope I give birth in April!
Definitely sounds good to start a March and April mummies :) if anyone hasn't started it ill go set it up now while I have a spare 5 minutes! Xxxx
A spare 5 minutes Cakey? What's that?! Lol.

I managed to find time to do done crafting last night I have a shop interested in taking on some stock. Once I get my groove on it doesn't take me long. I intended to do all this the night my waters broke and all the materials are still out on the table where I left them the night it all kicked off lol. Oliver is very good overnight I can put him in his crib at 8 and he will sleep really well waking up every now and then for some grub then goes down again so I can use my evenings for some me time. Hoping these bits im making will sell really well my business has taken a hit with the pregnancy I really want to build it up again x
Just one baby left now? How exciting!!

Reuben is still struggling to put on weight. I'm feeling a bit like a prize cow at the moment, I'm either feeding or pumping and then syringe feeding him what I've pumped. Then the whole process starts again an hour later lol. I'm spending my days in bed with the telly on, having lots of lovely baby cuddles to encourage milk supply and being waited on hand and foot by OH in between him doing the decorating.
His next weigh in is on Sunday and the amount of milk I'm able to pump is increasing so hopefully if I can get it all in his tum he'll have put on a nice amount of weight by then.

Hope you're all keeping well and all the March babies are lovely and healthy and happy! It's crazy how much time a baby takes up, especially with all the cuddling and staring at him that I do hehe. Have been reading the thread but not keeping up very well. I will definitely be trying to keep up with the babies thread when there is one!
Just one baby left now? How exciting!!

Reuben is still struggling to put on weight. I'm feeling a bit like a prize cow at the moment, I'm either feeding or pumping and then syringe feeding him what I've pumped. Then the whole process starts again an hour later lol. I'm spending my days in bed with the telly on, having lots of lovely baby cuddles to encourage milk supply and being waited on hand and foot by OH in between him doing the decorating.
His next weigh in is on Sunday and the amount of milk I'm able to pump is increasing so hopefully if I can get it all in his tum he'll have put on a nice amount of weight by then.

Hope you're all keeping well and all the March babies are lovely and healthy and happy! It's crazy how much time a baby takes up, especially with all the cuddling and staring at him that I do hehe. Have been reading the thread but not keeping up very well. I will definitely be trying to keep up with the babies thread when there is one!

Podpie I am exclusively pumping as oliver struggled in the early days. On day 3 we cup fed him a formula top up in the hospital and he practically fed himself he was that hungry. So we made the decision to express and bottle feed him. I was pumping enough for him then he had a growth spurt and we had to supplement a little bit then I caught up agsin but he is now taking more again so we are mix feeding at the moment. He has formula overnight and expressed breast milk in the day. So I know what you mean about feeling like a prize cow. I've noticed a significant increase in my supply today tho I can now get a full feed for him in one session instead of two or sometimes even three sessions. I've read that from month 1-6 they take roughly about the same amount and won't significantly increase how much they need so I'm hoping we can get off the formula again soon and have just breast milk x
Yes think I'm the last one... think I'm also beginning lose some plug... nothing much yet though.. cud go like this for days
You're not alone TTC, I'm due on 31st March but think I'm likely to give birth in April. This is my second baby and I went 1 week over with my first. I've had a very relaxed attitude about baby's arrival however I think I will begin to lose my patience next week!
Yayy another mama on board.. how are u feeling?
This will be baby 2 for us 3 including angel baby girl. Went 3 days over last time. Not sure this baby has any notion yet of arriving just hoping to avoid induction
I'm feeling well thanks TTC. Have had no signs of labour though and baby still feels quite high. Midwife has offered a sweep on my next appointment when I will be 40+1 and if I haven't gone into labour naturally by then she will book me in for an induction for 40+12. Hoping not to go down that route though.
I had a sweep Wednesday on D day. So I'm back next wed probably given another one and date for induction then.. had my hopes up a bit the sweep would help things especially after it works last pg. But nothing much happening.. ah well it is a waiting game baby has to come out eventually.
I know I'm only 2 days over but I feel I'm never gna go into labour.... I suppose I shud just be quiet and enjoy my last days of full nights sleep..lol. . But I'm ready for baby to be here now..
We are all right behind you ladies! C'mon little ones, March is nearly over :D xx
How you doing ttc?? Hope you aren't feeling too lonely in here! Xx
It's has got quiet but totally understandable :)
I think I've lost bit more plug today but still not much to be getting excited over.. got OH on side to DTD tonight see if it helps at all lol
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We're still here to keep you company, TTC! I may not be due for many weeks yet, but watching those who are ahead to see how it all goes. Hope you're doing ok x
TTC I have my fingers crossed for you! Keep checking back to see if your LO is here yet :D hope your plug keeps going xxx
TTC, I could put you down on my April Mummies list and then you might give birth this month?! :lol: We've had 6 babies now and have a feeling there'll be a couple more before Wednesday!
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Lol rooster...I have one lazy child in there. At this rate il defo be waiting come 1st April. ..:)

Thanks Loretta and cakey. . :)

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