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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Oh Nona that sucks!
The day i went in to labour my hospital had a bed crisis! Only benefit was I ended up in a private room for free as nowhere else to put me. I hope they call you soon xx
Get to ready to head for my appointment. . Let's hope cervix is thinning and reachable for my sweep...
Fingers crossed for your sweep ttc.

Nonabean I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't had your induction and have to wait a day or two. That has got to be so frustrating.

Hope you can find someway of having a couple of treats to make yourself feel better xxxxx
Been up at the MAU since 3pm, they can't get a decent reading on the trace, so won't examine me. Been stuck here for over and hour on this bloody CTG. Pain in the ass!!!

Hope your midwife appointment went well TTC xxx
Really missing all you ladies!!! Just cant keep up with catching up. Hope everyone is well xxxx
Finally got pessary in at 20 past 5, so now it's just a case of hoping and waiting. The midwife did manage to dislodge my plug though, so that's all positive! And they said I have a favourable bishop's score, so I'm hoping to not get much sleep tonight xxx
Yay Nonabean!! Good luck, will be checking for updates xx
Fantastic nonabean glad ur back in and pessary done... waiting game now but hopefully not long.
Well my app went well. I'm 2cm and reckons il go soon. And defo before my next app next wed so let's hope so ..
Fantastic nonabean glad ur back in.. just waiting game now hopefully not long.
My app went well he says I'm 2cm and thinks I will go on my own soon.. wooo
Sorry double post ... thought first didn't go as it went blank..
Eeek good luck nona!

Do we have a thread on the baby section yet?

We're getting Alfreds TT revised tomorrow.
Dreading it :(
No think there a thread there yet..
Hope the review goes well spinsugar
Hope ur doing ok nonabean
Oh this is great news ttc and nona. Not long to wait for you now then!

Had zachs tongue tie snipped and I'm already so glad, we've had 2 short feeds since and he has latched immediately and much less painful.

No thread yet in baby and parent, any takers?? Do we combine with April mums?
As an April mummy I think doing a combined thread is a good idea, would be lovely to get to know you ladies! Xx
Congratulations to nonabean.. :)

Now nonabean baby is here I'm the last one last one standing.. come on baby..
Have no signs of anything yet..

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