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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Good plan Tiggy! Similar to mine :) I'm starting to feel remotely human again, so am going to try to enjoy my day. I'm currently listening to music and doing exercises and dancing. Maybe I can make this baby turn after all, you never know! X
Glad you got to speak to someone i.love and I hope LO is feeling better soon, Oliver is a month already! can't believe it, he has an awful cold already though the poor little thing :(

Hope your LO is feeling better soon too Nonabean, ear infections are awful :( xxx
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Yay my consultant just called me back! :)

Basically they still recommend induction as a safer option, but they are happy for me to come in on Friday when my induction is planned, and then examine me and check for Bishop's score, and then rearrange things if needed. I'm very happy with this plan - don't want to be induced before I'm properly ready, and I feel much happier that they agreed to be flexible.

Thanks again Tiggy for mentioning Bishops score! Knowing that I can ask how ready my body is really helps me to relax a bit. I have a mathematical type of mind, so concrete numbers are what I need ;)
Yay that's fantastic news iLove, thats fab that the consultant is happy to be flexible. So does that mean that you might delay the induction if your not favourable and the OC isn't getting a lot worse?

Sounds like the best case scenario. My friend (who was pretty into reading around labour and bishops score) scored 9 and had a really positive induction- did have the syncontion drip but laboured quickly (first baby) and with nothing other than gas and air. Unfortunately I think a lot of pregnant ladies go into these inductions without knowledge and then its not really an informed decision. Obviously everyone wants baby out but if a few more days allows baby to come a lot easier then it makes the world of difference for stress and recovery of baby and mummy. Not saying my waffle is relating to your situation though!
Yep, they can delay it a bit. Or I guess we can discuss a C sec again if things are really not favourable. In any case, we can make a decision based on how things actually are, and not just looking at the calendar and choosing some random date!

I had no idea about the score when I was induced first time! Though I was over 40 weeks by then, so probably was quite ready. This time I'd like to know what's actually going on :) xx
Thanks girls! He woke up puking bile this morning, but has managed to keep all his medicine down so far, and seems a bit brighter.

Hope everyone else and all their LOs are feeling better soon.

Glad you got somewhere with your consultant Olya. It will allow you to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy - however long that is. xx
Thanks Nonabean! Unless something happens naturally (or with a help of a sweep), I have until Friday to chill and not to think about any decisions! :)

Really hope your boy gets better soon. What he has sounds really rough :(
I love Glad you managed to speak to someone. How do they work your bishops score - is that by examination?
Nonabean sorry to hear your LO is still poorly. Hope he feels better soon x
SpinSugar yes and by answering some questions I believe (like how many previous pregnancies I had etc).

Demaris is a mummy now!! Amazing birth story too :) :) :)
Hello lovely ladies.. how is everyone. . I was most the day for paddys day. Home and n my jammies now watchn obem.. ahh and my bednest arrived. Love it.. just need get it all set up and secured to our bed
Hey TTC :) I had a MW appointment today. It wasn't my usual MW as she is on holiday, and the one that covered for her was a right cow... But she seemed very experienced and said that my baby is 3/5 engaged and is not back to back anymore?? I do hope that she is right, though somehow I have little faith in what she was saying. How could my lo kick me this way with his back?? Very strange. Anyway, I really hope that she is right.

The forum is all quiet now... I wonder when we get some more exciting news :) good luck to everyone for the night x
I think all the mummies on this thread are all busy with their babies! So it is quite quiet! Sorry the midwive was a cow! Where do you feel your kicks? I think mostly my baby's spine is along my one side and I can feel kicks the opposite side. Sometimes I can feel the bum pushing out the side. But think this position is fine?

I had a lovely day today, we walked around the shops, went for coffee and cake and I sat in our garden sunbathing and reading! I managed to do hoovering dusting and mopping everywhere. Two loads of washing, clean sheets and clean bathrooms. Should be feeling tierd but I'm still going! X
Hi all. Still contracting. 24h now :( too painful fir me to sleep and awful back ache. Please turn in to something as I've no idea how ill manage to look after my 19m old - the contractions are taking my breath away big time. Last time it dudnt take thus long to get to thus stage so I think im in for a LONG few days x
Ooh spin sugar how are u now?

Ilove that's great really hope baby has turned for you. .will make induction and labour better for u :)

Cakey we are 39weeks...woohoo.. cant believe I can say im due next week.. so excited to see if my sweep will work next wed well depending onhow ccervixis then of course.

Tiggy I think my baby is n same position as urs.. on my notes she had wrote... ROL so bum was over to right that time. But I do feel is chanfe to left too.. how are u feeling Tiggy?
Happy 39 weeks TTC, really can't wait now until we all meet our babies.
Spinsugar how are you feeling?
Olya, you getting excited for Friday yet? And are you all feeling any better?
I am so knackered, think I had about 5 hours broken sleep last night, getting really sick of it especially when I wake up with cramp/back pain and wonder if this is it. Hopefully one day it will be! Xx
ill join you on the rubbish night! Was up with reflux till 1am then wide awake at 3am then just got off to sleep at 4.30 only to be fully awake at 6am! My little on was up not long after anyway!

Sorry your feeling fed up spin. Are you still contracting? Did the bath settle things?

Happy 39 weeks to TTC and cakey! Exciting!

I'm feeling relaxed now, I think I've talked myself into having a really late April fools day baby. ....so 2 weeks to go! I won't be agreeing to induction unless there is evidence baby is at risk. I know they bought my dates forwards by 7 days so really I think I am actually 39+1. But who knows! Baby knows best!
Sorry u had crap nights sleep. I did monday nite.. was wakened from 4am heard my neighbours headn away to Barcelona even.. cudnt for life of me get back sleep. Thankfully I had better sleep lastnite although OH alarm woke me this morning so up early enough still il not complain..
Ive had nothing girls. . No sore back or any sort of niggles. . I reckon baby is way way to comfy and il be the last to pop
I was up with reflux too, was so awful, but I just couldn't seem to relax enough either. The best bit of sleep I get is just before OH has to get up for work lol.
Spinsugar, have you rung midwife and seen if there's anything they can do for you? Even if they just check you to see how things are actually going?
Tiggy I'm the same, thinking baby will come on April Fools Day! I hope not!
TTC just because you haven't had any niggles doesn't mean that baby is too comfy necessary :) maybe just has escape planned thoroughly and is relaxed lol xx
I just think this baby is wanting to have a laugh so will come April fools day! Haha!

Ttc you definitely don't need any signs for labour to kick off. With my first I was mucking out three horses and feeling so well the morning of my labour. Got home and felt a bit strange then I was in full blown labour! In hindsight I was feeling tierd and slept well the night before but that maybe was a coincidence?

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