*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Happy 39 weeks TTC and Cakey! :)

Tiggy that's the thing - I get kicks on both sides! The MW said his back is on the right, but I get quick sharp kicks on the right, and I can see something little (like a foot) moving there. Doesn't feel like a baby could do this with his back!! Plus I cannot feel his bottom on the top, which apparently is a sign that it's tucked by my spine. When I told her about the bottom, she said "we don't care about this, the back is on the right and that's all we care about". When I asked her to help me to feel where his back is, her response was "It took me 5 years of training and 16 years of experience, I can't just show you". Ok fair enough I guess, just everything I said seemed to rub her the wrong way.

Lanny I do feel better thanks :) I think I might even wash my hair. I got paranoid about getting myself more I'll by doing it so haven't washed it for a few days. I look horrible! Lol.

As for nights sleep, I also wasn't very lucky. My boy woke up around 1 am I think and kept calling me to come because "he is sad", wants me to sit with him, heard a funny noise, etc. He basically had insomnia and couldn't fall asleep again for about an hour! In the end I went to sleep with him in his toddler bed. My bump was hanging outside of the bed and I was clinging to the safety bars for my life, but managed to dose off and had the weirdest dreams. I can't say I am feeling very refreshed right now!

Oh well, the best thing is that I can go back to bed now :) off I go!

Ooh I love shes sounds bloody horrible. . Surely she cudv done that for u.. she seems so unhelpful.
U must be wrecked today too.. u shud try get ur head down todaybif u get the chance.

I knw uz are right.. my waters broke the last time while I made the dinner.. but the sweep helped that along. Think I may try the deed soon see does it help anything.

Anyone doing anything today? Its such a lovely day today think go for a walk
haha ttc .....maybe me and hubby should DTD but I really can't be bothered!

Today my little boy is going out with grandma to the zoo. I would love to go but I don't think I could do a full day of walking and as the entry is so expensive I won't get the most out of it! So I'm going to walk to the local shop and back then spend some time chilling in the garden! Got a friend coming to visit later today and will cook main meal! Gorgeous day out there!
I had a great sleep last night - sorry girls - but my mum took my LO in with her last night because I was so tired/ fed up of being pregnant.
Got the midwife at 12:30 for a sweep, so hopefully this baby gets a wriggle on.

I tried sleeping but ended up just lying in bed for ages on the verge of falling asleep. Too much going on in my head I guess! Now I feel even worse - no energy whatsoever :(

Good luck Witg the sweep Nona x
Hope that you had some rest iLove. I do that if I try and sleep in the day. I just can't nap or switch off in the day. Maybe an early night for you?

I've been out to the shops and now got back, bump and groin pains! Lovely! Got loads of crappy magazines to read now!
Ooh Tiggy I am jealous, I love a good binge on trashy mags lol.
Olya maybe just put your feet up for a bit rather than have a sleep, sometimes that helps me :)
I managed to get some sleep but still feel bloody awful. I had a lovely text from my dad though, he's so excited to be a grandad. Xxx
Aww Olya. Hope you manage to get some rest or a decent night's sleep tonight.
My cheeky monkey is not even engaged, is now back to back, but midwife did manage the sweep. Back again on Friday if he's not here and will be induced on Wednesday at +10 if he's not here by then xxx
Oooh what a rascal nona bean.. naughty baby.. lets hope u gp before nexr Wednesday though. Baby can still turn though.

I'm currently on the ball doing some Internet shopping. . Bought new eye mask and ear plugs for hospital as last time there was no such thing as rest with lights going on and hearing people. So thought be prepared this time plus bought a new post natal belt. Last time it really help get my tummy muscles back together tight and quicker. Was so comfy and gave me support even with section.
Gkad you managed your sweep hun. Get on spinning babies :) my furst was back to back and turned jyst befire and during laboir. And if he isn't engaged it's easier to turn. Good luck!
Cakey yay for your nap and that's very sweet of your grandad.
TTC that's a good idea. I've always wondered how comfortable the belts are?
Well I called my MW who said what I'm describing is very unusual for subsequent pregnancies. She's going to examine me at 6pm :) and hopefully get things moving. The contractions are getting pretty uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle yet x
Ooh spinsugar that is good.. hoping she helps things move along for u..:) ive to wait tol next week before I get my sweep bit still have to get things set out and ready so maybe its a blessing as im not totally ready. Lol

I was abit worried at 1st wearing belt after section but was so surprised . Ha and people commented how good I lookd of course they didnt knw I had my belt tuckn my flupper n lol.. so on a bonus helpd confidence too. I bought one last time for 16 on amazon this time went for diff one that was on offer for 13 had good reviews so will use both.
Glad your midwife is going to help Spinsugar :)
TTC is it just like a band? Sounds like a godsend lol, it sounds so vain but I'm so worried about how I'll look after baba is born. It probably doesn't help that I have confidence issues in how I look and I'm worried about getting PND after as I've suffered from depression and anxiety. Xx
Also I'm in a dilemma. My OH and I have been invited to a mutual friends surprise birthday party. I don't really want to go when I'm 9 months pregnant and don't know anyone, but I feel like it's such a lame excuse just saying that I don't want to go to a party when I'm pregnant :( my OH has said he doesn't mind and it's my choice which is nice of him but still doesn't help me. What would you ladies do? Xxx
Hmmm I think if I didn't want to go I wouldn't :) you don't need to explain it like that do you? Just say sorry couldn't make it x
If it was me and I didnt want to go I wouldnt. Ur due now do I think people would understand without having to explain urself. . Il see can I post a linkof it cakey.
I know what you mean, I guess I just feel bad a little bit. I think I'll make my mind up on Friday, thanks ladies :)
Thanks TTC, I might give one a go as well, might help support my back as well :) xx
My left side is killn me happens every eve.. baby seems to just bash me or something
Naughty baby ttc! I think my baby has disengaged - I've got a bottom? Under my right rib and my reflux is awful! Midwife appt 2 Moro. She offered sweep but Im not keen as could ruin home birth if she accidentally breaks my waters and my contractions don't progress or kick off!

So tonight we DTD wasn't too bad at all! Worth doing the rest of the week I reckon!

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