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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Niknaknoo huge congratulations!!! Will be off to read your story now x

Tiggy thanks for your opinion. I think you are right about the cold. With regards to back to back I still hope he will turn during labour... But who knows.
No problems iLove. You will make the right decision I'm sure. Spinning babies website suggests a lot of babies turn during labour especially second and subsequent babies so I would take something out of that.

Nicknaknoo I'm also off to read your birth story. X
Yeah I read that website a little and tried a few exercises. Might try some more if I feel up to it. Right now hanging upside down from a sofa is the last thing I want to do :)
Hope youre all okay this afternoon ladies.
Had some really strong braxton hicks this afternoon which obviously have died down. I've put my favourite pair of knickers on in the hopes that my waters will break and ruin them lol.
Nonabean is it you that's hopefully next? Xxx
Just back from swimming with LO, no signs of baby yet. I am off out for a birthday tea with my family shortly, maybe he'll decide to interrupt the meal :lol:. Xx
Wonder how demaris is getting on..:)

Well today I done feck all an ive a list of things to be at.. I havent nothing set out like moses or the sterilizer just incase its needed etc.Everything is still in boxes. Still need to get fitted for nursing bras and buy OH nephews bday present as his bday is day after im due. Just list of wee bits like that I need to do. Plus my bednest is arriving tomoro :) so will need that set up.
I did mange to fit the new carseat base so least I knw how that works.

Tomro is st patricks day... dont think il bother going to parades it just be too packed.. thinking taken my mum and caoimhe for nice walk through forest, visit her nana and then go for dinner. :)
Have a nice meal nonabean. I hope it doesn't go quiet on March mummies now. I'm starting to feel like there isn't many of us left to go now but still think it's great to support one another.

I ve been really angry again! Three more people today asking if baby here or stating the obvious fact that baby isn't here! I mean it's really starting to get on my tits. Took the bait with the first one but have ignored the other two messages. Sent a sarcastic 'yes 10lbs born last week ' reply to another friend the other week and she took it literally! Banging my head against brick wall. ......
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Haha tiggy!!! Wish I had done that! It is a pain but I also just ignored a few texts like that.

Aine I missed the parade here it's not a bank hol here so the Manchester parade was on Sunday when I was getting home. Wee man will certainly be dressed in green tomorrow!
TTC nobody called me back :( I called three times and every time was told that someone will call me. The time is slipping away... :(

Very stressed today. OH is so poorly! I wanted to have a sweep tomorrow to maybe get things moving naturally. He is against it because, firstly, he is poorly and won't be able to support me properly (fair enough, but baby's health is more important I think), and secondly... Because he needs to go to the office in London before the baby arrives! So better not to rush things along. WTF? So I'm supposed to sit and wait and do nothing until he goes to the office before I have my baby? I think this is a rubbishy reason! What do you girls think? I so want to avoid induction, I would love for things to start before then.

Even if the sweep was successful (not very likely at 38+4), there would be a couple of hours for him to come back, right? I think there would. In any case an office trip should not be a reason to wait, I don't think.
Last two days I just want to cry. It's all so stressful :( nothing like my nice previous pregnancy :(
Sounds like a rubbish reason to me too, things need to be sorted now to be honest and I can't believe they didn't call u back! Sending u a big hug, hope u can get something sorted soon, last thing u need right now is all this stress xxxx
Have spent the evening in hospital. But not because of baby, poor wee Alexander has an inner ear infection and has been terribly poorly since I took him swimming - obviously unaware of the damage I was doing.
Home now to deal with puke everywhere, that couldn't be cleaned because we were going to miss our hospital appointment and try and get this wee man some sleep. Thankfully we've got antibiotics and he should be on the mend soon xxx
Oh the poor wee fella. Hope infection clears up soon.

Olya my hubby was saying similar things, I was really frustrated as I just wanted baby out but he wanted to finish the week in work. I found it very disheartening but there isn't really much you can do. If he doesn't get the chance then 1 - tough! And 2 - when baby arrives it will be the last thing on his mind! Men just don't think before they speak sometimes.

Do we want a group in baby and toddler section? And should we combine with April like Jan and Feb mum's have done? (or ask them if they want to)
I'd like us to have one, I haven't been in there because I didn't want to go in alone without you lovely ladies xx
Thank you everyone. Congratulations to all ladies who have had their babies and good luck to the ones still waiting. Xx
Chrissie thanks! I'm already on the phone trying to get hold of someone again. Today I will be more persistent!

Nonabean oh shame :( I can really sympathise as my boy is also poorly with an ear infection and on antibiotics. Poor things it's such a shame when little ones are not well. Hope your boy gets better soon! X

Niknaknoo I think a part of the problem is that he is poorly and can't actually think straight. He says himself that he is like in a fog and doesn't make much sense to himself. He is also under a lot of stress work wise. But yes, I was getting rather upset hearing such 'reasons'. Had a good cry on his shoulder last night and am feeling better today :)
I haven't looked in the baby and toddler section yet, as don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'm sure I will be glad to see all the familiar faces together when the time comes for me to move there! X
I managed to speak to a MW! That's something. She said that OC is not a reason to recommend a C sec. Same goes to having a back to back baby as they often turn in labour. On the whole she said inductions are safer than C sections.

I still want to speak to my consultant though, so will Not be making any definite decisions until I can talk to her. Feeling a bit better that I managed to speak to someone though!
Awww poor boy nonabean hope he gets better soon. It's horrid when they are so poorly, but after fa few days of antibiotics he should start feeling better. Hope you managed to get some sleep tonight,

ILove that's good you managed to speak to midwife, hope you get hold of your consultant too.

Have a nice day ladies, I'm determined not to get upset today. Going for cake and coffee with mum today and lots of house jobs to do. Xxxx

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