**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

This will most likely be our last - financially this is all we can afford! And I'm happy with the idea of family of 4! Neither me or oh have any desire for a boy (not that we wouldn't love one!) but if we have two girls we are more than happy to still say no more! Already have people ask 'so if this is another girl would you try again' - seriously? I haven't even had my child yet and your already asking if we would go again for a boy?! People are bizarre! X
Hate that comment!
We got it too!

We did actually want 3 though. Regardless of the sex. But obviously now we are not together lol.

Spose Im only 26 in May, so could find someone in the future with or without children already that meay want more.
I'm defo not saying 2 will be the end for me.. But if it is thats also ok :) I'd have to move anyway!
We did buy a big car (renault scenic) which ive got. But i think now we are not a family as such, i'm going to downsize and part X it in 2017. Something more manageable and cheaper to run x
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We're not planning anymore no. Took a long time to conceive Matthew and I'm 36 now so odds would be low if we tried and I can't go back to the misery of ttc. I sometimes get a wee bit broody but not enough to go through it all again. Happy with my miracle boy xxx
Has anyone thought about 3rd birthdays yet haha!?

I was umming and aahing about a kitten for noahs! Eeek!
But this was before me and OH split.
Now the thought of a 3yr old 2m old and being single with a sodding kitten makes me want to have a breakdown lol!!

Present wise we held off giving him his leappad for xmas, so its still in the box. As that was £60 that will be his main gift.
I also may get him the petrol pump that goes woth his cozy coupe car for the garden lol!

We are not doing a party this yr. But I have planned to take him to Longleat :) xx
No idea on present at the moment but I've booked Rosie's bouncy castle party already (thought I'd end up forgetting once baby is here) and we are going to do a paw patrol theme!! She's obsessed!
Aw Noah is obsessed with paw patrol too lol!!!
Hes into bloody everything though so going to leave it closer to the time before decided what cale I want to tempted to make for him :)

Think im going to hold off a party now until he turns 5.
Will need to do lil parties for Charlies 1st & 2nd like I did for Noah though haha x
The guilt of doing the same for each child has already started!!
I think we're getting Matthew a balance bike for his birthday and possibly a little house (little tikes or whatever) for the garden but will depend if we can get our back garden sorted out. Might try and find a second hand one though as he'll probably only be in to it for another couple of years. I've already got him some dress up fireman and doctors kits as they were on sale in ELC. He's really into pretend play just now and dressing up.

Party wise we will be having a garden party again since it's in July and been sunny the last few years. This year I'm going to get a company called zoo tots who come out and bring animals for the kids to touch like a rabbit, tortoise, frog etc. We went to one last year and he LOVED it and was so good and gentle with the animals. Even held a snake and a tarantula! I was pretty shocked at how it held his attention as he's normally all over the place.

Theme wise we might do paw patrol as he's obsessed too!! Or possibly the gruffalo as he's in to that big time along with most of the julia donaldson books. Like you dani I'll wait til nearer the time as he might be in to something different by then xx
They change their minds all the time lol!

Hes just discovered bob the builder ( may I add i dnt like the new animated bloody bob!!! Lol) also telitubbies haha!
So god knows what hell like by July! X
I get the comment about a girl a lot now I have 2 boys - so annoying. I always imagined myself with 2 boys and I am more than happy with them. I'm not sure about a 3rd, before Theo i was sure if stick at 2, now I still think I will but I'm not 100%, can't bear the thought of never having a newborn again! But we went through so much with Theo James's has said never again :-/

Birthday wise I was thinking about a bike... Perhaps a bit young for a proper one tho. A sandpit, workbench and dressing up costumes... He's still obsessed with diggers so might see what ride on ones I can pick up cheaply. No party this year as he's still not at the age where he's bothered - I was thinking of butlins for his birthday... Anyone been to any of them?!

Dani - don't get a kitten! Our cats just died and we've said no more until the boys are a lot older it's all too stressful.

Oh the flamin tellytubbies! I remember they were everywhere when I was a teenager. We were in tesco yesterday and he spotted the teddies and insisted on holding the purple one (dipsy?) all the way round and pressing its tummy driving me demented with its wee phrases! He hasn't discovered Bob the builder yet but that'll be the next thing!
Not been to butlins for years becky but I know they have a lot of facilities and activities for under 5s, I saw a leaflet for it recently, looked really good.
Bob and Wendy have certainly been given a make over in the new series - bet they're at it like rabbits when the cameras aren't rolling!! Lol. I have to watch too much bloody Bob Builder as Josh calls it! He's not into the telly tubbies but watches loads of Bing - he picks a lot up from it, Bing doesn't like tomatoes so Josh doesn't either, Bing loves carrots so Josh loves carrots!

Butlins does look good but I can't get out of my head that it's butlins!

Im dreading when our family dog dies, Noah adores him!
Hes at my mums.. But hes the 1st one he wants to say hello to lol! When i facetime my mum she has to go in the kitchen to show him Alfie lol. Hes going to be ao upset when he goes, which will probs be at some point this year, hes so old :(

Becky my dad got Noah a bike for Christmas with stabilisers, he loves it!
But ive put it in the attic for Noah as theres no space for it in his play house and i dnt want it to rust in this weather outside. So id defo get Josh one!
Know what you mean about butlins but I suppose your definition of a good holiday changes with kids. Not sure where in the uk you are but we went to Ribby Hall last year it's near Preston and Blackpool. It's a similar kinda place to butlins and although not that appealing to me and hubby the wee man loved it there was loads for him to do. He still talks about it now and asks to go back to the holiday house. Center parcs is the best though, but pricey. We were given some money when OHs gran passed away and we're thinking of using it to go to center parcs in November. Already booked Alton towers in May and Tenerife in June. We only got a few days away last year and a rubbish summer here so trying to make up for it this year. There was no way we weren't getting away anywhere for the second year in a row!

Happy Mother's Day mamas! xxxx
Im hoping to still take the boys away abroad in 2017 before Noah starts reception.
Hello all! I do love it when I see this thread pop up! Lovely to hear about all you not so little ones! Sorry about your splittng up Babyslog but if is civil and for the best then I tgink it has to be done. Can't believe its so near new baby time for some of you! Also the age of some 2nd babies! We are definetly sticking with one.

In terms of potty training weve not tried it as I just know hes not ready. At the moment hes happpy to sit on the insert seat and do a per in on the real toilet and telling hme he wants a nappy change when hes done a poo and thats progress just now. I might try it in my Easter holidays but think the summer holidays is more likely!

In terms of holidays I loved Butlins as a child and have such fond memories of family holidays there. Were heading to Majorca this year in June and I can't wai. Also have the benefit of my mums caravan at Turnberry to go tp as well so hoping for gpod weather this summer. Were actually away for R's birthday so will probably just have a wee get together the week before it. Don't know what to get him though. We got him a balance bike for Christmas and he wont go on it!!!
I know what you mean laurat! My 'baby' is 15 months now :O

He's almost at the age I Harrison was when Zachary was born haha! Madness!
We are off to Center Parcs week after next, we all chipped in as a Christmas present. In June Center Parcs is similar price to butlins but at butlins that includes food! We aren't that near Preston but will have a look at Ribby Hall. Would rather Tenerife or Majorca ;-)

Why do babies grow so bloomin quickly! I bet the teenage years drag on for ages!! xx

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