**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Can't say Rosie is a hitter but she is very much having strops, huffs and puffs, folds arms, sulks! It's hard not to laugh! Sometimes she is very cheeky tho and I'm finding t hard not to loose my temper! I defo think 3yr olds are more testing than 2yr olds!

How do you all think your lo will get on at school this year? Rosie still seems too small to be going. Really hate her being youngest in the year :-( x

Thanks girls. Was having a terrible day when I posted. It seems in just a few days some of the changes we've made have really helped his behaviour. The main one being cutting down on the amount of tv /iPad he watches. He is calmer at bedtime and sleeping longer in the morning. As for hitting he's been so much better with us and spoke to the nursery ladies on Friday and they said he was great, no hitting so I'm feeling more positive!

Ah holi can't believe Rosie is going to school this year!! Myself and Laurat are in Scotland so they don't go to school until next year. So we have a year and a half to get used to the idea. I'll be a wreck I know it!! It's so emotional. I don't work Mondays and Tuesdays and on a Monday it's our day as no nursery so I will really feel it. I'll miss play dates and toddler groups. But still a wee while away yet xxx
We've got the huffs, tantrums, pouts, foot stamping etc too. Very occasional hitting but only to me, his dad or twice his brother. He's never done it at nursery and is one of the quieter ones. I'd agree 3 is far worse than 2. I find it super annoying when I've got something nice planned and he refuses or plays his face about it.

Glad things have improved kaykay.

Holi - Josh starts school in sept and I worry about it a lot as he is so quiet and seems so young. My MIL used to teach 3-5 yr olds and reassures me he'll be fine. I think he'll love learning as he's a proper geek - knows more about space than I do.

Hey how's everyone? :)
Time is flying! I just can't believe school is around the corner :( surely we haven't had them long enough! Lol
Can anyone advise me on how you helped your little ones to be dry at night?
We haven't cracked it yet, we had a few dry mornings in a row recently but back to being soaked again. Not sure what the average age is for being dry at night?
Hiya!! I know SCHOOL! bloody ridiculous if you ask me our people are too little! We find out our places on Tuesday, what about the rest of you?

Regards to dry at night we were lucky that Rosie point blank refused to wear pull ups, so we went cold turkey when we potty trained and touch wood never had an accident. My sisters boys were harder, she eventually just gave up on pull ups, no big drinks before bed, bedtime wee then when she went up to bed she would pop them on toilet half asleep and they would do a wee and back off to bed! Is she wet every night? As long as she's not holding in poo to do on a night I wouldn't worry too much she will eventually grow out of it x

Hi Holi we find out tomorrow apparently but it's bank holiday Monday? keep having a panic that something will go wrong and she will be missed, silly I know but it happened with her nursery place even though her name was down a year in advance.

She's wet generally most mornings apart from a few weeks ago where she was dry a few mornings on the trot.
We sorted out poo in November thankfully, I never thought we would get there!
I might have to give up on pull ups. I did try one night and put her on the loo in the night but she was soaked in the morning. Could try again though.
Just checked re school admissions, although my email definitely says 17th it says 18th on their website so it must have been an admin error. I did think it was odd being a bank holiday!
Hi all,

Haven't been on here for a while had son number 2 last September so life has been slightly busy and feels a bit like I'm reliving everything from the first time round.

We find out about schools tomorrow yoo it's scary that full time school is on our doorsteps practically. Haven't got any advice re night time dryness I'm afraid, Lewis started being dry the day we started potty training so I feel lucky I believe .
Is have two now aswell it's crazy isn't it! My youngest has just turned one and I feel like things are slowly getting easier! There playing together a bit more and I can actually get a few jobs done! Can't wait til the weathers that bit nicer so I can be by them out in garden!

Hi ladies. Hope you all got the school places you wanted. We did thankfully! Holi - do you really find it easier now?! Theo's nearly 18months and it's a nightmare... much easier when he didn't move lol.

Josh just suddenly starting being dry at night so after 2 weeks of mostly dry pull ups we ditched them. We worked out the odd occasion were he was wet was mostly down to a morning wee that he was too lazy to get out of bed for! We bought lots of disposable mattress protectors for when we ditched the pull ups.


Hey all good to hear from you! Were all good. I still cant imagine having 2 and take my hat of to you!! In terms of dry during the night we are still using pull ups. There are nights he is dry and others he isnt so I have no advice.

We are in Scotland so we dont hear about schools till next May. Although R will come to my school as its his catchment school and Im happy for him to come. I just wont teach his year group.

Tell you what I can't believe they are turning 4!!!!!
Hey girls! Mad they are going to be 4 soon!

I'm seeing changes in Matthew's personality these days, he's still a handful but there's more of an understanding on his part. He just loves the company of other kids but that means he finds it hard playing on his own so he is hard work on my days at home with him. But he's very slowly starting to get it. It's great when you feel they are making progress as it times he's had me tearing my hair out!

I'm so glad that here in Scotland they don't go to school til next year. Still a full year and a bit at nursery before then. I wouldn't be able to cope if he was going after this summer!! Good luck to you guys waiting to hear about places, must be nerve wrecking xxx
Hi girls! I don't come on here much lately but thought I'd say hi! How are all the birthdays going? We had a wee party a week before Matthew's actual birthday because pretty much everyone we know we're on hols on his birthday, joys of a summer baby! Still just the one here and no plans for another which makes me a wee bit sad but I just couldn't go though it all again.

Matthew is doing well but still challenging us lol, when will it end!! In some ways I wish I'd had a sibling for him 2 years ago then he'd have a buddy to play with because our main issue is (still) him wanting me to play with me all the time. I thought only children were supposed to be good at playing by themselves haha!! Anyway he's a wee cutie and makes us laugh with his chat! Hope you guys are all good xxx
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Hi great to hear from you!
CR is really looking forward to school, her teachers visited the house last week and they are so nice!
I definitely agree Kay Kay, it's so full on with no siblings and she doesn't play at all well on her own. We bought her two kittens a few weeks ago and it has helped lol
We are having major issues with wetting at night, she had started doing really well but over the past few nights she has been soaked through, we don't let her drink after six and always toilet her before and once in the night when we go to bed but sometimes she's found wet then. Not sure what to do.
Was going to get a big girls bed but I'm holding off xxx
Hi robyner, nice to hear from you. The kittens sound good but our house is at capacity at the mo and hubby would be a definite no as he hates cats. I think I naively thought being an only child he would just learn to play by himself for at least a little bit of the day anyway. I remember playing in my room by myself for hours as a kid! And I had a brother lol but we weren't interested in playing together. The thing is when I play with him I seem to get everything wrong and he's always telling me off!! No mummy that's not right! And he makes me sit on the hard floor which kills my decrepit knees!

The wetting at night thing, not sure how to help there as we have the opposite problem, he's dry at night but quite often wets himself during the day. It's been going on for ages now and it's so stressful. Can't go anywhere without two pairs of pants and trousers as I'm always having to change him. He just holds it in and refuses to go! I'm hoping he grows out of it soon, certainly before he goes to school next year!

Good luck to your wee one going to school in September. It's a scary thought! I'll be a wreck next year for sure x
Matthew is still in his cot bed, we keep holding off and holding off. He still fits in it fine. I'll be sad to see it go, he's been in it since he was 5 weeks old. We've certainly had our money's worth from it! Planning to get an IKEA mid sleeper before Christmas when we paint his room and get new carpet.
Kay Kay our los sound really similar lol I have the same thing here with CR, always doing role play and giving me things to say and if I say them wrong I get a telling off!
Hi girls! How's everyone doing? Is anyone still on here lol? To those whose little ones started school, how are they getting on? Hope they've all settled in to it well.

I've got one very excited little 4 year old who cannot wait for Santa! You guys all ready for it??
Hi Kay Kay great to hear from you!
CR absolutely loves school, we both do ha ha, I’m soooo enjoying the space!
She is learning loads and doing really well. She never really tells us anything and has actually asked us to stop asking her all the time how her day was and what she had for dinner! We get to know what goes on when she does role play.
CR asks everyday if it’s Christmas Day yet but she has just asked for a rubber duck bath toy from Santa so that’s easily sorted! Got some lovely surprises for her too, she has never been interested in dolls before but seems to be more now.
What are you getting lo for Christmas?
Not sure if any of you are around much, I drop in very occasionally now, it’s so quiet!
Having a really tough time with lgs behaviour at the moment. She really nasty at times and everything is a battle!!how is everyone getting on? X

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