**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Forgot to tell you lovely ladies!! I've had another little girl!!

Ginny born 26 March (16 days early!) weighing 7lb 10oz - shes a little poppet and being so good so far!!

Aww holi thanks for posting a pic she is gorgeous! Cute name too xxxx
Awwww! Gorgeous girl, congratulations!! ⭐️
Well it has been or is soon 3 rd birthday time. I for one actually can't believe it. Such grown up children, going to nursery children yet still our babies. I continue to be surprised every day by my funny, gorgeous boy who just never stops talking ir running everywhere! Im off on my 6 weeks holiday and in honesty I am really enjoying the opportunity to spend every day with him. Well minus the 5 mins tantrums that thankfully happen about once a week now as he can be talked into' ie bribed/ manipulated into doing what I need to. We had his birthday away in Majorca abd ut was lovely. Just the 3 of us with sun, beach, pressies and family time. I have even managed to read 2 whole books so far in the summer too so hes good at amusing himself.

So how are we all? Hows it going with 2 for those of you who have a 2nd or even a 3rd?
Life is absolutely crazy hectic, stressful and pushes me to the brink most days. But I wouldnt have it any other way 😊
Noah turned 3 yesterday. He's had a lovely birthday and we went to Longleat Saturday to celebrate.
Hes a very 'busy' boy! Hyper 24/7! Lol..

We are going through a 'ITS MINE' stage at the moment and pulling hair at nursery.... :( so thats been a bit stressful!

He didnt take to becoming a big brother very well but its been alot better now! I think the whole split with their dad aswell as statting nursery and then Charlie being born it was all a bit to much for his little brain!
Anyway! Things r looking up!

Im enjoying being a mum of 2! Although hard at times, spesh doing it on my own.

Charlie is doing well, had his 8 wk jabs today and got weighed at 14lb 0.5oz 8wks 3days :) BFing is also going really well xx
Happy 3rd birthday to our babies! ��

I'm also amazed at how fast my wee guy is developing...his vocabulary, his sense of humour, his understanding of things. It's mad! These last few months I've seen a huge leap in him. He's at nursery one full day a week at the moment and after a proper bout of separation anxiety (lasted 2 months) he's now great and settled in. He starts his free place (five mornings a week) in August. He's defo ready for it. I don't work Monday's and Tuesday's so I'll have a few hours to myself in the mornings come Aug. Won't know what to do with myself! I know I will miss him though!

Laura you are so lucky Rory is so chilled and well behaved! Matthew has morphed in to a bit of a threenager! We are having more tantrums now than ever. He gets raging if you tell him no and will just scream. Hoping that improves!! I've heard they calm down at age 4, please let that be true!

We started potty training two weeks ago and going ok so far. He's getting the pee pees but poos he's still doing it in his pants most days. Today we had a breakthrough though, he did a poo in the toilet! Then preceded to do another one I. His pants five minutes later lol. It'll take time I know that. Gotta be patient. It's night and day from the last time we tried back in March though, that was a disaster and utterly miserable. Glad we stopped then. Big difference a few months makes.

Hope you guys are good and enjoying the birthday celebrations! We had a great time at an aquarium on his birthday then a party in the house the next day. Still haven't sorted his new toys they are all over the place! He's a lucky boy xx
Josh is a fully fledged threenager! Lots of tantrums but in between he's an absolute delight. Still obsessed with diggers and teaching me lots about them!! He's a great big brother, he tells Theo stories (about diggers) and is often saying to him 'don't worry Theo I will look after you, nothing will ever hurt you' which totally melts my heart. Although he doesn't like it when Theo grabs his toys and will take it back and sometimes replace it with a Theo appropriate toy. Life with two is a challenge but I love it :-)

Potty training has been a very slow process without much luck until recently. We are now on day 3 and we've had wee's and poo's in the potty (some wee's on the toilet). I'm hoping he's well on the way to cracking it. Kay Kay - glad it's not just me with a late-ish potty trained one ;-)

His birthday seemed to last a week as we were away, then presents at home too when we got back.

I'm not sure what Josh will be doing with regards preschool, he goes once a week and has been in preschool since Easter, I want to increase this come September but his current nursery are dragging their feet telling me how I can use my free hours and I don't know what I'm doing about going back to work.

Is anyone paying to get them vaccinated against meningitis b? Theo is vaccinated and I feel terrible that I have one child that is and one that isn't so have booked Josh in at boots next week to have his.

lovely to hear from everyone, I really enjoy reading all your updates.


How much r they at boots beck?? I feel bad that Noah isnt either x
Great to hear from you guys I love reading the updates too.

We've not discussed the vaccine but would have probably thought about it if we had a younger one who's had it. Don't think we'll be paying for it though x
Dani glad to hear the bf is going well, that must make things a bit easier not having to make up bottles. Good on you doing it yourself with the two boys, can't be easy. Totally admire you! I know your ex is pretty good though isn't he so hopefully you get some breaks xx

Becky yep you're not alone with the waiting til 3 potty training! I do sometimes feel like most of Matthews wee friends are trained but I don't see any point in treating it as a competition. I'm glad I waited til he was ready but even a few weeks in I wouldn't say we've cracked it, it's a work in progress! He was at nursery today and was asking for a pee pee and had no accidents but he did do a poo in his pants arrghh. It might take awhile for him to get the poos I hear people say that can be a problem.

It's weird cos the potty training is the last 'baby' thing left, part of me feels a wee bit sad nappies are going. Daft I know! Although we will save a fortune!
Dani glad to hear the bf is going well, that must make things a bit easier not having to make up bottles. Good on you doing it yourself with the two boys, can't be easy. Totally admire you! I know your ex is pretty good though isn't he so hopefully you get some breaks xx

Becky yep you're not alone with the waiting til 3 potty training! I do sometimes feel like most of Matthews wee friends are trained but I don't see any point in treating it as a competition. I'm glad I waited til he was ready but even a few weeks in I wouldn't say we've cracked it, it's a work in progress! He was at nursery today and was asking for a pee pee and had no accidents but he did do a poo in his pants arrghh. It might take awhile for him to get the poos I hear people say that can be a problem.

It's weird cos the potty training is the last 'baby' thing left, part of me feels a wee bit sad nappies are going. Daft I know! Although we will save a fortune!

Josh wouldn't wee at nursery today, by 2.30 they gave up and put a pull up on his - guess what, he filled it. We got home and he was fine and back to using the loo!

Kay kay hes actually turned into a class A KNOB lol!!!!
He has a new gf already... He joined a dating website while i was heavily pregnant (we spilt when i was 29wks) n he met her 2 weeks before my due date!!!!! I was funing that he thought of his dick more than his sons!

He only has Noah every monday & every other Sat.... Had Charlie for an hr at his house on noahs birthday for the furst time, (couldnt be any longer as charlie wont currently take a bottle n i was worried he'd get hungry) but otherwise would literally call in 15mins to c charlie the days he collects noah!
Hes defo not how i thought he would be!!!
Dani glad to hear the bf is going well, that must make things a bit easier not having to make up bottles. Good on you doing it yourself with the two boys, can't be easy. Totally admire you! I know your ex is pretty good though isn't he so hopefully you get some breaks xx

Becky yep you're not alone with the waiting til 3 potty training! I do sometimes feel like most of Matthews wee friends are trained but I don't see any point in treating it as a competition. I'm glad I waited til he was ready but even a few weeks in I wouldn't say we've cracked it, it's a work in progress! He was at nursery today and was asking for a pee pee and had no accidents but he did do a poo in his pants arrghh. It might take awhile for him to get the poos I hear people say that can be a problem.

It's weird cos the potty training is the last 'baby' thing left, part of me feels a wee bit sad nappies are going. Daft I know! Although we will save a fortune!

Josh wouldn't wee at nursery today, by 2.30 they gave up and put a pull up on his - guess what, he filled it. We got home and he was fine and back to using the loo!

Ah it's frustrating isn't it. It's still very early days for Josh I think they get quite confused at times esp when not in their own house. Matthew has started saying he wants to stay indoors a lot more, even moaning about going out to the back garden. I wondered if it was because he wanted to be near the toilet or potty. Who knows what goes through their wee minds!!
Kay kay hes actually turned into a class A KNOB lol!!!!
He has a new gf already... He joined a dating website while i was heavily pregnant (we spilt when i was 29wks) n he met her 2 weeks before my due date!!!!! I was funing that he thought of his dick more than his sons!

He only has Noah every monday & every other Sat.... Had Charlie for an hr at his house on noahs birthday for the furst time, (couldnt be any longer as charlie wont currently take a bottle n i was worried he'd get hungry) but otherwise would literally call in 15mins to c charlie the days he collects noah!
Hes defo not how i thought he would be!!!

Aww no Dani! So sorry he's turned into such a knob!! Can't believe he was on a dating website as soon as you'd split up. What are men all about!! He is the one missing out big time and one day he will realise that. You are in the trenches right now and still doing great so stuff him. Big hugs x

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