**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Tilly16, L2310, bek234 and recently Amy but i cant remember her username on here but have on fb lol have had no2!
And kim88 and Katie (again cant remember user name but have on fb lol) are all due in May with me :)

Ive always imagined myself with 2-3 children. In not sure how id feel if my ttc journey was long like yours kay kay, I may just then stick with the one. Cant imagine now hard it must of been to be trying that long.

I know what u mean when the bad days tho lol! Tantrums are on top form in this house and ill sit there close my eyes and imagine him doing that plus another and i could cry hahaahaa!! Xx
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I'm sending Matthew to nursery one day a week from January when he'll be 2.5. I'm hoping it'll help with his clingyness to me and socialising with other kids his age too. He's not great sharing no matter what I say so I hope nursery will help him! He is quite sociable though, he loves older kids in particular. He gets quite frenzied when there's a lot of kids running around, like at a soft play. He goes a bit mad! Runs everywhere, won't listen, won't eat anything. Bit of a maniac my boy! I hope nursery will teach him to calm down a wee bit x
I'm sending Matthew to nursery one day a week from January when he'll be 2.5. I'm hoping it'll help with his clingyness to me and socialising with other kids his age too. He's not great sharing no matter what I say so I hope nursery will help him! He is quite sociable though, he loves older kids in particular. He gets quite frenzied when there's a lot of kids running around, like at a soft play. He goes a bit mad! Runs everywhere, won't listen, won't eat anything. Bit of a maniac my boy! I hope nursery will teach him to calm down a wee bit x

Noahs the same with a mini maniac! Hes luckly not clingly but i wanted him to get to socialise and have a nursery like experience before he goes when he is 3.
Luckly this lil playgroup is within the nursery/primary school he will be going to aswell.

He only goes twice a week, wed and fri mornings 8.30-11.30 he loves it! Xxx
Yeah dani I'm grateful for my one wee miracle. It was a horrible journey ttc. I think if we were to decide to try I would put a limit on it say 6 months and that's it. Not sure if I'd be become obsessed again though! I always said I'd want a 3+ age gap so the first child would be out of nappies and in nursery. My hubby would like another so it's not completely off the table. I will keep you all posted if I ever change my mind lol x
I'm sending Matthew to nursery one day a week from January when he'll be 2.5. I'm hoping it'll help with his clingyness to me and socialising with other kids his age too. He's not great sharing no matter what I say so I hope nursery will help him! He is quite sociable though, he loves older kids in particular. He gets quite frenzied when there's a lot of kids running around, like at a soft play. He goes a bit mad! Runs everywhere, won't listen, won't eat anything. Bit of a maniac my boy! I hope nursery will teach him to calm down a wee bit x

Noahs the same with a mini maniac! Hes luckly not clingly but i wanted him to get to socialise and have a nursery like experience before he goes when he is 3.
Luckly this lil playgroup is within the nursery/primary school he will be going to aswell.

He only goes twice a week, wed and fri mornings 8.30-11.30 he loves it! Xxx

That sounds ideal and so good for him! I'm of the same mindset, send him before he's 3 so that it's an easier transition for when he goes 5 mornings (next August) xx
Yeah dani I'm grateful for my one wee miracle. It was a horrible journey ttc. I think if we were to decide to try I would put a limit on it say 6 months and that's it. Not sure if I'd be become obsessed again though! I always said I'd want a 3+ age gap so the first child would be out of nappies and in nursery. My hubby would like another so it's not completely off the table. I will keep you all posted if I ever change my mind lol x

Noahs going to be almost 3 when this one arrives. Hopefully out of nappies too!
Its a nice gap. One we were aiming for, altho i got broody a few times when he was alot younger lol!
With my dodgy cycles i didnt catch!

But im cery grateful, noah was cycle1 and this one was only cycle4 (worked out 6ms with the length of my cycles).. Even then i got obsessed and it wasnt even long!
Forums, opks & apps etc dnt help do they lol! No matter how much ud like to say 'see what happens'

Hes still young enough for you to enjoy him and still decide :) but defo let us no if u do haha xx
Its mental to think they will be going to preschool nursery next year!!! Bonkers!!!
Where have our babies gone!
Hey girls, ive not been on here forever but its great to catch up with you all! Can't believe so many brothers and sisters are on the way all very exciting for you all!! Cant wait to see photos. Im still very much in the ones enough for me. Hes the crazy light of my life and I love him to pieces but love my life as it is. Hes my mirical boy and Im happy with it.

Hes getting on so well at my chidminders and feel my balance of family and interaction with other kids at thechildminders is good. My childminder really is fab. She had taught him so much. Him and the two children he is there with on a Wed is adorable. Rory and the other wee boy are 2 weeks apart then a wee girl is 2 months younger. What a team they are brill. They are proper wee friends. Cant believe their off to nursery next year.

In terms of Chritmas Im so excited. Ive got all my presents really. Main ones anyway. Got some stocking stuff still to buy for. Ive bought an elf friend which Im really excited about. Its a wee toy elf in a bag and he arrives in December and hes got a wee door that you put on your skirting. He stays and watches behaviour and gives out stickers and then on Christmas Eve he leaves a letter to say hes away to help Santa. So cute!!

I love halloween though and bonfire night so got them to look forward to first!!
Wow so lovely to read everybody's updates.

I'm the same with the Xmas prezzies, 2 bedroomed house, spoilt 2 year old, baby sister due 2 weeks after Xmas .... Where the hell am I going to put everything ?!!!

Ive gone WAY overboard on Noahs xmas presents!

im finished now lol!

Went to aldi today for food shop.
Came out with all those wooden toys in the special buys! Wooden kitchen, all the wooden accessories (toasters pots breakfast tray etc) craft paints, wooden train set, little cars and more books :shock:..

Spent a good few hundred now. Dear god!

No idea where itll go cos my mums got him a wooden tool bench too lol! Also my siblings have All chipped in and got him N electric sit on motorbike!
Plus loads more off us and not to mention what the inlaws and OHs nans will get him... :shock: i do this every year!!
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P.S baby no2 next spring
2 bed house... No room... Loads of toys.. AHHHHH
Eeeek, so many toys! The wooden stuff sounds lovely though, I'm partial to wooden toys myself.

I had a clear out recently and sold some of the bulkier things on a local baby buy and sell Facebook page. I just put about 7 or 8 things on at first for a fiver each or £30 for the lot. Within ten mins of putting it up I sold the lot! It was things like his activity cube, shopping trolley, fisher price chair. Things that took up a bit of room. I've done another couple of bundles since too and sold them pretty quick. Facebook is much better than gumtree I find.

My loft is still bursting at the seams mainly with clothes (I can't even contemplate going through the mountains of clothes right now). But I've cleared a little bit of space for santas toys!
I need to have a sort out again. Ive not long taken 4 black bags of toys to the charity shop.
I goto sell stuff back cant be arsed with the faff somethings!! Xx
Clothes r the same here in my attic!!

Waiting to find out the gender and then have a good sort out. Even if its another boy i still have way to many stuff for one baby up there!

My brother and his partner r expecting a week before me! so fx its a boy so i cangive them loads too lol!! X
Aww that's lovely about your brother. It'll be babies galore in your family come spring time! I know it's crazy how much you get from people I think esp with your first. As well as gifts people gave us bags and bags of clothes, far too much! Loads of stuff never even went on him.

So you're finding out the gender?? Yaaaay so exciting!

It can be a faff selling stuff, I think I'll maybe do one more bundle before Christmas and if I don't sell it I'll give it to a local charity shop. My house is just too damn small!!
I have gender scan booked for 21st! Im sooo impatient its lilling me waiting till 16 weeks lol!!! so excited now! X
Hi ladies, hows things?
im really looking forward to CR starting nursery in september, especially now she hardly sleeps in the day!
We started potty/toilet training on monday and its going really well, only a few little accidents.
However she absolutley refuses to do a number two and gets mega stressed. Still putting nappies on her at night and shes been doing it then and is still very wet at night.
We started PT on Monday too, completely not my choice, I got a phone call from nursery saying he was refusing to have his nappy back on and he hasn't had one on since lol. Bit hit and miss here, wees seem to be okay just a couple of dribbles here and there but poos he just goes in his pants �� night times are going okay too, he woke me twice last night for a wee!

Shows how much it pays to wait till they are really ready!
Definitley pays to wait. I have had people saying theyve had weeks of frustration and wet washing, i have held off for as long as i felt she was ready.she sat on the toilet for two hours last week playing about so i knew she was about ready to try.
Hi ladies!! I'm starting pt this weekend!! Wish me luck! Have no idea if it's the right thing to do or not, but we have no2 due in 5 weeks so just want to give it a try to see how we get on, if it's not working im going to stop and wait a couple of months!

Anyone have anything nice planned for Mother's Day?? Cos I'm huge now I can't handle a full day out so we will probs have a quiet one! Xxxx

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