July mummies!!

I know, these men! my OH said yesterday that being pregnant isn't that hard?! Cheeky sod, I'd like to see these men go through it, the human race would be extinct, lol.
Oh bless ya, you'll have to wear flip flops, I've lived in them recently, cause I can't get any shoes on either, have elephant feet at the moment!
I'd go to the weddings anyway, as long as you're not too uncomfortable, just have your bags and notes with you in the car, just in case :)
Have you tried all the usual.....curry, bouncing on ball, sex, walking etc.....(not sure how many of them are myths but might be worth a go?)
tried curry, eve munched jalapenos by themselves.. bounced on the ball like a crazy and have now given up with that.. everytime I think about going for a walk it pelts down with rain, would walking on treadmill b ok? sex is a no go with hubby, he refuses to lol tried pressure points and nothing.. I'm tempted to try out the clary sage oil but don't know how to use it
Its been like that here, raining one minute and sunny the next :(
I don't see why not? They say walking up hills is good don't they, so maybe if you set the treadmill to incline, but not fast or anything, that might do something? Worth a try hun.
Oh no, you'll have to get your OH drunk and jump on him!
I don't know how to use clary sage oil either? maybe somebody else on here does?
lol he runs a mile from me these days, worried we might hurt the baby :S I think I will b doing a loooong walk on that treadmill... I've had on n off backache past few days, but nothin agonizing just a dull ache.. I feel way too good for someone who is due anyday lol
I think with clary sage oil , you either put a few drops in a bath or burn it in an oil burner ?
heya girls how are we ? who's still waiting ? xx
Me too! I also think I might be an August mummy! Saying that, I always had my money on me going on the 29th...tomorrow! Hope so! xx
I've just been sat here (after finally getting a very grumpy toddler to sleep) nearly crying . Im convinced I'll go loads over and that when it does happen it will be as horrible and long as Aoibheanns birth :( I've been too distracted today to even keep an eye on kicks and now I think I probably haven felt enough . Bloody hormones are making me insane . So im going upstairs in a while to unpack and re-pack my hospital bag as im now convinced I did it wrong and to sulk :(
Hope you're right and LO appears tomorrow Lucia! :)

Goodluck to the 3 of you! xxx
Oh sorry excuse the whinge :blush: overdue ladies I hope things happen soon xxxx
Don't worry tinytoes! Hopefully you'll go in the next couple of days! I found it hard not to get impatient as soon as I hit 38 weeks tbh.

It's frustrating when you think you're only in it for 40 weeks and when you go over you think, 'well that isn't part of the deal'. I almost wish they told us we were pregnant for 41 or 42 weeks and that way we'd all be early or on time! :lol: Ha ha!

Thanks Rachey - I hope Friday is the day too! It's Friday morning here now (8:30am) and I'm not feeling too hopeful - waiting for the MW to call me back so I can convince her to give me another sweep! :)

Chin up girls! xxx
oh the feeling of being doomed is horrid lol there's still two days left in July, might just get lucky lol
bubs just doesn't seem to want to come out, he's having a party in there lol
Hi girls

Did you get another sweep Lucia? :)


Yes, I managed to get another sweep yesterday! She said it wasn't the best one she'd ever done but she managed to get 2 fingers in (tmi :blush: ) and I'm 50% effaced - which is great seeing as my last one was a bit poo!

I had regular braxtons last night...well, regular is probably the wrong word. They were coming at every 10 mins, 8 mins, 6 mins...so a bit all over the place really.

I had a bit of plug come away this morning and still feel strange - my tummy is permanently rock hard!

MW said if nothing happens that I should take castor oil on Sunday morning. I'm still unsure about it so I'll continue to research that one!

How are you confuzed? Did you decide on the reflexology? :)
Lucia I hope it picks up , sounds pretty promising . Just look into the castor oil thing a bit I've read some negative things but surely your mw wouldn't suggest it if it was dangerous ? Im planning on distracting myself today with a film and possibly a curry tonight :)

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