**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Hope pt goes really well!
On monday morning, i tried to explain things and put knickers on CR but she went off her head and wouldnt wear them. Once she had calmed down i just put her pjs back on without nappy and i dont think she noticed she didnt have her nappy on. I explained things again, but once i got her down from her chair for breakfast ahe was soaked. She didnt seem to mind at first so instinct told me not to change her immediatly. She started to walk like lohn wayne and you could tell after a while she wasnt happy. I took her pjs off and explained again and left her bottomless. From then on it clicked! She has used the potty and toilet ever since for pees and has only had a few accidents through the whole week.
I only used pull ups for the car and when she went to creche at our local leisure centre.

Congratulations on your pregnancy Holi! Are you team pink, blue or yellow?

Mothers day will be quiet. My mum is away and my hubby is away :( xxxxx
Hey everyone!

We started PTing in Jan and thankfully it was a breeze for us!
By day 4 he was accident free! I really didnt expect it to be that plain sailing for us.

We ditched the potty after 2 weeks and now he uses the toilet. I only did this as its easier to carry the seat bit around to use public loos/ other ppls loos when we visit. He had a bit of a phobia of public loos due to hand dryers so i was keen to nip that on the bud!

He'll wear a pull up if im out for hrs and not able to get to a loo quick, but otherwise he'll happily go ina shop loo etc.
He started a new nursery this week and loves it! So glad as i wanted him settled ready before baby no2 arrives in May!

Just the dreaded dummy to ditch but as he only has it for bed im happy for it to stay ans probs end up hanging it on the xmas tree this year for santa to take!

Noah is reallly excited to meet his baby brother :) i didnt think he would know whats going on but being 2.5yrs now hes really come along with his understandong of it all :) xx
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Thanks for all the tips ladies! Not going to lie I'm dreading it but fingers crossed roadie will surprise me!!

I'm team yellow robyner and I'm not going to lie I'm desperate to know the flavour!! We found out with Rosie so this is very strange for me!!

Babyslog we have a dummy, raggy and bunny to get rid of! She's so attached to them all I'm sure she will have them when she goes off to uni!! Haha. She's getting really excited about the baby but I'm so worried she's going to feel left out, she's a mummy's girl and sharing me won't be easier for her!! Xx
Thanks for all the tips ladies! Not going to lie I'm dreading it but fingers crossed roadie will surprise me!!

I'm team yellow robyner and I'm not going to lie I'm desperate to know the flavour!! We found out with Rosie so this is very strange for me!!

Babyslog we have a dummy, raggy and bunny to get rid of! She's so attached to them all I'm sure she will have them when she goes off to uni!! Haha. She's getting really excited about the baby but I'm so worried she's going to feel left out, she's a mummy's girl and sharing me won't be easier for her!! Xx

Noah also has a blanket hes obsessed with holding the tag, rubbing it between his fingers or on his cheek when hes tired lol!
It was cream new, looks grey now erghh! Regardless how hot the cycle is on in the machine it won't go bk cream haha!

Im also nervous about Noah feeling left out or becoming really clingy to me!
OH & I have actually split up, 3 weeks ago. (Im ok btw lol it was very mutual and unfortunately was a long time coming that we both should of spoke up about a while back, bit nevermind. We are still friends and civil but hes moved out)..
So Noah is going to get very used it being just me and him in the house..

What with nirsery starting, potty training, the break up and now a new baby brother im so worried itll end up being all to much for his little mind to take on! So FX hes ok! I'm just going to make helping me out as fun as poss and get him involved with bath times, nappy changes etc!
Im hoping to BF, which again im worries hell be like 'why is that baby constantly on you!!' Lol.. But i guess we will have to see how it goes xxx
Wow I had no idea you and oh split up - glad your ok and sounds like your starting your co parenting journey well by being civil/friends! One of my oh couple friends split while she was pregnant with their second and they way they have handled it all is fantastic, they are friendly, spend birthdays/Christmases together including new partners and help each other out - honestly is so amazing never seen exes work so well together!

I'm attempting bf too, didn't go too well with rosie but I know every baby is different so want to try! X
We just made eachother so unhappy and i hated Noah seeing us bicker and shout at eachother. It needed to happen, itll work much better this way. Its defo for good, but hes still bein supportive which is great and Noah is doing great with it all :)

Yeah i only lasted 5days BFing.. Mastitis and pusing, nleeding cracked nipples got the better of me!!
Im using shields this time from day 1 in the hope that helps and gives me a kick start xx
Hi girls, lovely to hear from you all again.
Daisy is 9 weeks old now, weighs 10,14 and is a little cutie. Dealing with reflux at the minute but she is good through the night so it's weighing it up. Olly has come round , it's taken a while and I won't lie it was really hard at first. He decided he wanted to wear pants the day after we brought Daisy home from hospital so along with looking after a newborn, bf, tantrums that I wasn't giving Olly all my attention and no sleep I now had to put Olly on the toilet. Scared the shit out of me but he was ready (tried a few times back end of the year and got nowhere) and he took to it straight away, so we started 1 Jan and he's only had a handfuls of accidents. Still wearing nappies for bedtime but he's woken me up a few times for a wee so I just take him them put him back to bed. Had a few weeks of him scared to poo, must have been comfort to poo in a nappy, and i was chasing him around the house ready to pick him up and run to the toilet when he was about to drop - he just kept holding it in and when he did go it was bloody huge so I put him on lactalous for a week to soften it and then we made a game of it and he now goes no problem - bit embarrassing when we are out and he shouts 'mam I need a poo' haha.
But we are getting there, taking it day by day. I'm s bit restricted to where we go just the 3 of us, I have a buggy board for Olly but he still likes to run off. If I can strap him in a trolley I'm ok, or soft play but other than that I go with my mam or hubby. He doesn't start nursery until Sep, he has been doing stay and play sessions and absolutely loves it , he is so ready to start. And then it will be nice spending a bit if time with Daisy on my own.
Dani I'm do sorry abut you and your oh, I didn't know. How are you feeling ? Xx
Aww my shes 9 wks already!!!! Bless her! Hope reflux eases! Noah had it really bad aswell as colic. Hoping Charlie doesnt!
Well done Olly and all the other babas well toddlers lol with potty training! They grow up too fast! Maddness to think they r all going to pre school nursery in sept!

Aw its ok hun! I didnt make it public, we still havent on fb or anything. To many nosey ppl lol!
Im ok though, it was sad, its our 6yr anniversary on 4 weeks and i dnt think either thought it would lead to us splitting and thought it was something we would always just make do with! But we just dnt match, we were so unhappy and its not fair on the boys for the future staying together like this.

So as scary as it seems being a single mum to a toddler and soon to be newborn, hes very much and will be a big part of their lives. I have great support from my family too so im sure once a routine is in place when Charlie arrives itll all be ok :) xx
Hi girls! Must be the week for it cause me and oh took this week off to potty train however day one was a disaster and the next day he got really upset when I went to put pants on him. So we decided to sack it for now and will try again in a couple of months. I've got a long weekend in April for Easter and already off every mon and tues so maybe give it a go again then. I was beginning to feel pressure about it but just going to go with him, there is no point in trying force him if he's not ready.

We got rid of the dummy last October and since then naps have been hit and miss. He'll only nap in the car or buggy now and I try not to give him more than an hour or he won't go down easy at night. He's still waking super early, the gro clock has not helped us. A later bedtime doesn't make a difference either, he's still up between 5.30 and 6.30. So we put him down between 7 and 7.30 so we still get our evening.

He started nursery at start of January, just one full day a week. His free place (hopefully 5 mornings) starts in August. He didn't settle very well at first, very teary and upset. Classic separation anxiety. But the last two weeks it's like something's clicked and he's been great! I'm so relieved!

Holi can't believe you've only got 5 weeks to go?! Wow! It might be best to hold off on pt as I've heard they can regress once the new baby is here. Would be a shame for you to try hard them back to square one. Hope you're keeping well. Excited to hear what you're having! Impressed you haven't found out!!

Dani sorry to hear about you and oh, but glad you're ok and you guys are still friends. you sound like a very strong lady and I'm sure you'll be fine. Not long now for you too eeeek!
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God, I always write an essay sorry!! :lol:
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Also, kist incase u wantes to try the potty again. I didnt put pants on him till day 5.
Obv if they go to nursery, u work or dnt have a week off itll be harder.. But i did it a week i was off work. Had heating on most of the day and then had him bottom less for the first few days. Founs this helped loads as he was able to get on the potty quick.
Then we went pants shopping and be picked thomas pants and george pig ones lol.

He also had the thomas singing potty that played the tune every time wee/poo when in it lol! He Found this so much fun!
Its pricey tho! Luckly my dad bought it. Cos after 2 weeks we moved onto the toilet. He only ever uses it now if hes left it too late to go & screams potty to me instead of going up stairs lol!

When it moved on to trying it outside the house i changed from nappies to pull ups, made sure he went for a wee before we left and just tried short journeys to my mums house or a quick 10min trip to the shop for milk or w.e..
Then tried it with pants and surprisingly picked up fast he didnt have a nappy on anymore.

Its such a daunting time isnt it! I was so so nervous to try it! But really dodnt want the trouble of doing it with a newborn. So glad he was happy to be trained xx
Ah dani really sorry to hear about you & OH :(

You'll rock it I'm sure!

If you ladies need any help with bfing I've recently become a breastfeeding peer supporter so always available for a chat �� I'm also a babywearing peer supporter too so any babywearing questions you can send my way! So much easier having your hands free to deal with toddler with bubba in a sling on the boob lol!
Thanks Sara.

My sister has bought me a sling/wrap thingy ma jig lol! Bought the same one as Becky1 as she got on really well with it for Theo.
Just something to help while i trek Noah to nursery and easy to use of i need to nip to the shops with them too!
Ah that's fab �� we full time baby wear now so don't use a buggy at all eek!
Wow Sara, I'm impressed. I wear Theo quite a lot as its great to be hand free for Josh but I also use a buggy board too. Josh is really good on it but it makes the pushchair hard to steer! Theo's 4 months now and I've finally started to feel confident leaving the house just the 3 of us (we even managed the bus one day :-))

PT wasn't great for us so we have put it off for a while. Josh kept weeing on the floor and saying he'd had an accident. This happened repetitively and I worried it would have a negative impact on him. I'm really keen to try again but the time never seems right.

It's so lovely to hear from everyone, looking forward to more bumps becoming babies soon Holi & Dani :-)

The scary thing is our 'babies' will be starting school in about 18 months! We're planning next years holiday already as it'll be the last chance to take one out of term time (supposedly...). xxx
Thanks Dani,good tips! yeah it is daunting but I'm not stressing just now. He has been peeing in his potty every night at story time for months now but since I was pushing him a bit more and the whole pants fiasco he hasn't peed in the potty since. So I will leave it til he's ready. I did try the bare bum back in November when I had a week off but he just peed everywhere! He didn't seem to know it was on its way he just said 'uh oh' afterwards!

Becky nice to hear from you too. Can't believe theo is 4 months already. Sounds like you're doing great. Not sure if it's a different system here in scotland but Matthew won't be starting primary school until August 2018 when he'll be 5. So almost 2 and half years for us. Sure it'll fly in though. I think the cut off dates are different here. It's end of feb. My friends little girl will be 3 in March so she'll go at the same time as Matthew, she'll be one of the oldest in their year.
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Aw yeah that is diff to down here in Wales,
Noah started pre school nursery whih is inside the primary school (3hrs a day) this Sept.
Then Sept 2017 reception full time xx
Ahh it's lovely to hear from everyone.
Those of you that aren't expecting are you planning anymore ?
My hubby had the snip 3 weeks ago, it was a mutual thing between us. Daisy was a surprise as we weren't wanting to try until Olly started nursery but she came a little earlier than planned so now we are 100% we do not want any more kids,
I just be very fertile as both my pregnancies happened very quick - fell with Olly the first month off the pill and Daisy was a 1 night drunken 'didn't pull out quick enough' and surprisingly didn't think I would fall pregnant - how wrong was I ??!!

I'm not sure tbh. We have loads of stuff planned over the next 5 years and I eventually want to go back to study. I was also very 'poorly' after I had zachary and it took a long time to get back to myself. OH definitely wants more, but I feel very contended with my boys so I'm really not sure. Plus if we had a 3rd we would need a new house & car too!

I'm still feeding zachary & on the depo injection... plus he fact we haven't had six in over a year is helping make that decision anyway ������

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