*** July 2019 Mummies ***

I’ve no idea how you are doing it with twins at all. I feel like I’m starting to struggle a bit.

I think my bump is huge but at 4”11 I guess it was always going to look huge, probably not helped by the extra fluid I’ve got. I’m struggling with breathlessness and starting to struggle at work despite spending most of my time teaching sat down.

One thing really getting at me at the moment is pins and needles. My arms and my poor hands! This child is definitely pressing on something he shouldn’t be!!
How are people getting on with names? We’ve got a shortlist, agree on one for sure, one we both quite like but aren’t 100% then the last two one of each of us likes it and the other not so much. We like traditional ones that can be shortened or lengthened if they are in trouble, lol.

Charlotte - both agree
Bryony - both like but not totally sure
Elizabeth - dh loves this, I don’t mind it but it’s both his nans names so I’d rather use it as a middle name rather than a first
Harriet - I like this one, dh isn’t sure

My mums name was Ann so this will 100% be a middle name for one of them.

I dreamt the other night that I gave birth to Charlotte and Autumn. God knows where Autumn came from!

And if one turns out to be a boy then he will be called Henry :)
Charlotte is a brilliant name ;-)
I feel you on the breathlessness. I go upstairs and then need a sit down, it is bonkers. Literally can’t catch my breath with very little reason to cause it. Heart working hard pumping that couple of extra liters of blood about!
I get pins and needles too, although mostly in my legs and feet when I’m sat down. It’s annoying but not too bad. The aching legs is driving me mad though. And last night, as I hadn’t had omeprazole - the heartburn. OMG. Scratching around the kitchen at 2 am for gaviscon!
I don’t think people warn you enough about these things in pregnancy! In class yesterday I had to stop talking and take a big breath. I ended up explaining that the baby had moved up a bit and my cold was making it tricky to take a good size breath...I was concerned they would think I was having some kind of medical episode :lol:

My pins and needles is mostly arms and hands. It’s been going on for awhile but not really sure the cause?
I don’t think people warn you enough about these things in pregnancy! In class yesterday I had to stop talking and take a big breath. I ended up explaining that the baby had moved up a bit and my cold was making it tricky to take a good size breath...I was concerned they would think I was having some kind of medical episode :lol:

My pins and needles is mostly arms and hands. It’s been going on for awhile but not really sure the cause?

Is it a carpel tunnel thing? Might be worth speaking to your GP to see if they can get you some physio? Only time I had nerve pain down my arm was due a trapped nerve in my shoulder years ago, literally couldn’t hold a cup. Chiropractor sorted me out but it doesn’t sound quite like that.

What age do you teach? I was thinking about going into teaching or the ambulance service when I changed careers a few years back. I am so impressed with teachers, very stressful job
Oh no @MamaWannabe , what is it with these OH's:roll: so frustrating!

@Radleycat sorry to hear about your SIL. Did she sort childcare in the end? A couple of years ago my bro's wife and I fell out and things have been awkward since. Every fam gathering etc we only talk to keep the rest of the fam happy:roll: otherwise we dont actually speak at all. Very strained. And very exhausting pretending everthing is honky dory.
I did NCT with my first and it was the best money we spent! At first my OH was against it but we've made friends for life and it was amazing during the first few months to have someone going thru the same thing at the same time.

Had my first growth scan this week. All was well and the little man is growing as he should. He's currently 2lbs 10. I'm the same bump size at almost 29 weeks as i was at 33 weeks with the other 2. Apparently I'm on 95th centile for fluids. I take my hat off to you twin mums!

So far we've not bought anything but will be ordering the pram next week:dance: decided to get Babyzen Yoyo+. We travel alot as we have family abroad and it seems the best solution to bring on the plane. With my first we had icandy peach, and with my 2nd we had icandy raspberry. So i seem to downsize in pram with each pregnancy lol.
Is it a carpel tunnel thing? Might be worth speaking to your GP to see if they can get you some physio? Only time I had nerve pain down my arm was due a trapped nerve in my shoulder years ago, literally couldn’t hold a cup. Chiropractor sorted me out but it doesn’t sound quite like that.

What age do you teach? I was thinking about going into teaching or the ambulance service when I changed careers a few years back. I am so impressed with teachers, very stressful job
I teach primary. Or rather will do when I graduate. I’ve just finished my degree but work as an assistant and tend to teach a lot these days.

They checked me for carpel tunnel and said that it’s not that so I’ve no idea what it flipping is!
2lb10 at 29 weeks, mine must be little fatties, lol.

Good that you are starting to get things and the pram is the biggest expense it seems. We’ve got a mountain buggy diet (such a good deal on eBay) and have been buying the extra bits for it as I hunt for them. Got to have a go at putting the isofix in the car tomorrow, plus I will enjoy showing mil that the side by side pushchair indeed does fit through the front door! Little things please me, ha. I’m so full.

No news on the childcare but there has been talk of what time we are leaving so not sure if she’s got it sorted or not. She’s had bloody ages. Would love for my niece to join us but she’s got school. I am literally dreaming about my Tom kerridge fillet steak and triple cooked chips....OMFG
2lb10 at 29 weeks, mine must be little fatties, lol.

Good that you are starting to get things and the pram is the biggest expense it seems. We’ve got a mountain buggy diet (such a good deal on eBay) and have been buying the extra bits for it as I hunt for them. Got to have a go at putting the isofix in the car tomorrow, plus I will enjoy showing mil that the side by side pushchair indeed does fit through the front door! Little things please me, ha. I’m so full.

No news on the childcare but there has been talk of what time we are leaving so not sure if she’s got it sorted or not. She’s had bloody ages. Would love for my niece to join us but she’s got school. I am literally dreaming about my Tom kerridge fillet steak and triple cooked chips....OMFG
I was 2.5lbs at 28 weeks and was told he was on the bigger side!
Wow I am so tired all the time. My blood result 2 weeks ago showed my iron levels had dropped from 130 at booking in appt to 116 at 28 weeks. On top of that work was super busy last week and my thighs hurt in the night so I'm not sleeping great. That combination is just making me feel exhausted. Yesterday I slept all afternoon which isn't like me. I know it's part if third trimester to feel tired but it really has hit me recently! I know once baby is here I will get less sleep than I do now so I suppose I just need to get used to it Haha
Wow I am so tired all the time. My blood result 2 weeks ago showed my iron levels had dropped from 130 at booking in appt to 116 at 28 weeks. On top of that work was super busy last week and my thighs hurt in the night so I'm not sleeping great. That combination is just making me feel exhausted. Yesterday I slept all afternoon which isn't like me. I know it's part if third trimester to feel tired but it really has hit me recently! I know once baby is here I will get less sleep than I do now so I suppose I just need to get used to it Haha
I refuse to believe this! I am convinced that when baby comes I will get more sleep as I will
Nap every time he does :lol: if I only this dream world existed!
Wow I am so tired all the time. My blood result 2 weeks ago showed my iron levels had dropped from 130 at booking in appt to 116 at 28 weeks. On top of that work was super busy last week and my thighs hurt in the night so I'm not sleeping great. That combination is just making me feel exhausted. Yesterday I slept all afternoon which isn't like me. I know it's part if third trimester to feel tired but it really has hit me recently! I know once baby is here I will get less sleep than I do now so I suppose I just need to get used to it Haha
Have you got iron tablets? I’ve been on them about 3 weeks and feel like they are just starting to help with the tiredness. They also make your a weird colour!
I refuse to believe this! I am convinced that when baby comes I will get more sleep as I will
Nap every time he does :lol: if I only this dream world existed!

I’m worried I won’t ever sleep again, reading on forums about breast feeding and I’m really not sure. I understand that it is full on but I’m not sure how I feel about having one or two small humans latched to me for the majority of the day. Everyone seems to cosleep - saying they practice safe measures. I’m not judging but I 100% will not be doing that, I know the risks and have colleagues who have been to jobs where the worst has happened, a couple a year in fact since I started my job. Or others put posts saying they are struggling literally getting no sleep at night because the babies cluster feed and snack all night, one at a time and replies are just ‘keep going momma’ it gets better by 12, 18 months.
F@&k that! I will see how I go but I want fed and happy babies and i need to be alive as well.
What are people’s thoughts on bf? Have you don’t it before and I’m just hearing the sounding impossible side?
I completely understand. Personally, power to those who do. But breastfeeding isn’t something I want to do. I don’t have the urge to do it what so ever. I know that the first few feeds are all about passing on goodness to baby but I do not want him attached to me and I hate the thought of ‘being milked’. It sounds horrible I know and I know so many women who absolutely loved doing it but I just don’t see me doing it. I KNOW I couldn’t do the cluster feed thing, I just know it.

My plan is to pump for the first month and then hit formula. Depending on what the anaesthetist says, I’m not even sure any milk I have will be good after a c section if I am put to sleep. Meaning he’ll miss out on the good stuff anyway. In that case I think we’ll jump straight to formula unless I am able to pump before hand (unlikely as he will be delivered at 37 weeks so is early anyway).

Personally, if I were having twins I’d be straight on formula. I just imagine it to be so hard and at the end of the day the important bit is that we have well fed babies with full tummies and mummies who are able to atleast function slightly through the tiredness.

With co-sleeping I’m not doing it. Baby will be in a Moses basket. I to have seen so many horror stories that it scares me. Plus I tend to move a bit in my sleep and I just think for me, the risk outweighs the positive.
I think you are the first person to openly say it’s not for you and I totally admire that. I just don’t know where I stand really. I’m gonna try but it does freak me out a bit. Dh has no idea of the amount of time bf takes, I told him it’s at least an hour each time and he was really surprised, lol. I want him to be able to feed and get to know the girls as well from the point of view that’s it’s good for them and him, I’ve baked them this whole time so he deserves some good time with them when they are born. I just don’t know. I think I will try but have pumping on back up and if not that then will get a perfect prep on overnight, lol.

As for cosleeping, the risk is low but it does happen. We had one locally last year where my colleagues went and the baby died. The most awful and tragic thing. I immediately told two friends of mine with babies that I know cosleep and they both said ‘well we take precautions’. That’s not enough in my book. It’s like they thought it couldn’t happen yet this incident was less than 20 miles away and they chose to ignore it.

We’ve got a bed side sleeper thing which they can both go in for a bit until they get bigger. Have bouncers downstairs and also have a spare cot that I may put up downstairs for napping in the day. I just keep thinking I need somewhere to put one when I’m sorting the other, lol. Also picked up a changing unit for £10 which I’m keeping downstairs to save my legs and sanity
I think you are the first person to openly say it’s not for you and I totally admire that. I just don’t know where I stand really. I’m gonna try but it does freak me out a bit. Dh has no idea of the amount of time bf takes, I told him it’s at least an hour each time and he was really surprised, lol. I want him to be able to feed and get to know the girls as well from the point of view that’s it’s good for them and him, I’ve baked them this whole time so he deserves some good time with them when they are born. I just don’t know. I think I will try but have pumping on back up and if not that then will get a perfect prep on overnight, lol.

As for cosleeping, the risk is low but it does happen. We had one locally last year where my colleagues went and the baby died. The most awful and tragic thing. I immediately told two friends of mine with babies that I know cosleep and they both said ‘well we take precautions’. That’s not enough in my book. It’s like they thought it couldn’t happen yet this incident was less than 20 miles away and they chose to ignore it.

We’ve got a bed side sleeper thing which they can both go in for a bit until they get bigger. Have bouncers downstairs and also have a spare cot that I may put up downstairs for napping in the day. I just keep thinking I need somewhere to put one when I’m sorting the other, lol. Also picked up a changing unit for £10 which I’m keeping downstairs to save my legs and sanity

I might completely change my mind once he’s been here. Hubby is keen to give him my milk but is well aware I don’t want to BF traditionally so is happy for me to try and pump. If it doesn’t work out ultimately he’s on the same page as a well fed baby is better than a hungry one.

Could you get a Moses basket downstairs? We are having a changing box downstairs (stocked with supplies) so we don’t have to go up and down stairs. Hubby is starting a new job just before baby comes and will be doing shifts (though his night shift is 8pm till 4am - barely nights!!) so this will help with him catching some sleep.

I definitely understand why someone would want to co-sleep, especially if you are going to BF. Perhaps I’m not thinking I want to because I’m not planning on BF needing?
For me, I would really like to BF hopefully if I can, but I completely understand those that don't want to. I know quite a few people who decided beforehand that they didn't want to, and that's completely fine (except for the one lady that said "ewwww no" when someone asked her if she was going to BF). In the end, as long as baby is fed that's all that matters.

I think with twins, you're probably best to be introducing formula so you can get as much help as you can from people! Totally understandable that you don't want to be sitting there 24 hours a day constantly BF two babies! Apparently formula also helps them feel more full and sleep through the night better, so another benefit for you with twins.

Everyone just has to do what feels right and works best for them. I do think that those that say it gets better around 12 months are exxagerating though... I've heard from most people that it's the first month that is the hardest to get BF established and with the super long and regular feeds. After that it should get easier as your supply gets better and baby learns to feed more in a shorter time. I'd like to BF for a number of reasons, of course for all its benefits, its easier at night once its established rather than having to prep bottles in middle of the night, easier while out and about and travelling to not have to pack bottles and formula and try to get water etc, no cleaning and sterilising bottles... but that all depends on me getting through that really tough first patch and having a good supply! I'm open to formula if all doesn't go all, but would hopefully like to give BF a go.

We wont be co sleeping either, not worth the risk. We have a moses basket for the first while and then he will be in cot after that. I do know people who chose to co sleep, but it's not for us. DH practically sleeps on top of me without realising as it is, never mind having a little baby in the bed too!

Cant believe how close it is getting now, 9 weeks until due date for me, and I'm no where near prepared yet! we have pram and moses basket, clothes, baby towels, changing mats... but that's about it really. Really to get car seat, isofix, and cot ordered and then get nappies and all changing supplies etc, and hospital bag stuff for me... lots to do still and I just keep putting it off!

What are people getting for bathing baby? I've seen those non slip support things that look good for newborns to lie in while you bath them. But my old school mum says just hold them and wash over the sink for the first while is easiest so not sure what to do!
We have got a bath with a non slip thing inside of it as I think I will struggle to hold baby up for that long :lol:

I’ve started on my hospital bag...I would definitely recommend two. One for you and one for baby. Mine is full and hasn’t even got bottles or formula in yet!
Bf'ing is a bit like marmite it seems - you either love it or hate it and in my opinion whatever works is the best solution. Formula these days is amazing! I wanted to bf my son but hubby & I contracted an infection at the hosp (docs refused this theory and blamed it on our newborn...:roll:) and both my nipples were affected so after 3 weeks of hell i gave up. I was much happier and less stressed after that. I managed to bf our daughter for 7 months (combination feeding after 4mths) and I loved it! Yes, the first few weeks are tough on the boobs/nipples but once they toughen up it's great. I guess my advice is go with what feels best for you and your situation. A happy mummy = a happy baby:)

When i went to my 28wk appt on Fri the midwife said they're advising colostrum harvesting from 36 weeks and gave me a leaflet. So you pump colostrum and keep in freezer until baby is born. Is this something either of you could do? I'm just thinking if you're keen for the bubbas to get the 'good stuff' this might be a stress free way of doing it before the madness of sleep depravation etc:lol: x
Forgot to add i have never co-slept (I need my space at night:D) and both mine are great sleepers. Not worth the risk in my opinion. I opted for a moses basket with a rocking stand with both of them which worked a treat! X

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