*** July 2019 Mummies ***

So I think third trimester symptoms have hit me hard this week... suddenly struggling with heartburn and had to get the gaviscon out. I actually woke at 3.30am last night with awful heartburn, and I couldn't get to sleep again until 6.30am... just when my alarm for work started going off!

Silly question here, but I was talking to someone about mat leave and wasn't sure of something. I know that mat leave starts early if baby is born early. But what if I'm already on annual leave before my official mat leave start date? I was planning to have my mat leave start on official due date, and use up 2 weeks of annual leave leading up to that. If baby is born during those 2 weeks, will my mat leave / pay start early? How do they know baby was born early? I'd lose out on those holidays then because I'm not allowed to carry them over.

I think I heard most hospitals don't supply milk if you are already planning to use formula. But I've heard that if you're attempting breastfeeding and can't manage for some reason, they will provide some formula in that case so baby doesn't starve. Can't imagine how you will deal with feeding twins, but I'm sure you'll become an expert at it!

If you'e struggling with heartburn and gaviscon isn't doing the job go to your dr and ask for omeprazole.
I had it with my son and left it to the point I did damage, as soon as I started it it was amazing the relief.
I've been on it since 26 weeks this time due to horrendous acid reflux.
We battle with enough to try and get decent sleep in the third tri without this adding to it.
It's totally safe in pregnancy.

At my work mat leave starts automatically the day after the baby is born. I have 2 weeks annual leave before and I'm carrying 5 weeks from this year over to the next year. Every company varies but in the nhs you can carry leave over when it comes to being on mat leave.
Not sure about swelling, i know it can happen. Hope it’s not too painful. I’ve been using aqueous cream to shower and on my belly too as it’s Unscented as other things seem to irritate me at the moment.
If you'e struggling with heartburn and gaviscon isn't doing the job go to your dr and ask for omeprazole.
I had it with my son and left it to the point I did damage, as soon as I started it it was amazing the relief.
I've been on it since 26 weeks this time due to horrendous acid reflux.
We battle with enough to try and get decent sleep in the third tri without this adding to it.
It's totally safe in pregnancy.

At my work mat leave starts automatically the day after the baby is born. I have 2 weeks annual leave before and I'm carrying 5 weeks from this year over to the next year. Every company varies but in the nhs you can carry leave over when it comes to being on mat leave.
Omeprazole has been a godsend for me. No heartburn anymore and I used to have it all day from about 16 weeks
How are people getting on with names? We’ve got a shortlist, agree on one for sure, one we both quite like but aren’t 100% then the last two one of each of us likes it and the other not so much. We like traditional ones that can be shortened or lengthened if they are in trouble, lol.

Charlotte - both agree
Bryony - both like but not totally sure
Elizabeth - dh loves this, I don’t mind it but it’s both his nans names so I’d rather use it as a middle name rather than a first
Harriet - I like this one, dh isn’t sure

My mums name was Ann so this will 100% be a middle name for one of them.

I dreamt the other night that I gave birth to Charlotte and Autumn. God knows where Autumn came from!

And if one turns out to be a boy then he will be called Henry :)
Is anyone else having problems down below? I’ve got excess discharge and think I’m swollen. The swollen bit is touching another bit which is making it itchy but there doesn’t seem to be actually anything wrong? It’s driving me nuts. I’ve taken to using canestan cream despite knowing I’ve no infection.

I haven't had too much discharge at all during pregnancy so far. I was quite surprised as I normally get a lot during certain times of my cycle. However, I do feel quite swollen sometimes down there and also I have had the most horrendous case of piles. Have had them a few times in the past but these have been something else! Oh my God the pain was horrific. Dreading what they will be like when I have given birth!!! Anusol cream seems to work really quickly on them and I have used preparation H wipes and salt baths. That is all I can do for them. Ugh.
How are people getting on with names? We’ve got a shortlist, agree on one for sure, one we both quite like but aren’t 100% then the last two one of each of us likes it and the other not so much. We like traditional ones that can be shortened or lengthened if they are in trouble, lol.

Charlotte - both agree
Bryony - both like but not totally sure
Elizabeth - dh loves this, I don’t mind it but it’s both his nans names so I’d rather use it as a middle name rather than a first
Harriet - I like this one, dh isn’t sure

My mums name was Ann so this will 100% be a middle name for one of them.

I dreamt the other night that I gave birth to Charlotte and Autumn. God knows where Autumn came from!

And if one turns out to be a boy then he will be called Henry :)

Yeah we have decided on our little girl's first and middle names. But I'm hoping Meghan and Harry don't use them especially the first one... I don't wanna look like I copied them plus everyone will name their kids with that name as well...
If you'e struggling with heartburn and gaviscon isn't doing the job go to your dr and ask for omeprazole.
I had it with my son and left it to the point I did damage, as soon as I started it it was amazing the relief.
I've been on it since 26 weeks this time due to horrendous acid reflux.
We battle with enough to try and get decent sleep in the third tri without this adding to it.
It's totally safe in pregnancy.

At my work mat leave starts automatically the day after the baby is born. I have 2 weeks annual leave before and I'm carrying 5 weeks from this year over to the next year. Every company varies but in the nhs you can carry leave over when it comes to being on mat leave.

Thank you I will try that if the heartburn gets any worse! I think it depends what and how much I've eaten as I've been having it in random days only, so trying to be careful with food. But will definitely go to gp if it gets that bad!
I have had terrible acid and indigestion the entire way thru. Horrible. Haven't really taken anything for it. Just been sipping apple juice which helps a lot
I have had terrible acid and indigestion the entire way thru. Horrible. Haven't really taken anything for it. Just been sipping apple juice which helps a lot
I haven’t had too much heart burn luckily but when I did have a spell of it I discovered that the cordial juice I had been using had changed it’s flavourings slightly. Pinpointed that and haven’t drink it since and have been fine. It’s amazing what can do it to us!
How much water does everyone drink generally a day? I had been trying to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres a day but I read in the third trimester you should be drinking between 2.5 and 3! Surely that's a bit excessive?
How much water does everyone drink generally a day? I had been trying to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres a day but I read in the third trimester you should be drinking between 2.5 and 3! Surely that's a bit excessive?
I don’t drink anywhere near enough and I know it. I drink more whilst at work and am making an effort to drink more but nowhere near that amount.
I struggle drink enough and even when I think I am managing it, I barely pee at all. It’s bloody really hard!

Spd is getting me down today. We all set to go to work but it’s just so painful when I walk :(
I struggle drink enough and even when I think I am managing it, I barely pee at all. It’s bloody really hard!

Spd is getting me down today. We all set to go to work but it’s just so painful when I walk :(
Sorry you’re in so much pain. Can you get signed off for longer?

I am the same with drinking. I don’t seem to wee much more than normal even when I drink tons more. I’m not sure if it’s because the baby needs it or not? Going to make a conscious effort today!
I’m feeling crap today. Sore throat, bunged up nose and ridiculously tired :(
I think I've been managing around 2 litres a day but only because I carry a water bottle with me all day so constantly drinking I guess. But same as others, not peeing as much as I should be for that much water! I think (or hope) its water retention, which will mean easy to lose weight after pregnancy?!
I think I've been managing around 2 litres a day but only because I carry a water bottle with me all day so constantly drinking I guess. But same as others, not peeing as much as I should be for that much water! I think (or hope) its water retention, which will mean easy to lose weight after pregnancy?!
I know I have excess fluid in there but no idea if it’s to do with baby or retention!

I’ve walked round Tesco and my feet are done in. Swollen and feeling sorry for myself. We packed all my non maternity clothes last night ready for the move. It’s amazing how many tops are loose on my top half and completely stretched to the max by bump :lol: people have said I look like I’ve lost weight other than on bump. Time will tell after he’s here I guess.
I know I have excess fluid in there but no idea if it’s to do with baby or retention!

I’ve walked round Tesco and my feet are done in. Swollen and feeling sorry for myself. We packed all my non maternity clothes last night ready for the move. It’s amazing how many tops are loose on my top half and completely stretched to the max by bump :lol: people have said I look like I’ve lost weight other than on bump. Time will tell after he’s here I guess.

Have you tried compression socks?
These are my life saver at work on my feet all those hours.
Not the sexiest accessory...but they work!!

Awh radley can you get signed off until you start mat leave? It' very common especially with 2 on board.
My friend has been off since 25 weeks with spd. You have to put yourself first.

I'm only good at drinking lots at work, I need to up my intake at home for sure
I was at work last week, haven’t been signed off but it’s just getting worse really.
Think I will give the doc a call tomorrow as I’m really struggling with it. It’s shit. I know I should be happy right now as the babies are doing great and I can’t ask for more than that but this is so sore all the time. My birthday is coming up too (40) and we can’t even go far cos it hurts to walk. I know there will be other birthdays but if it wasn’t for the spd I could cope with the sickness and tiredness I think.

My feet tend to merge into my ankles after not long on them, lol.
Thankfully no heartburn here but LOTS of discharge:sick: don’t remember having it this bad with the other 2.
Other than that i’m really struggling with achy hips at night - even with a cushion between my knees. I’m already struggling with exhaustion anyway but the lack of sleep is just making it even worse:yawn: I have zero energy!
We have a few names in mind but not chosen one yet. Like with the other 2 I feel I need to see him before making a final decision.
Annoyingly my OH has announced to people what names we are thinking of:roll:
We told a few people what name we had in mind with our first and some people expressed a dislike. We ended up going with that name and I will always know that those people don’t like it. Not that it matters but i’d prefer it if people didn’t give their opinions!
With our 2nd I told my OH not to tell anyone what names we were thinking of and when she was born we announced the name with with the birth and of course no one could say anything bad:wink:
So I was a bit annoyed when my OH told his fam and friends our top names this time. His argument is that he doesn’t care what others think and I know he’s right but I just wanted it to be our ‘secret’ until the birth like last time.

Growth scan on Wed’s! Can’t wait to see him again:)

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