*** July 2019 Mummies ***

Super jealous that ladies are finishing work and I still have another 5 weeks! (2 of those is half term so really only 3).

Saw the anaesthetist yesterday. He literally has no idea what to do with me. Always nice to know!

Really struggling to sleep on my right side at the moment. It gives me pain close to my hip area and it’s actually quite painful. Don’t know if it’s just all the weight pulling on a muscle maybe? Baby is basically 4lbs after all!

If anyone does want to do a what’s app group message me your numbers and i’ll Set it up
Scan is 13:30, then the clinic after which last time was running 2.5 hours late. I will be very angry if this happens again this week! Going by myself to do sitting waiting for ages will be very dull.

Movements yesterday seemed a lot less compared to normal but I was out and about so I’m thinking that probably made the difference. I’ve literally been resting on the sofa the last two weeks because of the pgp. Paying for walking around yesterday though, pelvis absolutely agony overnight every time I had to get up to pee. It’s killing now too. It just isn’t getting any better and we’ve got stuff planned this weekend :(

Niece saw the nursery last night, she is so excited at the thought of the babies coming.

Must sort a bag. I just don’t really have any clothes for me. I’ve barely bought anything so am usually wearing the stuff or it’s in the wash so there’s nothing to put in the bag!
It has knocked me for 6, but I was determined to make the most of the holiday. Not my finest moment hiking round the Eden project huffing and puffing though! Home tomorrow for bed rest though!

It was this holiday that spurred me on to pack the hospital bags, and I feel relieved they are now done.

Awh thats lovely! Really thoughtful of them. Makes up for the crap you were put through for the other one! I am looking forward to your scan and seeing estimated weights!!! What time is it thurs??
Have your movements changed? Mine have gone from flipping and rolling to the odd limb being pushed out. At any time you can put your hand on my stomach and feel parts of babies just sticking out. I'm assuming they are really tight for space!

How long until you finish work? I must admit it is a lovely feeling when you do! But also an oh crap this is really happening feeling!!!

I have 5 weeks left at work. Gonna feel strange not going to work for a few months !
I have 5 weeks left at work. Gonna feel strange not going to work for a few months !
I asked hubby yesterday did he think I’d miss work :lol: normally during school holidays I get bored very quickly and miss it. I know the first few months i’ll Be too busy to miss it but once we are in a routine I do think I’ll miss work. No doubt when the time comes to go back i’ll Never want to step foot in the place ever again :lol:
Super jealous that ladies are finishing work and I still have another 5 weeks! (2 of those is half term so really only 3).

Saw the anaesthetist yesterday. He literally has no idea what to do with me. Always nice to know!

Really struggling to sleep on my right side at the moment. It gives me pain close to my hip area and it’s actually quite painful. Don’t know if it’s just all the weight pulling on a muscle maybe? Baby is basically 4lbs after all!

If anyone does want to do a what’s app group message me your numbers and i’ll Set it up

Why doesn't he know what to do? Always reasurring!!
I'm happy to join a whatsapp group.

Scan is 13:30, then the clinic after which last time was running 2.5 hours late. I will be very angry if this happens again this week! Going by myself to do sitting waiting for ages will be very dull.

Movements yesterday seemed a lot less compared to normal but I was out and about so I’m thinking that probably made the difference. I’ve literally been resting on the sofa the last two weeks because of the pgp. Paying for walking around yesterday though, pelvis absolutely agony overnight every time I had to get up to pee. It’s killing now too. It just isn’t getting any better and we’ve got stuff planned this weekend :(

Niece saw the nursery last night, she is so excited at the thought of the babies coming.

Must sort a bag. I just don’t really have any clothes for me. I’ve barely bought anything so am usually wearing the stuff or it’s in the wash so there’s nothing to put in the bag!

My consultant apps are always running so late and it' so frustrating, as im barelt in there any time!
I have my 32 week consultant app on weds but I'll be 33 weeks. We had to shuffle my apps as I was away last week. Hoping to plan the birth!
I'm in the same boat with clothes for myself. I refuse to buy anymore as there isn't long left and none of my jeans fit as my bump doesn't fit in anything that fits my legs!

I have 5 weeks left at work. Gonna feel strange not going to work for a few months !

How long are you planning on having off? I dont think it's sunk in that I've finished yet.

I have managed to pull my intercostal muscles on my left side from coughing so much and I'm in pure agony. Hoping it eases soon!
I'm jealous everyone seems to be finishing up work soon and I've still another 6 weeks to go! Although that's really not that much when I think about it to be honest.

@Radleycat I have the same issue as you, when I think about what clothes to put in hospital bag, it leaves me with nothing to wear now! I only bought a few pieces because I didn't see the point in buying a whole load of new clothes for just a few months. I think I'm planning to put things in my bag that I know I won't be needing or using until the birth, and then making a "last minute" list to pack once I start to go into labour - which will include whichever clothes still fit me at that point!

I'm still not ready for baby or for the birth or anything, lots to buy still as I'm so last minute. But it's really hit me this week how close it's getting, so heading to Belfast on Saturday for some shopping. Plus will put in a load of online orders for things too and hopefully have almost everything sorted in next couple of weeks.

I've suddenly started swelling up this week, my rings no longer fit me at all. I think baby has had a growth spurt as well because it feels like my bump grew a lot this past week. I've also woken up with a cold this morning, sitting in work sniffling away with a tissue in my hand constantly and wishing I could just go home and sleep.
I need to order some clothes I think but that will have to wait until pay day now. Maybe a little trip to primark as their long vests seems to work well as a maternity one but I’ve not got a car for a couple of days.

Had a lovely birthday lunch yesterday, managed 3 courses and OMG I’ve never been so stuffed. Literally didn’t eat another thing all day after that.

I know what you mean about swelling, had to take my rings off months ago and now my feet become massive, almost merged into my leg when I’m up and about for a few hours and take all night to go back down again.

Best thing this week though - I bought a slide sheet for the bed. So now I can roll over at night (first time in months) without needing help and as I can move more easily, the pgp when sleeping is a little better. Still absolutely kills when I get up and walk but I’m taking the slide sheet as a win- bloody brilliant!
I definitely am with you on new clothes. I wear the same ones for work and at home now and I have like 4 tops! Pants are my biggest issues as I am so short I will need anything I buy altered which means I have to take it into town. It’s shit being huge and little!!

I Ann lucky on the swelling I think. Due to my leg issues I am prone to foot swelling but I’ve yet to become uncomfortable. I’m doing well sat at work and at home and weekends I am limiting the distance I’m on my feet for sure. It seems I’ve finally learnt to limit myself after 29yrs! Lol

After the anaesthetist told me he didn’t know what to do with me, I’ve rang the specialist hospital in Newcastle for some delivery advice. They said they’ll ring me tomorrow and see what they can do. I am hoping they have a clear answer for me.
Why doesn't he know what to do? Always reasurring!!
I'm happy to join a whatsapp group.

My consultant apps are always running so late and it' so frustrating, as im barelt in there any time!
I have my 32 week consultant app on weds but I'll be 33 weeks. We had to shuffle my apps as I was away last week. Hoping to plan the birth!
I'm in the same boat with clothes for myself. I refuse to buy anymore as there isn't long left and none of my jeans fit as my bump doesn't fit in anything that fits my legs!

How long are you planning on having off? I dont think it's sunk in that I've finished yet.

I have managed to pull my intercostal muscles on my left side from coughing so much and I'm in pure agony. Hoping it eases soon!

I'm having 6 months off. Can't wait for my leave to start now
I'm having 6 months off. Can't wait for my leave to start now
I originally wanted 9 months but unsure if I can be on statutory for such a long time. Never thought it would happen so never had any baby contingency fund!
I’m going to try for 12 months. Will see how we go. The mat pay and smp will be averaged per month so it will be less sooner but that doesn’t give me 3 months with nothing. That said, they still haven’t updated my contract since qualification so I’m owed back pay for March, April and May as well as the mat pay forecasts being wrong. So I really don’t know what I will be bringing home. They are so slack
I’m going to try for 12 months. Will see how we go. The mat pay and smp will be averaged per month so it will be less sooner but that doesn’t give me 3 months with nothing. That said, they still haven’t updated my contract since qualification so I’m owed back pay for March, April and May as well as the mat pay forecasts being wrong. So I really don’t know what I will be bringing home. They are so slack
We have recently become an academy which included a pay rise so I am hoping that we get back paid whilst I’m on MAT leave but we will see.
I'm taking a years mat leave followed by 10 weeks annual leave.
Still haven't had a breakdown of pay, but we can live of hubbys wage so anything is a bonus.
Childcare for 3 children would almost make it not worth working! So I may aswel enjoy the time at home and worry about money later.

Consultant app tomorrow. Will it be another waste of time or will we book a date in! They are always running late and never seem to have time for us!
@Radleycat glad you enjoyed your birthday, happy birthday! I'd never heard of a slide sheet but it sounds like such a good idea, turning over in bed is such a mission these days!

@Sugarpop hopefully you get a solution from the specialist hospital, doesn't sound good when they say they don't know what to do with you.

I'm planning on taking 9 months off. I haven't got a breakdown of pay yet either, but will be on SMP for 3 months already so can't afford to take 3 months unpaid following that. We have some savings, but I'd rather not have to dip into them while I'm off. I'm also adding on 4 weeks annual leave, so really I'm getting 10 months off. I think I'll be worrying about money more when I go back as well when we have to start paying for childcare... the costs are ridiculous!
I haven’t even begun to think about childcare. For two it’s going to be a nightmare and it seems stupid to work full time just to pay for it so I really don’t know. I do want (and need) to go back to work though. It may be they go 1 or 2 days a week but I’m not actually working those days as shifts just don’t seem to allow for normal drop off and pick up times. May look at a childminder which is a bit cheaper but even that I’m not sure.
Relatives keeps asking how we are going to pay for childcare and it annoys the hell out of me as they aren’t going to help one bit, so don’t bloody ask
I am stressed about taking a year off financially, but trying not to think about it too much for now.

I came in for my consultant app at 8.30 and was seen straight away but kept in for an ECG and ctg. Still sat in a bag waiting for them to come and talk to me.
They have also booked me in for a scan on Friday and I'm not sure why. Onky 2 weeks since my last one.

Oh the joys of pregnancy!
I'm having the day from hell! A routine consultant app has turned into ctg monitoring for an hour, an ecg, chest x-ray, blood thinners and a ct with radiation contrast tomorrow and another growth scan on Friday.
I may aswel move in :( :(
Bless you, you’ve been there all day.
What are they concerned about? It’s likely all precautionary xx
Bless you, you’ve been there all day.
What are they concerned about? It’s likely all precautionary xx

Alllll day and I'm not a fed up...can you tell!
Query pe, however I'm positive it's just a mixture of a nasty chest infection and the trauma from coughing is bringing up fresh blood.
My heart rate was 118-132 for over an hour so they are just being cautious, but when you know there is nothing wrong and all you want is your bed it's very frustrating.
Sorry to rant, just needed to get it off my chest (No pun intended)
At least I know the babies are absolutely fine and refused to let the midwife do a ctg as kept kicking her off.

How are you? Growth scan tomorrow was it? Exciting! Xx
Alllll day and I'm not a fed up...can you tell!
Query pe, however I'm positive it's just a mixture of a nasty chest infection and the trauma from coughing is bringing up fresh blood.
My heart rate was 118-132 for over an hour so they are just being cautious, but when you know there is nothing wrong and all you want is your bed it's very frustrating.
Sorry to rant, just needed to get it off my chest (No pun intended)
At least I know the babies are absolutely fine and refused to let the midwife do a ctg as kept kicking her off.

How are you? Growth scan tomorrow was it? Exciting! Xx
Glad you feel ok and I know it’s annoying but Atleast you can be reassured they are looking after you! If it is a chest infection they should give you some good antibiotics to get rid! Hopefully your day isn’t too much longer and you can go home!

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