*** July 2019 Mummies ***

When i went to my 28wk appt on Fri the midwife said they're advising colostrum harvesting from 36 weeks and gave me a leaflet. So you pump colostrum and keep in freezer until baby is born. Is this something either of you could do? I'm just thinking if you're keen for the bubbas to get the 'good stuff' this might be a stress free way of doing it before the madness of sleep depravation etc:lol: x
Definitely want to try and harvest but wasn’t sure when to start really? I saw a lady on here detailed that she’d done it but other than that I’d never heard of it before! It would be the best option for me as I’m unsure I will be able to use any milk I pump after c section / the anaesthetic. I would hope to get enough for the first feed Atleast but not sure when to try it out
Have a look at asda for cots, they had a baby sale recently and quite a bit of stuff was in there reasonably priced. We’ve been lucky as have been given two cots and a baby bay (weird curved thing like a next to me) so I’ve just had to buy mattresses. Actually, I need to see if we’ve been given sheets for that too otherwise i’ll Need to get some.

Not got a bath yet, going to get one from Ikea if I can make a trip there (pelvis depending). Been given a thing to go in a bath for baby to lay on, it has holes in it but I’m fairly sure they will be too little to use that for a long while yet. Saw a tip to put a towel in the baby bath so it’s non slip and also is a bit warmer for them rather than touching the plastic itself. Also got sil making some changing mat cover thingys out of terry so it’s warm for them to lay on. She’s pretty handy with the sewing machine which is good! Can’t wait for some of the little dresses she can make ❤️

I’m going to ask them about expressing colostrum when I next see the consultant, I wonder if I should start doing it before 36 weeks but then not sure as it’s supposed to induce labour - defo do not want that!

So today’s mil haul included some knitted blankets which are lovely and another dressing gown for a 7-8 year old
Have a look at asda for cots, they had a baby sale recently and quite a bit of stuff was in there reasonably priced. We’ve been lucky as have been given two cots and a baby bay (weird curved thing like a next to me) so I’ve just had to buy mattresses. Actually, I need to see if we’ve been given sheets for that too otherwise i’ll Need to get some.

Not got a bath yet, going to get one from Ikea if I can make a trip there (pelvis depending). Been given a thing to go in a bath for baby to lay on, it has holes in it but I’m fairly sure they will be too little to use that for a long while yet. Saw a tip to put a towel in the baby bath so it’s non slip and also is a bit warmer for them rather than touching the plastic itself. Also got sil making some changing mat cover thingys out of terry so it’s warm for them to lay on. She’s pretty handy with the sewing machine which is good! Can’t wait for some of the little dresses she can make ❤️

I’m going to ask them about expressing colostrum when I next see the consultant, I wonder if I should start doing it before 36 weeks but then not sure as it’s supposed to induce labour - defo do not want that!

So today’s mil haul included some knitted blankets which are lovely and another dressing gown for a 7-8 year old

Oh Rdey, nothing like being prepared for 7yrs time! :lol: perhaps your SIL could make something out of it instead? I wish I could sew but I’m very much a person who throws something away if a button falls off. Not made to be a handy housewife at all! :lol:

I am going to mention harvesting too. I’ve an appointment in 2 weeks. The anaesthetist is Friday but not sure he would be much help?
Oh Rdey, nothing like being prepared for 7yrs time! :lol: perhaps your SIL could make something out of it instead? I wish I could sew but I’m very much a person who throws something away if a button falls off. Not made to be a handy housewife at all! :lol:

I am going to mention harvesting too. I’ve an appointment in 2 weeks. The anaesthetist is Friday but not sure he would be much help?

I’m not a sewer, and certainly not a knitter. My super power is cakes :) Although the last one I made was our wedding cake nearly two years ago. At my hen do, I realised that I had made everyone’s wedding cake who was there, lol. And organized their hen party. At least the twiglets will get a lifetime supply of good birthday cakes
Have you got iron tablets? I’ve been on them about 3 weeks and feel like they are just starting to help with the tiredness. They also make your a weird colour!

Midwife wouldn't put me on iron tablets as result wasnt low enough. Just adding iron rich foods to diet for now
@Radleycat I'll have a look at asda, thanks! Got a few bits and pieces in there recently with their baby event. I also like the tip about the towel in the bath so it's more comfortable and not cold, will definitely be trying that! Love your MIL's contributions for the babies haha!

Now it's strange that I'm looking forward to trying BF but the thought of colostrum harvesting seems strange to me! I definitely see the benefits of it though for baby to get that first good stuff if you're unable to BF for any reason.

I actually used to crochet and knit a lot and always wanted to do some bits for whenever I had a baby, but I've just not had the time at all to get round to it with work and studying and general pregnancy tiredness! I could get a few bits crocheted in the next 2 months if I put my mind to it though... might attempt to get a baby blanket done actually.
I think if you look in Asda make sure you look online, much bigger selection online than in the store!

Our (or rather for my car) isofix base came today. Waiting for hubby at the weekend to fit it and make sure it’s good for the car!
@Radleycat I'll have a look at asda, thanks! Got a few bits and pieces in there recently with their baby event. I also like the tip about the towel in the bath so it's more comfortable and not cold, will definitely be trying that! Love your MIL's contributions for the babies haha!

Now it's strange that I'm looking forward to trying BF but the thought of colostrum harvesting seems strange to me! I definitely see the benefits of it though for baby to get that first good stuff if you're unable to BF for any reason.

I actually used to crochet and knit a lot and always wanted to do some bits for whenever I had a baby, but I've just not had the time at all to get round to it with work and studying and general pregnancy tiredness! I could get a few bits crocheted in the next 2 months if I put my mind to it though... might attempt to get a baby blanket done actually.

Crochet - OMG. I went with my nice sil to a crochet evening last year where we were told that from complete beginners we would be able to crochet these beautiful toy animals, no experience necessary. Well, the women was absolutely shite at teaching, everyone other than us had done it before and had lots of experience so off they went. Two hours of getting annoyed as she couldn’t even show me the basics and I’d barely even crocheted a bear’s arsehole let alone anything towards the lovely bear I was hoping for! Such a disappointment. I’ve given up. And I still have the kit which costs loads so that bugs me every time I see it in the drawer, lol.

T1 has been wriggling lots tonight. I can feel it before she is about to move as it goes all hard from the inside so got dh to put his hand there - his face was a picture. Can’t ever feel t2 as much though, usually a bit in the morning and a little in the evening but she defo isn’t as active as her sister. t1 was me when I towed and was fit, t2 is me now I’m tired and sleepy, lol
@Sugarpop Thanks, I'll definitely have a look online, I do most of my shopping online anyway as always a bigger selection!

@Radleycat oh that's awful she didn't have the patience to teach you! It's very fiddly at the start when you're learning it, but once you get the hang of it, it's so simple and easier and much much quicker than knitting is! You should definitely give it another shot if you find a different class with a more patient teacher!

I know what you mean about being able to feel before baby is about to move, I get that too sometimes, like he's pushing outwards and that area goes all hard and then he'll do a big movement. Twin2 might just be in awkward position you can't feel her in as much?

I don't think my DH realises how tired I'm getting... I get up at 7am for work everyday, so I tend to go up to bed at around 10 or 11pm at the latest. Last night, after a really busy day where I didn't sit down at all until after 9pm, at 10:30 he asked me to stay up for just one more episode of the show we're watching, so I agreed... 10 mins into it he's on the phone for around 45 mins, then kept pausing the episode after that to keep showing me things on facebook or talk about something or to go get a snack. I didn't end up going up to bed until 12:30, and only because DH was starting to get annoyed at me being so grumpy... I am exhausted this morning! Definitely going to try for a nap today after work.
I would die if I went to bed that late. I literally sleep for 10-11 hours a night right now and I’m even considering a nap!
I just go to bed and dh stays up a bit longer and if he thinks he’ll just fidget and keep me awake he goes in the spare room as if I’ve had a terrible night that usually corresponds with him tossing and turning. Although he did say he heard me do a massive fart whilst I was sleeping from the other room, hahahaha.
Kept threatening to buy my sil a little crochet kit, I reckon she will chuck it at me. I will stick to cakes I think. Maybe I will make one for my 40th on Monday as no one else will!
Normally I go up to bed early and DH stays up a bit longer, but yesterday he wanted us to sit and watch together... definitely not happening tonight!

Happy birthday in advance!!
So the June mummies all have a what’s app group going on...anybody interested in a July group?
So I went to the assessment unit today as I hadn’t felt baby all morning. Went in, was fine on the monitor with his heart rate within range (but a bit all over the show). Still struggled to feel movements but also had a scan and saw him moving slightly. Now I’m home I feel him much more than normal.

He’s still not as active as normal but obviously fine. They’re testing me for parvo and torch as my fluid is still high. Baby also now weighs 3lbs15oz
So the June mummies all have a what’s app group going on...anybody interested in a July group?

I wouldn't mind this if the rest are interested :)

Glad to hear baby's movements picked up! It's really worrying when you realise you haven't felt them in a while.
Movements are odd. I feel one baby absolutely loads throughout the day, massive turns and kicks. The other I’m lucky if I feel a couple of times a day and it’s always much less intensity. I wasn’t sure if that was right or not really. Had my 31 wk check up yesterday, gp couldn’t find the heartbeats but I wasn’t worried as the mw said that they are notoriously rubbish at finding them. Luckily she also had a clinic and I was able to see her and she found them no problem, 130 and 150. Ironically the one that doesn’t love as much with the higher heartbeat.

Maybe if a single baby has more room there are more places to get into so you can’t feel them as much? With two I didn’t think there was any space to move now, they are still both head down but then seem to have a good go!

I’d be up for a WhatsApp
Just trying to catch up on messages as we've been on a Babymoon this week, home tomorrow.
Perfect timing as always I develop sinusitis and bronchitis. Buckled and saw a Dr yesterday and now on antibiotics.
How is everyone getting on?
I've made the decision to finish work early as my body is taking a battering, so I am.nlw officially on maternity leave!
Woke up this morning and realised I have a max 4 weeks 5days- 5 weeks 5days left of being pregnant!!!!
Ohhh shit! I need to get organised and realise these babies will be here quite soon!
Just trying to catch up on messages as we've been on a Babymoon this week, home tomorrow.
Perfect timing as always I develop sinusitis and bronchitis. Buckled and saw a Dr yesterday and now on antibiotics.
How is everyone getting on?
I've made the decision to finish work early as my body is taking a battering, so I am.nlw officially on maternity leave!
Woke up this morning and realised I have a max 4 weeks 5days- 5 weeks 5days left of being pregnant!!!!
Ohhh shit! I need to get organised and realise these babies will be here quite soon!

Bless you! Bronchitis can take it right out of you so do make sure you take it easy and get lots of rest (as annoying as that is sometimes)

A Babymoon sounds lovely. We are doing lunches over the weekend for my birthday as I’m just too knackered to do anything else! I may book us somewhere for our wedding anniversary next week for a night though if I can get a good deal (need the hospital bag that I haven’t packed to be packed first!)

I’ve finished work too. I’m so glad. Not that it’s been stressful but with the pgp it’s just been hard the last few weeks. 32 week scan on Thursday :)

Work did a surprise baby shower yesterday which was lush, loads of food and presents and a cake with little pink ducks on it, I had no idea. Made it all seem real!
I haven't got long left till I finish work. I'm looking forward to getting my feet up for at least 3 or 4 weeks before baby arrives.

Baby has been v active last couple days. Proper kicking to the point where it nearly hurts! Can't wait to meet her now. I've just finished putting all her clothes in the wardrobe and chest of drawers. Now I need to make a list of what i need to pack in my hospital bag.
Bless you! Bronchitis can take it right out of you so do make sure you take it easy and get lots of rest (as annoying as that is sometimes)

A Babymoon sounds lovely. We are doing lunches over the weekend for my birthday as I’m just too knackered to do anything else! I may book us somewhere for our wedding anniversary next week for a night though if I can get a good deal (need the hospital bag that I haven’t packed to be packed first!)

I’ve finished work too. I’m so glad. Not that it’s been stressful but with the pgp it’s just been hard the last few weeks. 32 week scan on Thursday :)

Work did a surprise baby shower yesterday which was lush, loads of food and presents and a cake with little pink ducks on it, I had no idea. Made it all seem real!

It has knocked me for 6, but I was determined to make the most of the holiday. Not my finest moment hiking round the Eden project huffing and puffing though! Home tomorrow for bed rest though!

It was this holiday that spurred me on to pack the hospital bags, and I feel relieved they are now done.

Awh thats lovely! Really thoughtful of them. Makes up for the crap you were put through for the other one! I am looking forward to your scan and seeing estimated weights!!! What time is it thurs??
Have your movements changed? Mine have gone from flipping and rolling to the odd limb being pushed out. At any time you can put your hand on my stomach and feel parts of babies just sticking out. I'm assuming they are really tight for space!

I haven't got long left till I finish work. I'm looking forward to getting my feet up for at least 3 or 4 weeks before baby arrives.

Baby has been v active last couple days. Proper kicking to the point where it nearly hurts! Can't wait to meet her now. I've just finished putting all her clothes in the wardrobe and chest of drawers. Now I need to make a list of what i need to pack in my hospital bag.

How long until you finish work? I must admit it is a lovely feeling when you do! But also an oh crap this is really happening feeling!!!

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