So I think third trimester symptoms have hit me hard this week... suddenly struggling with heartburn and had to get the gaviscon out. I actually woke at 3.30am last night with awful heartburn, and I couldn't get to sleep again until 6.30am... just when my alarm for work started going off!
Silly question here, but I was talking to someone about mat leave and wasn't sure of something. I know that mat leave starts early if baby is born early. But what if I'm already on annual leave before my official mat leave start date? I was planning to have my mat leave start on official due date, and use up 2 weeks of annual leave leading up to that. If baby is born during those 2 weeks, will my mat leave / pay start early? How do they know baby was born early? I'd lose out on those holidays then because I'm not allowed to carry them over.
I think I heard most hospitals don't supply milk if you are already planning to use formula. But I've heard that if you're attempting breastfeeding and can't manage for some reason, they will provide some formula in that case so baby doesn't starve. Can't imagine how you will deal with feeding twins, but I'm sure you'll become an expert at it!