*** July 2019 Mummies ***

You’ve got an induction date already haven’t you, unless they come before...?
I hope we talk about that at 32 weeks as they said f all at 28.
I didn’t see my normal doctor at the 28 week appointment. Was gutted because this one thought he knew it all! He did say that because of my nerve and muscle condition that delivery will most likely to be my choice. I’m not happy with this, I want the choice which is less Risk to us & that means doctor advice!!

My growth scan went ok. Baby is measuring 2.5lbs (ish) and is on the top line of the chart (not off it so they are relatively happy). They did say I am carrying 1mm (or cm I am not sure) of extra fluid. They said baby’s bladder and kidneys are working fine (seen on US) so they are not too concerned. No idea what it means really!
Oh Sugar, look at those chubby cheeks! He’s adorable<3
You’ve got an induction date already haven’t you, unless they come before...?
I hope we talk about that at 32 weeks as they said f all at 28.

I dont have an induction date yet. Have my 32 week app after my holiday so hoping they book me in then as waiting for a date until 36 week app will be torture.
If we get that far!

I'm going to have to rethink work as I am struggling. Hopefully they will be understanding.

How is everyone getting on?
Oh how cute! The girl was playing hardball with her feet in front of her face at mine but we got a lovely clear shot of the not.

View attachment 85189

His face is exactly the same as my litrle boys 4d scan!
Awww how cute!! We are thankful baby doesn’t seem to have hubby’s nose... :lol:

I am starting to struggle to drive. I am short and have less than an inch between me and the wheel. I doubt it’ll be long until I am unable to drive and not sure what I do about work then? Hubby is unable to take me.
So I’m not it sure if I mentioned but my fluid level is 9.9cm and the upper limit is 8cm. They aren’t worried at the moment but I’ve had a bit of a google ofcourse!
Found in my hospital file...

View attachment 85193
They don’t supply milk? That seems a bit tight. I think at ours if breastfeeding doesn’t work then they have donor milk or formula.

I’m going to try feeding but I just can’t get my head around it and how it will work trying to wrestle with two at the same time!

Lovely scan pics. We’ve just stuck with the nhs ones, they seem to always give us photos even though we don’t pay for them, lol. The 28 week ones weren’t that clear really
So I think third trimester symptoms have hit me hard this week... suddenly struggling with heartburn and had to get the gaviscon out. I actually woke at 3.30am last night with awful heartburn, and I couldn't get to sleep again until 6.30am... just when my alarm for work started going off!

Silly question here, but I was talking to someone about mat leave and wasn't sure of something. I know that mat leave starts early if baby is born early. But what if I'm already on annual leave before my official mat leave start date? I was planning to have my mat leave start on official due date, and use up 2 weeks of annual leave leading up to that. If baby is born during those 2 weeks, will my mat leave / pay start early? How do they know baby was born early? I'd lose out on those holidays then because I'm not allowed to carry them over.

I think I heard most hospitals don't supply milk if you are already planning to use formula. But I've heard that if you're attempting breastfeeding and can't manage for some reason, they will provide some formula in that case so baby doesn't starve. Can't imagine how you will deal with feeding twins, but I'm sure you'll become an expert at it!
So I think third trimester symptoms have hit me hard this week... suddenly struggling with heartburn and had to get the gaviscon out. I actually woke at 3.30am last night with awful heartburn, and I couldn't get to sleep again until 6.30am... just when my alarm for work started going off!

Silly question here, but I was talking to someone about mat leave and wasn't sure of something. I know that mat leave starts early if baby is born early. But what if I'm already on annual leave before my official mat leave start date? I was planning to have my mat leave start on official due date, and use up 2 weeks of annual leave leading up to that. If baby is born during those 2 weeks, will my mat leave / pay start early? How do they know baby was born early? I'd lose out on those holidays then because I'm not allowed to carry them over.

I think I heard most hospitals don't supply milk if you are already planning to use formula. But I've heard that if you're attempting breastfeeding and can't manage for some reason, they will provide some formula in that case so baby doesn't starve. Can't imagine how you will deal with feeding twins, but I'm sure you'll become an expert at it!

I think if you are on AL rather than mat leave and baby comes early then your mat leave doesn’t automatically start, at least that’s what my manager told me. I’m thinking babies may come during the leave I’m taking before my mat leave starts.
How come you can’t carry the leave over? That’s a bit mean isn’t it, and isn’t that against the law...?

Bought a box of nipple pads. Feels like shit just got real!

Oh and bedroom, stairs and landing recarpetted. Feels like our house now rather Han one we are just living in, i love it
They don’t supply milk? That seems a bit tight. I think at ours if breastfeeding doesn’t work then they have donor milk or formula.

I’m going to try feeding but I just can’t get my head around it and how it will work trying to wrestle with two at the same time!

Lovely scan pics. We’ve just stuck with the nhs ones, they seem to always give us photos even though we don’t pay for them, lol. The 28 week ones weren’t that clear really
I would check whether your hospital will provide formula, just in case it’s a nationwide thing.
I think if you are on AL rather than mat leave and baby comes early then your mat leave doesn’t automatically start, at least that’s what my manager told me. I’m thinking babies may come during the leave I’m taking before my mat leave starts.
How come you can’t carry the leave over? That’s a bit mean isn’t it, and isn’t that against the law...?

Bought a box of nipple pads. Feels like shit just got real!

Oh and bedroom, stairs and landing recarpetted. Feels like our house now rather Han one we are just living in, i love it

I actually asked HR today and they said that if I'm on annual leave, mat leave will still start day after baby is born anyway. They said legally you're not allowed to work in the 2 weeks following the birth, so mat leave has to start then. In that case they'll add the unused annual leave on to the end of my mat leave.

But its company policy that we aren't allowed to carry over any holidays from one year to the next, and I'll be returning just after the start of the new holiday year so HR told me I have to use all annual leave before I finish up... BUT my manager is actually allowed to override that and allow me to carry some over, so I'm going to ask him if I can carry over a few weeks and add on to the end of mat leave. He's usually ok with these things!
I actually asked HR today and they said that if I'm on annual leave, mat leave will still start day after baby is born anyway. They said legally you're not allowed to work in the 2 weeks following the birth, so mat leave has to start then. In that case they'll add the unused annual leave on to the end of my mat leave.

But its company policy that we aren't allowed to carry over any holidays from one year to the next, and I'll be returning just after the start of the new holiday year so HR told me I have to use all annual leave before I finish up... BUT my manager is actually allowed to override that and allow me to carry some over, so I'm going to ask him if I can carry over a few weeks and add on to the end of mat leave. He's usually ok with these things!

It’s so bloody complicated isn’t it. I don’t know why it has to be that way but hopefully your manager sounds pretty good and will let you carry leave over. Either that or finish now :) lol

Apparently my husbands niece wants to come visit soon to see how big my bump has got, she’s 9. That’s quite sweet. Got a feeling they are all going to start descending with lots of advice and in just too tired to care or listen, grumpy pregnant me.

I wish me feet and ankles would return to their normal size, they are blending into one at present!
because I work in a school my Mat leave just starts the day I decide to finish. Gutted there’s no way to extend it with holiday or anything :(
Our birthing unit doesnt supply milk either. Gotta take some with me in case I dont breastfeed.

I'm finding it hard to breathe at times and then putting my tights on yesterday was such a struggle. At least as I get bigger the weather will be getting better and i can just wear maxi dresses!

I'm having a week of annual leave and then starting my mat leave 3 weeks before due date. I'm glad I opted for this as I originally thought I could go right up to a fortnight before my due date. I definitely wont be able to. I am struggling now as it is.

I find my baby often pokes under my ribs and sitting at a desk is not very comfy when she is doing that!
Our birthing unit doesnt supply milk either. Gotta take some with me in case I dont breastfeed.

I'm finding it hard to breathe at times and then putting my tights on yesterday was such a struggle. At least as I get bigger the weather will be getting better and i can just wear maxi dresses!

I'm having a week of annual leave and then starting my mat leave 3 weeks before due date. I'm glad I opted for this as I originally thought I could go right up to a fortnight before my due date. I definitely wont be able to. I am struggling now as it is.

I find my baby often pokes under my ribs and sitting at a desk is not very comfy when she is doing that!

I’m the same breathing wise. I was teaching yesterday and had to stop for a big breath. I explained to the kids and they just laughed at me :lol:
Is anyone else having problems down below? I’ve got excess discharge and think I’m swollen. The swollen bit is touching another bit which is making it itchy but there doesn’t seem to be actually anything wrong? It’s driving me nuts. I’ve taken to using canestan cream despite knowing I’ve no infection.

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