*** July 2019 Mummies ***

I've already been given my admission chart with first meds to be given already written on there all in preparation to go Fri morning. Looks like I'm starting with a pessory.

I don't think it's sunk in for my OH yet. I rung him to let him know and he was a bit meh about it. I think when he gets home and isn't distracted by work reality will finally sink in that we'll have our boy with us soon. He struggles with excitement too. He didn't get excited when we moved to Asia for a year in the past until we were taking off on the plane there!
Oh it’ll certainly hit him!! When I attempted induction I started with the gel, is that the same thing? If so it’s not too painful, rather just uncomfortable. My cervix was very far back so mine was a little more uncomfortable than it should have been.
Oh it’ll certainly hit him!! When I attempted induction I started with the gel, is that the same thing? If so it’s not too painful, rather just uncomfortable. My cervix was very far back so mine was a little more uncomfortable than it should have been.

No it's not a gel. To kinda describe it it's like a tampon thing that gets pushed all the way up to the cervix. It can then be left in for up to 24 hours. Seems that's first port of call for inductions here. Only thing before that is midwife membrane sweep that I haven't been offered. Some people get sent home with it, luckily I'll get admitted though until baby comes for monitoring. Very excited and nervous for Friday to come now!
I have no idea what they’re doing or even if I will stay in. All I’ve been told is it’s booked for tomorrow (unless for any reason they need to cancel) and they’ll call me before 12 telling me what time to go in for.
We’re gonna take my bag and car seat just incase.

I’ll be exactly 38 weeks tomorrow. And I only assume that they’ll keep me in for monitoring as I’m being induced early due to my medical condition. But who knows. I’m hoping they do as as hospital can sometimes take over a hour to get to, traffic depending. On a good day it’s a 45 minute drive
I have no idea what they’re doing or even if I will stay in. All I’ve been told is it’s booked for tomorrow (unless for any reason they need to cancel) and they’ll call me before 12 telling me what time to go in for.
We’re gonna take my bag and car seat just incase.

I’ll be exactly 38 weeks tomorrow. And I only assume that they’ll keep me in for monitoring as I’m being induced early due to my medical condition. But who knows. I’m hoping they do as as hospital can sometimes take over a hour to get to, traffic depending. On a good day it’s a 45 minute drive

Shows how different hospitals are. Mines scheduled for 9:30am Friday. Other times offered were 8:30am tomorrow and 9:30am Thurs. No need to wait around for a call just go in and get started.

Apparently induction at 39 weeks is standard at my hospital now for low papp-a and consultant reckons it'll get made a countrywide guideline in the future. Mines technically a little late as I'll be 39+5 when it happens.
It all seems to be happening at once!!

I had two gels put in and then delivery suite became busy. They basically abandoned my induction because my risk factors were too great to continue without a 1:1 midwife available.

If you have health conditions, just be aware that they could stop your induction if the suite becomes too busy. In my case they just did a c section but depending on your condition they may try again some hours later.
I ended up having an epidural and it was the best thing I ever decided to do!

Waters broke on the Saturday got to 8cm 24 hours later and so had to get things moving so doctor recommended epidural and forceps. My God the pain I was in was so bad I was just glad to be free of that for a while!
Induction day tomorrow! I'm hoping it works. Found out I was born a week late and they tried to induce my mum twice with me and it failed. Hoping I don't follow in her footsteps.

Can't believe I'll be in hospital already this time tomorrow. The scary side of realising I'll have to give birth and I'll have a little baby to look after is now really sinking in, (even though I'm excited to meet him too).

Hope everyone's doing well in this heat!
I'm back in hospital. Have been in all weekend so far. Antibiotic drip. Had horrendous infection where I had my episiotomy.
I'm back in hospital. Have been in all weekend so far. Antibiotic drip. Had horrendous infection where I had my episiotomy.

Ouch. Hope you get well soon. That really doesn't sound nice at all.

I'm still in hospital getting induced. First pessary failed second seems to be doing something. Will know next step around 9pm tonight. Hoping I dilate enough they can manually break my waters! Already suffering with back labour.
I'm back in hospital. Have been in all weekend so far. Antibiotic drip. Had horrendous infection where I had my episiotomy.
Sorry to read this but remember it’s the best place for you at the moment and I’m sure you won’t be in very long
Finally had my little boy on July 29th! Was a long induction. 60 hours on the propess. That got me to 2cm. From there they broke my waters and things began. Sadly got to the point I was too exhausted to keep pushing and my epidural wore off. Was prepped for theatre, got a spinal and had the little guy delivered with forceps assistance. Got 2 tears and epimostly. Finally stopped being numb on ward. Got to stay in for a few days. We are so in love with him though!
After a total shit show of an induction I’m pleased to say our little boy was finally born July 28th at 23.07 weight 7 pounds exactly.

Named Nathan and he’s doing absolutely fine. Mum is a bit worse for wear after a very fast and intense labour and stressful days prior.

I got called in for my induction at 5.30pm Wednesday after chasing them three time. Has the hormone placed 10pm for a 24 hour slow realise in order to open my cervix. Had to have it replace the next day at 10am as it had fell out. Removed 2 hours late due to major and too frequent contractions, and had emergency team called through as he went into cardiac arrest whilst inside still as I was getting prepared to go in . Luckily once the hormone was removed he came back and was fine so was monitored and he stayed as he should. We spent days being told I was next, I was next, 5 days Of waiting and being told I wasn’t priority but not being allowed home I was called through to delivery suite Sunday night to have my waters broken.

Waters broken and drip started at 7pm and he arrives at 11.07pm. Nathan is fine and absolutely wonderful.

I’m still recovering and very sore and tender as I had to be cut in order to get him to come out, and lost sensation is my bladder so I’ve had to have a bag. Hoping to go home today.
Congratulations ladies! Sorry you didn’t have quite the planned delivery but babies are here and delivery will seem years ago in a week!
Congrats to all. I'm home now. Still sore and the wound from infection will take a long time to heal but I'm glad to be home
Congrats to all. I'm home now. Still sore and the wound from infection will take a long time to heal but I'm glad to be home

Glad you're feeling better again. My wounds are bad enough without infection so you really have been through it.

We were finally released yesterday night! Got his newborn checks done before release and turns out I have a very very toned little boy on my hands! He is so very strong already.

Now we're in a feeding challenge. Was going to breast feed exclusively but the little guy has issues latching and gets distraught over failing to do it (had help from so many midwives and health assistants on ward but nothings worked). Currently duel feeding as he is a crazy hungry boy. Had to express colostrum into syringes and will now need to start proper expressing as milk is coming in.

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