***December 2019 Mummies***

Aw ladies I am feeling pretty sorry for myself - have had a really bad cold for the last 4 days and I am so fed up with sniffling!
Never in my life have I wished so much that I could have a lemsip - normally hate the things haha x
Aw no! Plenty of rest with hot water, lemon and honey for you... it’s crap we can’t have the lemsips etc x
Hope you’re feeling better today @kelson

I have my growth scan tomorrow looking forward to see how big my baby boys are. Need to get a better idea for clothes sizes so far I’ve packed newborn and a random three pack of tiny baby i was given with my last son who was 10 lbs so not tiny at all x
Well I'm starting to feel a wee bit better but had to phone in sick again for work tonight.
Feel so bad phoning in sick (the curse of working in the NHS) but at the end of the day, me and wee one come first!

Exciting for another scan @Elfs Mummy! Must be nice getting to see your boys often! :)
It's so difficult to judge size, isn't it? Obviously much more difficult for you seeing as there's two wee ones in there. Hope all goes well! :) x
Sometimes the growth scans can be so inaccurate too! Best just to pack all sorts and see how you get on haha. I don’t envy you though as there’s 2 of them and you’re having them early too!

I’ve got my 28 week midwife appointment on Monday. I’m looking forward to her measuring my bump because so many people are commenting on how big I am. I just want to know I’m ‘normal’ haha. Maybe it’s because I’m all bump and it’s not gone on all over haha.

I’ve got my Anti-D injection as well this Thursday because I’m Rh Negative blood type... oh joy! I am still terrified of needles haha. X
@Sjf0709 injections are so annoying! You also get bloods done at 28 weeks !

Had my scan his morning babies are doing great even saw twin 1 having a drink which was amazing as you could see his sucking reflexes already. Twin 1 weighs 3lbs and twin 2 2lbs 15 oz so pretty much the same x
@Sjf0709 injections are so annoying! You also get bloods done at 28 weeks !

Had my scan his morning babies are doing great even saw twin 1 having a drink which was amazing as you could see his sucking reflexes already. Twin 1 weighs 3lbs and twin 2 2lbs 15 oz so pretty much the same x
How wonderful! They’re so big already. They’re really good weights for twins too!!

I saw our baby drink at my 23 week scan and it looked so weird haha. You can even see it on our scan pic!

Got my 28 week appt on a Monday with the midwife so I’ll have bloods done then I presume or maybe tomorrow as well - who knows haha
I've just realised I'm tri 3 now (nearly 29 weeks and this only just occurred to me!!) I've been posting in the tri 2 thread still!
Wish I'd seen this yesterday, got my bloods done and wasn't expecting it, came over all woozy beforehand and had to ask to lie down! Nothing a sugary cup of tea couldn't fix after though.

Oh no :( they couldn’t do mine so I had to go up to the hospital for them. Bloods are never fun xx
I was at the hospital anyway, got my growth scan. Quite wee, only 2lbs11, legs measuring a week behind but everything else ok. They're still determined I'm having a section but the doctor did say today that if the baby's cephalic at 36 weeks I might be able to convince them otherwise :p
I was at the hospital anyway, got my growth scan. Quite wee, only 2lbs11, legs measuring a week behind but everything else ok. They're still determined I'm having a section but the doctor did say today that if the baby's cephalic at 36 weeks I might be able to convince them otherwise :p

Why do they want you to have a section ?
I’m 28 weeks today and can officially say I’m in Tri 3 without doubt now! Had my Anti-D today which wasn’t fun. It was white painful. Also had my Bloods taken like you said @Elfs Mummy i also felt a bit lightheaded afterwards. I’m such a wuss and don’t like needles haha.
I’m 28 weeks today and can officially say I’m in Tri 3 without doubt now! Had my Anti-D today which wasn’t fun. It was white painful. Also had my Bloods taken like you said @Elfs Mummy i also felt a bit lightheaded afterwards. I’m such a wuss and don’t like needles haha.

This is baby number 4 and am still terrified of needles lol
I take my friend with me to hold my hands when i have to have blood tests :shock:
I dnt mind labour and the rest but all the needles that go with it scares me more :shock:
This is baby number 4 and am still terrified of needles lol
I take my friend with me to hold my hands when i have to have blood tests :shock:
I dnt mind labour and the rest but all the needles that go with it scares me more :shock:
I tried to get my hubby to come with me yesterday haha but he didn’t come because he said he didn’t need to be there, which is true I suppose. I donated blood (before I was pregnant) and I didn’t like needles then but I still did it because it was a good cause. I always got them to hide the needle from me lol. I have fainted a couple of times after donating though... it’s such a silly thing to be scared of but I can’t help it haha. It must just be I associate it with pain but it really does make me feel lightheaded... all psychological I know. Not looking forward to my blood thinners I’ll have to take after my c section. My hubby might have to do it for me x
I tried to get my hubby to come with me yesterday haha but he didn’t come because he said he didn’t need to be there, which is true I suppose. I donated blood (before I was pregnant) and I didn’t like needles then but I still did it because it was a good cause. I always got them to hide the needle from me lol. I have fainted a couple of times after donating though... it’s such a silly thing to be scared of but I can’t help it haha. It must just be I associate it with pain but it really does make me feel lightheaded... all psychological I know. Not looking forward to my blood thinners I’ll have to take after my c section. My hubby might have to do it for me x

I no how u feel am the same i think what scares me is the thought of the long ass needle that they inject u with i no they dnt put the whole needle in but i have the image in my head of how long it is and that puts me off and scares me, phobia i guess :shock:
And as a kid injection used to be a nightmare parents wud have to hold me down as i wud go mental crying :-(

My eldest daughter is just like me when it comes to needles shes petrified hubby blames me:doh:
This question is for all u ladies here lol TMI before hand lol
Nearly in tri 3 me n hubby have been intimate 3 times during this pregnancy as he was put of at first coz of “the baby growing inside” u wud think hes used to it as hes gonna be father of 4 :shakehead:
However this time was so uncomfortable and it actually hurt:| am thinking coz baby is very low? Anyone else??
Put me off now lolz
Two previous xx

Then you don’t have to have a section. Nice guidelines recommend repeat section after four. I was allowed vba2c with my third on mlu in the water. Your body, your baby, your choice xx
Then you don’t have to have a section. Nice guidelines recommend repeat section after four. I was allowed vba2c with my third on mlu in the water. Your body, your baby, your choice xx
I want the water!
I know they can't make me, I'm fine with standing my ground. Just whether or not baby lets me, lol. Currently breech, as were my other babies. See how it goes xx

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