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Chartstalkers: June 2008

Good luck to Sookie Loola and Trudy! Temps looking great :hug:

Thank you everyone for your messages :hug:

The bleeding has clamed down loads, need to take a pg test next week :pray: I hope its negative :pray:
Just to let you know ladies we saw a yolk sac and fetus and heartbeat - they think I am 6 weeks by the size which means I ovulated on CD7 and the first + I had was 7 dpo on a digi but 6 dpo on an internet cheapie!!!

I hope you will still let me come back over here as I miss you all x x x
That great news ROM. Of course you can still come on here. Our numbers are dwindling.

Thanks for all the positive message. I am spending 10 mins a day willing the sperm into the egg and then implantation. The power of positive thinking! Either that or I've finally lost it!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Ladies :wave:

Well after more than 30 hours of travelling we finally arrived at our hotel in London last night. Today was lovely. Went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, Hyde Park, Harrods for lunch and to Kensington Palace. The weather is gorgeous! So I am :pray: ing that it stays this way for a bit longer.

Tasha, thanks for looking up that info for me. I am going to endeavour to get hold of some.

Thanks for all your good wishes ladies. I am proud to say that I am 12 DPO and have not even looked at a pregnancy test yet. Am not temping this week to make sure that I don't think too much about it all. If no AF by Friday or Saturday I will test. FF says to test on Sat but really I should wait till Sunday as there have been a few cycles where I have had 15 day LPs. Anyway, I guess if I make it to Sat I am doing pretty well.

Good luck to Trudy and Loola in the 2WW! :pray: ing this will be our month.

Am off for some good English food tonight. It is so nice to have variety on offer. We almost died staring at all the foods in the Harrods food mall today. I can't say that I am missing Colombia right now!!!
Grrrrrrrrrr I did a really long post and it's disappeared. :x Sounds like your having a great time Sookie. Hope the weather stays nice for you. It's slinging it down in Manchester today.

Mmmmmmmmm.......... Harrod's food hall (wipes drool off keyboard) I haven't been there in years. All the things I should've done when I lived in London and never got round to. :roll: . They do have Selfridges with a food hall up here but it's not the same.

You've got a will of iron not testing until sunday. I'm :pray: ing it's our month too. I'm not too positive as the wierd pulling pains had subsided last week but they are back and getting stronger, which usually happens on the lead up to AF. Ah well at least I'll get my scan soon hopefully.
Hiya ladies :wave: Glad your time in the UK is going well so far Sookie! I have never been to the Harrods food hall, I feel I am missing out! Hope the weather isnt as rubbish as it is in little old Swansea today, its absolutely pouring down, its because Im on hols from work :roll:
Good on you for not testing too! I am :pray: for you!

Trudy, I am :pray: for you too! Dont you just hate it when you type something and then it all disappears. I usually turn off the laptop in a strop when that happens. :lol: I believe that the power of positive thinking has to work!

ROM - absolutely brilliant news! :cheer: I am so pleased for you and your hubby.

Well I have had my blood tests this morning. So I guess I find out if there is a problem in about a weeks time! :? Scary. I didnt realise that they would take so much blood either! 2 test tube fulls is quite a lot to me! but it was all over pretty quickly.

Its Mikes birthday today. He is still in bed so I have made a wonderful continental breakfast for him to wake up to, with croissants & jam, pain au chocolat, pancakes with syrup, orange juice and fresh Italian coffee. I have been really skint, and although I bought him a surround sound system which was for his birthday, I bought it ages ago and I felt bad not giving him any presents on his birthday, so I just filled a gift bag with a Man Utd DVD, a football magazine, Lynx Chocolate spray, 2 packs of Oreos and some ciggies. He will be chuffed Im sure! :D especially as he thinks Im not giving him anything. Its such a pity the weather is so rubbish, I would have loved to sit in the garden today. Ah well, we are having a little party with his brothers tonight, that will probably end in disaster or an argument, it usually does, thats the thing with birthdays, you have to be more tolerant :lol: I wont be able to tell them off today, I must be on my best behaviour!
Morning ladies :wave:

Cant sleep so thought I would do some stalking :D

What can I say - Sookie I cant believe your will power!! I hope you are enjoying your stay over here - at least the weather looks better today - its nice blue skies in Shropshire this morning. It would be amazing if you got your BFP here in the UK :D

Trudy I have just overlaid your chart with mine and your temps are higher!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you but I think its looking good :D :cheer:

Loola - how lovely and high and stable are your temps..... this chart looks very different from your last few...... again everything crossed for you here :D

Tasha hope you are doing OK :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kitty I hope you are enjoying your mad couple of weeks and the parcel arrived OK :wave:

Im excited now - with 3 of you in the TWW hopefully I will have some company in the first tri when all the old chart stalkers move on to the 2nd!!
Ah thanks ROM for your good luck wishes, we have absolutely no chance this month tho as we didnt BD until way after OV. AT ALL! Its good though as I can see what a not TTC chart looks like for me, so if I have any dips or signs of pregnancy which obviously cannot be as we didnt really try this month, I will take that knowledge with me in to future months and will not let myself get too worked up if I have the same signs. I hope that makes sense :? :shock: :lol:
Hi everyone :wave:
Just popping in to check what's happening!
Trudy - your chart is looking very hopeful and I had thos weird pulling pains before I got my bfp - fingers crossed for you!! I haven't managed to get the agnus castus to a post office yet, but will try tomorrow on my way home from work (if I remember to take it to work - that's the key!) - or shall I wait and see what happens with you? When are you going to test??

Glad you are enjoying your holiday Sookie and fingers crossed for you too.

Hope you had a nice day with your OH Loola!

I'm ok - just very apprehensive about my scan next week - I'll be glad when it's over and I (hopefully) know everything is ok.
I'm still feeling tired and sick though which I hope is a good sign.

Sending lots of babydust to you all.
Take care xxxxxx
Hi everyone. Thanks for the positive messages. I hope that those signs are good ROM and Kmac. Kmac the negative me says send them anyway but you're right wait until AF starts. I'm in no rush just glad you're kind enough to send them to me.

Not going to test until my period is late. I don't have any tests in the house so it'll be easier to resist the temptation. I hope this is it!

I had another day 21 blood test yesterday to see if my progesterone is ok. I'm very interested in the outcome as I'm using a progesterone cream so if it's still low I'll be stamping my feet and demanding a referral to test for sure.
Goodness me it took a while to find this. I'm so used to seeing it near the top.

Well I think I'm out for this month the same painful stabbing pain is back with a vengance. It usually builds until AF then stops when she starts.

But on the plus side my scan appointment had come through. :cheer: So hopefully I can find out what's causing the stabbing pain. It's Tuesday July 1st. Which would have been my EDD. Don't know whether to laugh or cry about the irony of that.

I just hope the room isn't full of pg women. :roll:
Trudy dont give up hope - I had stabbing pains before I tested :D Good news on your scan date - I know what you mean about your edd - our baby that we lost at Christmas would have been due around the 25th June and feeling a bit sad about that...... Keeping my fingers crossed that you are using that scan date to see your LO :D

Hey overlay your chart on FF with mine :D
Oh ROM i hope so. It just seems like it's never going to happen sometimes. I know it will I just need to be patient. It's just so hard when people around you fall so easily. I feel like a failure sometimes. :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Trudy, I know how you feel, I was very much getting to the point that everytime a new member posted that they had got their BFP (usually after a couple of posts of how do you get pregnant and I've been trying for a month and feel so down!!!) it sent me into a really dark place all day.........

You (and our other longstanding members of chartstalkers) so deserve it and I need some of you to join me as Babydust etc are all about to go off into 2nd Tri.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Trudy hun, I know exactly how you feel. Staying positive is very hard but you really must! Without hope you have nothing. It WILL happen for you I promise. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Good luck Trudy I really hope you and everyone gets their bfps soon :hug:
I am back!!! :wave:

Trudy - I have everything crossed for you :pray:

ROM - so glad the scan went really well :cheer:

Loola - Hope you're ok :hug:

Kitty - Hope things are going ok and thanks for the e-mails! :D

kmac - good luck with your scan :pray:

Tasha and Flossy are in my thoughts and prayers :hug:

I hope everyone else is ok and welcome to new the stalkers! :cheer:

I have finished my course of provera but as yet no AF! :? I'm sure it will happen soon! I've been given pills for 4 cycles of clomid and the doctor said to take it on CD2 for 5 days! I've also ordered pre-seed which came when I was at my parents!

At the clinic, everything came back ok, he was really happy with my weight loss but I was 4 lbs heavier on their scales!!! :x I'm still on my diet though and it's going ok! The only problem at the clinic was my CD21 bloods so that's why he's put me on clomid!

Right, I'm off to bed now! I didn't chart at my parents as my temps were all weird there - their house is much warmer and I thought as I was on the provera stuff anyway there wasn't much point!!!

Sleep well everyone :hug:
Hello all . Sorry I didn't mean to be down. I'm alright really. I didn't mean anyone on here BTW just people around me are falling pg so easily without even trying. When they have no money and can't look after the kids they have. I just wonder what on earth I was waiting for sometimes. I wanted to be in the best position possible before having kids now I just feel like I've wasted time. :( Ah well as sense of pride and a good work ethic is very important to me and I want my children to feel they should provide for themselves only using benefits as a last resort.

Sorry to rant I just get irritated. Especially when it's these ones who say 'Oh what are you waiting for' I feel like saying I don't want to rely on my parents to buy my food for the week so my kids can eat!!!! :evil:

Right happy Sadi is back! :)

Glad your back Polly and that something is being done. I'm sure you'll get your bfp soon.

Thanks for the hugs kmac, ROM, Tasha and Loola.

Tasha - hope your feeling a bit better now.

Hi to everyone else. :wave: Hope you've all had good weekends. I've now gone wireless and have networked my spare PC so I can now get t'internet in the living room!!! So I can check up on you all at weekend.

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