chartstalkers- September 2008

Okay thanks. Been having some trouble sleeping at the moment and sometimes been getting up around 3 or 4 in the morning so it has been a bit hard to take temp at a regular time. Will have to try harded in future :)
I dont know why I'm excited to see my chart today :cheer:
I woke up with bad earach, sore throat and a streaming nose but my chart cheered me up!

helpneeded I'm in the same boat, I just can't possibly get up at the same time everyday, so I would say use the charting as a rough guide :hug: Charting isnt going to influence whether you get pg or not - it's the rumpy pumpy that will do that :D
mrs_metal said:
I saw the docs this morning about my short LP's and he wants me to go for a blood test between cycle days 2 & 5. Did a google on the boxes he's ticked on the form and it looks like he's testing for thyroid, kidney function, full blood count (with I think is a test for anemia), lutenzing hormone, folicle stimulation hormone, prolactin (which I think is something to do with pituatary gland and thyroid) and rubella.

Looks like the nurse will taking a whole armfull of blood :lol:

I've got to wait til next cycle for the tests. I thought he might do CD7 or CD21 tests but he's just doing these.

Hi MrsMetal

I had the exact same tests the first time - they took 3 sets of blood and I nearly fainted but that's because I'm a big wuss with that stuff. Try not to look if it bothers you!

The CD21 tests are only one set so this is as bad as it will get for now. Glad you're getting your tests now xxx

KeLe101 said:
This is a message for Ejjie (sorry for gate crashing the thread everyone!) - I had been hoping you had posted some positive news about your results which I had missed. However, I have now seen your post on this thread and I just want to wish you all the very best for your fertility appointment. I'm so sorry the results weren't what you had hoped for, but the good news is that you can move forward to getting things sorted. I really do hope you are ok and I have my fingers crossed for you. Take care hun. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Aw Kele you're really sweet. I had a couple of really bad days (well a couple of weeks of not being fully up for TTC) I'm feeling better now though. It feels rubbish to know you're not functioning properly and the short luteal phases have really done my head in because I've not had chance to get excited about pg testing before AF has ruined my party. I'm going to try and be more positive now. When I see what other people have been through and how long some have been trying I feel a bit of a drama queen :roll:

Is anybody going to start an October thread? Should I do it...?

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