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Chartstalkers: June 2008

Loola :hug: :hug: :hug: hope you feel better today honey, I hate being ill but at least he cant complain as he gave it you :D

Welshpolly I bet you are excited about getting your results - Dave is chuffed as I spoke to our fertility clinic yesterday and he gets out of doing his test on Monday, we have agreed not to cancel anything else yet as I am too nervous to do so as if anything goes wrong with this bean I would hate to have to wait another 6 months for an appointment to come through.

Sookie - bet the kids love you :D :D :D :D

Kitty I am totally convinced that the doctors havent got their head around the fact I was testing around a week before my AF was due!! I totally think you are right - they just looked at the number and assumed I was 14 or 15 dpo.. Anyway I have taken a FRER each morning since Monday and you can see the progression so hopefully my numbers are going up lets just hope they are going up quick enough :)

Well I promise I will leave you soon - once I am a little more confident about the whole thing - so please be patient with me if I outstay my welcome. x x x x x x
morning all! Just a quick one - I'm on my way out of the door, spending a couple of days helping my parents (they're about to move house). So I won't be around till Sunday eve earliest. I'm not even taking my thermometer with me - now there's rebellion for you!

Have a great weekend, hope you all get to make the most of it.
Hi everyone I have to share with you - I have just peed on my last FRER and the test line is stronger than the control line :D :D :D I just am praying that my test comes back ok tomorrow - having a really crampy and bloated tummy this evening but I am pretty sure this is normal when you are first pregnant. I never had lines like this last time even at 17 dpo.

Hope everyone else is OK x x x x
Sending so many sticky vibes! :pray:

Kitty - I hope your weekend goes ok :hug:

Loola - Glad you're feeling better :hug:

I have almost got a positive OPK and thankfully hubby is home in the morning after a week of nights! I've told him to save some energy as he'll need it for the whole weekend! :lol: Also got cramps and EWCM! I hope this is the month for us! :pray:

Sending lots of babydust x
Not stalked yet but just posted in May! :doh: Just to let everyone know that I went to the docs. He's sending me for an ultrasound. I have to wait on the hospital to send me and appointment. So hopefully they will find something or else it's just in my head!

I'm really pleased as is will hopefully show if I have fibroids or not which has always been a worry for me.

Right gotta do some work. Will catch up on everything later!
OK just got through to the receptionist at my GP's and luckily it was the lovely one - my beta has gone from 73 on Monday to 268 on Wednesday :D :D :D :D :D They wanted to see a level of around 150 that that number is amazing I hope......

The doctor is going to telephone me after 3.00 pm this afternoon. Hopefully they will get me in for an early scan pretty soon and I can start to relax and enjoy this amazing time. :D :D :D :D :D
reallyoldmum said:
OK just got through to the receptionist at my GP's and luckily it was the lovely one - my beta has gone from 73 on Monday to 268 on Wednesday :D :D :D :D :D They wanted to see a level of around 150 that that number is amazing I hope......

The doctor is going to telephone me after 3.00 pm this afternoon. Hopefully they will get me in for an early scan pretty soon and I can start to relax and enjoy this amazing time. :D :D :D :D :D

ROM that is wonderful news - congratulations :cheer: :cheer: what a star you are (and dh ofcourse - lol).
Can I become a stalker? Joined the forum two weeks ago when af was due, she still hasn't arrive but all my test (8 of them :oops: ) all bfn - so I'm sure she'll arrive eventually and let me get on with the bd'ing! I'm 43 so you might think I'm a bit old - I do hope not!
San you are absolutely not too old - all of us in chartstalkers have joined Fertility Friend - this is a site that lets you use your waking temps to chart when you actually ovulate (well its a bit more complicated than that but that is the jist of it :) ) I have found it really useful especially after my ectopic. It is not expensive to be honest and I think it is worth every penny - you will need a basal digital therometer but you can buy those from ebay for less than £5.
Sookie Well done for new thread!!! :clap: Yes it's mine and DHs 10th anni holiday. So want to go somewhere kinda nice. There's just too many options. Would be nice to go somewhere neither of us have been before. Your hol sounds amazing no wonder you're counting the days.
I'm sure the sperm will not be able to miss the egg coming out of that follicle!

Kitty - you rebel! Your thermometer will feel abandoned!

ROM - great news. Hope you can stop worrying soon and head to 1st tri. Not that we won't want you here still chatting. Not sure where in Turkey, I've just heard from alot of people that it's lovely so it's on the list of possible places.

Loola - sorry you feel so rough. Hope your feeling a bit better now. Congrats on your anni!!!

Tasha - i hope to get my BFP soon too.

Polly - glad you've lost the weight you wanted to. Not long now for your appointment.

San - you are more than welcome. We've had quite a few vacancies open up over the last few months!

Hi to everyone else.

Well girls had the call from my GP - she is delighted and has told me to relax and enjoy being pregnant :D As the numbers jumped so quickly they are not bothering to do any futher blood tests and will just book me in for an early scan when they can. She has suggested I keep my one on the 26th June with the Fertility Clinic for the time being in case she cant get one before hand :)

I have pulled out all my courage and posted on 1st Tri but I am not ready yet to fully leave you lot over here so please excuse me if I stay and stalk x x x x x
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Tasha - i hope to get my BFP soon too.

Err Trudy are you feeling alright :lol:

:hug: I really hope you do hun, I want to see all fo you chartstalkers over there :hug:
:D well ladies decided that I am actually going to believe it now - and I've got my ticker - I so hope I dont regret this :pray:
rom loving the new ticker hun :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Yay for ROM :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: absolutely amazing news that your numbers have gone up so much! So happy for you. We will miss you in here! :cry: :hug:

Best of luck to everyone this month

Sookie - I presume you have ovulated by your chart, best of luck hun, I really really hope that his little swimmers found your enormous egg! It must have been very sad saying bye to the kids :hug:

Kitty - Best of luck to you too hun! I cant wait to see your BFP.

Trudy - sorry AF got you but it is great to see your luteal phase is at 11 days now :cheer: Best of luck at the Dr's.

Chill - sorry AF got you lady :hug:

Welshpolly - looks like you are having a very fertile time and getting loads of BDing done! :D Hope you get your BFP soon! Huge congratulations on your results too! :cheer:

Welcome San :wave: of course you are not too old! And there is plenty of room for you in here :D

Well we didnt get any BDing done at all this month so absolutely no chance of a BFP this time. I did tell him that Thursday was our one chance for the month but he wasnt in the mood, which is fair enough, Im not going to force him into anything. I think to be honest that we need a break from TTC for maybe over a year! :shock: For a start my body seems to be messed up. My cycles are getting increasingly short. I think I ovulated on either day 11 or 12 this time, which means if I do have my normal 13 day luteal phase then Im having either a 24 or 25 day cycle again. If its 24 then its 2 days shorter than last month. I dont seem to be having hardly any fertile CM anymore, well I had a few patches of 'wet' but no EWCM at all. I used to have fertile periods that would last for days!
I also dont have any ovulation pain anymore, in fact no definite signs that Im ovulating at all other than my OPKs. My temps do rise but nowhere near what they used to rise to. All in all its really getting me down. Our chances seem to be getting slimmer and slimmer. What chance have we got now if we didnt conceive when I had loads of fertile fluid and my cycles were normal? :( So Im seriously thinking perhaps we should just forget about it completely until after the wedding. We will have to stop in September/October anyway cos I cant waste my £1025 wedding dress! :wink:

Well Ill go and have my blood test on Tuesday as that should be around 7 days before my next period, but Im not 100% sure. Hopefully that will shed some light on what is happening with me though. I feel so emotional today, I hope I snap out of this soon. :cry: Its absolutely ridiculous to say this, and in some ways I wish Id never had a bloody Cheri prediction now, but because she predicted Feb for me, I had hoped that this month would have been the month we conceived, but obviously not if we havent even had sex at all! Ah well. It will happen :roll: Ill just have to be patient and wait a few years more!
Hi ladies :wave: Hope everyone is having a great weekend and the weather is as lovely with you as it is here. :D

Mike and I had a big chat last night and we have come to the decision that we are going to stop TTC now. Im going to have my blood test on Weds, and Ill get him to do his sperm test eventually. Once we have the results back I think it will shed some light on what is going on with my body and also if there is a problem with his swimmers. We will then give ourselves over a year to get really healthy so when we do finally start TTC again hopefully it wont be so hard and it wont take too long :?

Im going to concentrate on the wedding now entirely and getting fit, sort out my cycles and save some money, hopefully even have a holiday! :shock: So Im going to finish temping this month just so I have a chart to show the Dr but after that I will stop. Im not going to start taking the pill again as it will muck me up too much, we will just have to be careful. If an accident happens then it wont be the worst thing in the world!

Ill still come on here and see how you all are :hug: It is a sad decision to take and I feel almost defeated that we didnt manage to do this, but it wasnt for the lack of trying! Now just isnt our time. I will be back in August 2009! :wave: :hug:

Thanks everyone for all your advice since last November, dont know what I would have done without you all. Good luck to you all on getting your BFPs. Im sure I wont see any of you here by the time I officially come back, i hope to see you in at least 3rd tri by then girlies! Ill keep an eye on you all, cant wait to see all the pics of your Little Ones! :cheer:
ooooooooohhhhhh Loola :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am sad to see you go, but I understand your decision, especially with the wedding coming up. I will miss you terribly so don't stop popping in. I really don't know what else to say. :hug:

Well my temps are funny. FF says I oved on CD20, which seems about right timing wise after the scan, but the temps are low and I'm not convinced about the date. Funnily enough, FF thinks it's certain and gave me solid crossed hairs for the first time in months. One good thing is we certainly got the BDing in at the right time :rotfl:

We just got back from a weekend away at the national park near here. It is gorgeous. The Guardian newspaper voted it the second most beautiful beach in the world. So needless to say we enjoyed ourselves. Trudy, I hope that you enjoy planning your holiday!

Hi to everyone else :wave: Gotta go and do a bit of work.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to Loola. I think it's probably the right decision for you both at the moment though. It was amazing how much more of my life I got back in the 2 months we couldn't try. I even did some work :wink: And the break has given me a much more relaxed perspective, too, as anyone who might have tried stalking my chart this month may have noticed - I can't be arsed to temp after ovulation has been confirmed! It's too easy to get obsessed about the way the graph is going, and whether a drop is implantation or not. I'm sure that the wedding will be stressful enough without all the extra obsessing! Best of luck for it and remember, we want to see pictures... you have email addresses for a few of us anyway...

Sookie - FX the solid crosshairs are a good sign! I do eny you being on a beach.

Trudy - sorry about AF. Your BFP will come!

Polly - woohoo for losing weight!

ROM - I'd be a bit peed off if you left us entirely, you know... I remember when it was just you, me and Flick charting...

We had fab weather over the weekend, which I spent clearing the garden of my parents' new house. I am covered in bramble scratches! I have realised that if I do ever have kids, I am so not going to be an elegant yummy-mummy - I am going to have more plasters, bruises, etc, than the chldren :( Both my knees are still bruised (and a giant scab on the right one - nice) from skidding across a badminton court flat on my face a week ago :oops:

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too. I'm a bit confused now as to which stalkers are actually TTC and charting at the moment! Where's everyone at?
San - Welcome! I hope you get your BFP! :pray:

Trudy - good luck with the scan! :hug:

ROM - LOVE your ticker! :cheer:

Loola - Thinking of you and always here for you :hug:

Sookie - Glad you had a nice time away :D Hopefully this will be your month :pray:

Kitty - do you fancy doing my garden? :lol:

We have the clinic appointment on Wednesday for all the results :? Hubby also has an interview in the afternoon for the August rotations! Bless him!

It's another lovely day here so I'm about to sit in the garden! xxx
Hi everyone :wave:

Loola - I just wanted to say bye :cry:. Im really sorry that it hasnt worked out for you yet. I hope you have a wonderful wedding - the dress and venue both look fantastic. I will be looking out for the pictures. I also wanted to say a massive thanks to you for all of the support you have given me over the months. You have been such a great member of this forum and I really am sad to see you leave. Wishing you all the luck in the world x x x
sally12 said:
Loola - I just wanted to say bye :cry:. Im really sorry that it hasnt worked out for you yet. I hope you have a wonderful wedding - the dress and venue both look fantastic. I will be looking out for the pictures. I also wanted to say a massive thanks to you for all of the support you have given me over the months. You have been such a great member of this forum and I really am sad to see you leave. Wishing you all the luck in the world x x x

Just wanted to say ditto to what Sally wrote and give you a hug Loola :hug:

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