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Chartstalkers: June 2008

I've just read my previous post and it doesn't sound very sympathetic or even friendly :oops: But I'm sure Loola knows that I will miss her, even if I sound like I'm saying 'good riddance'! :rotfl:

Anyway, I have sent an email round copying those stalkers whose email addresses I have, so Loola can keep us updated with her wedding plans. If you didn't get the email, I haven't got your address (or have lost it) - I don't think WelshPolly or Tasha were on there, for example. If you want to be added, PM me.

Loola - I'll probably still be sitting here when you come back! :lol: :hug:
Hi again girls

Well, if you have a glance at my ticker you will see that I am 12 weeks today :cheer: I had a scan last week and everything seems to be fine.

Ive decided that i think it is time that I parted with my TTC goodie bag and I wondered if any fellow stalkers would like it?

It contains;

1 brandnew box of Pregnacare Conception tablets and 14 ov tests. Sorry there are no pg tests left..i used them all up! :oops:

If anyone would like them just PM me (on a first come first served basis) and I will pop them in the post to you.

I have a few days off and we lose another one! You're definitely doing the right thing Loola. Take some time for you and DH2B. You never know it's a times when you least expect it you get your BFP!

Keep us up to date with the wedding plans.I'll miss you.
:hug: :hug:
Awww thanks ladies! I have a tear in my eye reading all your messages, you are all very lovely indeed! :hug: And Kitty I didnt think for a second that you were saying good riddance :lol:

Ill still be hanging around chartstalkers dont you worry! I cant help my nosiness! I will of course put up some pics of the wedding too, which is still 13 bloody months away! :roll: However its almost a relief to not be officially TTC anymore. It has taken alot of pressure off us. It will be nice to have sex because we really want to (which probably means we wont have sex for the next year :rotfl: ) I do feel disappointed too though of course, I dont like to give up on anything. Mike is the opposite, if he cant succeed straight away he gives up, I on the other hand will stay up for days trying to complete a puzzle or fix something until I go insane.

I will miss you guys lots and lots, but I will be keeping a close eye on everyones progress. Cant believe you are 12 weeks already Sally! :shock: How quickly has the time flown!

Best of luck to all of you, I think some of us are now in 3rd tri (is Mildly?) and to the girls in 2nd and 1st tri, Im so chuffed for you :) I will be keeping an extra specially close eye on ROM too :D Sookie best of luck with your moving. Must be very exciting for you! Kitty thank you for your invaluable knowledge and brilliant humour :hug: Trudy I will really miss you too and I so hope to see you in 1st tri soon hun, it really us your turn now!
Loola said:
Trudy I will really miss you too and I so hope to see you in 1st tri soon hun, it really us your turn now!

Thanks hun! I feel the same way too! Glad you're gonna stick round and gossip with us. There's hardly anyone left! :cry:

The one good thing about not getting a BFP so quickly is that I got to meet lots of lovely new Chartstalkers. Some of the old ones will be back TTC no2 so won't be too empty for long!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
sally - good luck with the rest of your pregnancy :hug:

kitty - i've sent you a pm with my e-mail addy :D

Loola - :hug: So glad you'll still be keeping an eye on us all!

Trudy - I feel the same way about meeting lovely chartstalkers! :D

Well, I am home alone!!! Hubby was meant to be home tonight ready for our appointment tomorrow but the motorway has been closed because of an earlier accident! He says he'll be home first thing in the morning though. I am really anxious about the clinic appointment tomorrow but I know it will be ok as we will be at last getting results! I am anxious about the weight issue though. I have lost the weight required but what if he weighs me and I'm still too heavy - I weigh myself in the nude and there I'll be fully clothed! Also, what if their scales are different to mine?

ooo, listen to me! It's just nerves isn't it!

I'll let you all know how I get on - I'll try and get online tomorrow evening!

Sending lots of babydust xxx
Awww loola, I will miss your posts :hug: :hug: Good luck with your wedding, I also can't wait to see your pictures :D

I'm glad you feel better just having made the decision not to actively TTC :hug: It is very stressful so you and Mike enjoy having fun sex from now on :)

Hey to everyone else :wave: And sookie, good luck with your moving :D Yes, third tri for me and Bagpuss and Chrissy aren't far behind as are the others :D Wishing everyone the best of luck here in Chartstalker land too :pray:
Hi guys has anyone heard from Tasha20? She started bleeding and was going to hospital yesterday. I didn't want to PM her before asking if someone else has heard the results. I'm praying it's all ok. :pray: :pray: :pray:
Really sad post in 1st Tri - it is so hard to see this bless her - no words will help her at the moment but my heart goes out to her - gives me a sharp reminder that no-one is out of the woods until much later in pregnancy...... :(
:cry: Aww thank you everyone :hug:

I think the thing that has botherd me the most is I never thought it would happen to me, I feel really stupid for thinking that.

We do want to try again very soon but i dont think I am going to chart, its just too stressfull.

ROM I really do wish you all the best, I am sure your bubba is growing well :hug:

Thank you again everyone, I will be back when bleeding is over and we will try again for our baby.

Tasha, I'm so sorry :hug: When you're ready to start trying again, you could always part-chart - temp before ov and just long enough to confirm. At least then you'll know that you have ov'ed. But give yourself plenty of time to recover first, you need to look after yourself. No, actually, your DH needs to look after you! :hug:
Oh Tasha your not stupid. Even though I spoke about being cautious until 2nd tri I never really believed it would happen to me either. My heart goes out to you. You do what ever you need to feel better. If you need a moan or rant feel free to PM me I know exactly what you're going through. Just give yourself time. So So sorry for your loss. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you very much.

I am not sure what to do on the ttc front at the moment, but I just want it all to end so I can move on to try again.

Thank you Trudy, I really appreciate it :hug:
Tasha - you don't even need to think about it yet. Give yourself a break, make some time for yourself - bath, glass of wine, etc. A friend of mine miscarried last week at 10 weeks, having conceived 3 weeks after miscarrying at 20 weeks. She's even more upset because she hadn't grieved properly for the first m/c, it was a case of papering over the cracks by trying again immediately. I'd really hate to see anyone else go through what she's going through at the moment. So please, give yourself some time. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have a question for you all.

AF came this morning (expected - spotting yesterday) - I am soooooo tempted to take matters into my own hands and try agnus castus or something, even though the doc said not to... my thinking being, he'stold me to come back in Aug if I'm not preg, and what he doesn't know can't hurt...

what would you do?
Hello, I just joined but may I be added to this one? It's my first month ttc. I don't think there's been success yet but you never know!
Hi Betula,

I've just started this month too. No lucky month 1 and AF arrived Monday. Fingers crossed for this month. Good luck & lots of Baby Dust for you. :wave:

Nice to meet you! AF hasn't appeared yet for me but it's due very soon. I think because I feel completely normal, I doubt I could be pregnant yet. Hopefully it won't take too long for success for both of us. Good luck!

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