Chart Stalkers March 2008

:x Oh Kitty - how annoying!

ROM - hope you get some sleep!

Babydust - hope you get some more sense out of someone today.

Skairdy! - :think: :D

:wave: everyone else!

Got my blood tests today so we shall see how that goes.....
Still not sleeping at all right and having my weird little episodes! :roll:
Kitty, I hope your DH hasn't got too long to wait for another appointment...And the Dr has a really bad golf game!! :D

What does CBEFM mean? Sorry I'm still new to all of this.

But I do hope that your cycle isn't too long...All that BDing...I'm surprised you ahve energy for typing!! :rotfl:
Kitty, I hope your DH hasn't got too long to wait for another appointment...And the Dr has a really bad golf game!! :D

What does CBEFM mean? Sorry I'm still new to all of this.

But I do hope that your cycle isn't too long...All that BDing...I'm surprised you ahve energy for typing!! :rotfl:
:( Help

My temp is goin up slowy, is this nomal? I am worryig I didnt ov now :cry:
:( Help

My temp is goin up slowy, is this nomal? I am worryig I didnt ov now :cry:
Morning one and all!!!!! :wave: Im good thanks for asking skairdy :D My god for once i feel on top of the world for some daft reason! :dance: And + i remembered to take my temp right this am so hopefuly il remember every morning the same and not get it wrong again! :roll: :lol: And according to my ticker its OV day im hoping thats right too il be ready and waitig on the o/h tonight! :cheer: Sorry me feling mad for a moment il be calm now. And how are we all doing today then?! :D
Sorry - CBEFM = Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor. Yep, I'll try any gadget out there!

For those who don't know what the CBEFM actually is, it's a small electronic device - bit bigger than a BlackBerry - and it predicts ovulation. It works on a similar principle to OPKs, in that you pee on a stick which has embedded strips to detect the presence of hormones, but you then insert the test stick into the device and the machine 'reads' it. OPKs just test for the presence of LH (luteinising hormone), which predicts ovulation within 12-36 hours. The CBEFM, however, tests for the oestrogen surge that you get around 3-5 days before the LH surge, as well as testing for LH. Instead of getting a negative or positive result, you get three levels of fertility - low, when neither oestrogen nor LH is detected; high, when it senses a build-up of oestrogen but no LH; then peak, when it detects LH. The device automatically gives you a second peak day after the first - this second peak day is almost always ovulation day. Unlike OPKs, you test with FMU.

The bonus - if everything works - is that you chug along for the first bit of your cycle with a low reading, then you get a high and know you have to start BDing, and that you're likely to ovulate around 4 days later. So you don't have the panic of suddenly getting a +OPK and your DH is out with his mates...

The downside is that if ovulation is delayed at the last minute - i.e. your body gears up for it, but then holds on to that egg - the monitor detects your oestrogen surge, you BD like rabbits, and 7 days later you're still BDing and getting heartily sick of it. You're not supposed to look at the sticks, but if you know what to look for, you can get further insight by comparing the lines. As oestrogen increases, the oestrogen test line fades; as LH increases, the LH line darkens. So what happens is you start with one strong line on the left, then you get a less strong line on the left and a faint on the right, then faint on the left and strong on the right, more or less. For the last four or five days, I've had the middle scenario, which is getting a bit boring.

If anyone else is thinking of getting a CBEFM, its main use is in predicting ovulation for those with irregular, but not hugely abnormal, cycles. If you're always 28 days, there's no benefit, but if you are usually somewhere between 31 and 36 days, for example, it's useful. They're expensive - around £90 in Boots, and the boxes of test sticks are expensive too - but you can buy them more cheaply on eBay (around £60 new) and from Access Diagnostics. You can also buy second-hand ones on eBay - you then have to google to find out how to reset them (they adapt to the user's cycles, so if you have long cycles they won't start asking you to POAS until CD14 or so, whereas if you have short ones, you'll be asked to POAS on CD6 or so).

Hope that helps!

FX that AF stays away, skairdykat.

Good luck choklatemunky!

Tasha20, lots of people get a slow rise - you should always keep BDing through ovulation anyway, just in case, and stop when it's been confirmed. Looking at your chart, it's difficult to tell because you have open circles, which means those temps aren't reliable. Also, you wouldn't know for sure until 3 high temps after ov. As the CM and OPKs match, it looks likely that you did, but your temps may be showing artificially low for some reason - if you took them earlier than usual, or if you didn't sleep properly. Also, the temps before your supposed ov date are open circles - if you took those later than usual, they would be higher than you might expect. I'd carry on BDing just in case, but you really do need to take your temp at the same time every day, after 3 hours continuous sleep, immediately upon waking and definitely before you get up to go to the loo, have a cup of tea, push back the duvet, or even sit up and have a sip of water. The only part of my body that moves before I temp is my arm, reaching out for the thermometer! So the answer is that with your temps as they are, no, ovulation wouldn't be detected, but my guess is that the temps are less reliable than the combined effect of the CM and OPKs, and overall I'd say it's quite likely you did. Don't worry too much about the first chart, I'd say most first charts are pretty unreliable as you work out what time suits you to temp best, and how to temp efficiently.

Bloody hell, this is an epic. I should have left the house 20 minutes ago! I'll catch up with you all on Sunday - have a good day, and a fab weekend!
CBEFM is a clear blue fertility monitor for those of you who asked - sure Kitty will explain more when she has time but it tells you when to BD and when you are coming up to ov (bit like OPKs but detects more hormones so is meant to give you more warning I think).
EDIT - Kitty explains it above - was obviously typing this as Kitty was typing her epic-going-to-make-her-late-post!

Tasha - it is poss to have a slow rise, dont worry about it - Im sure your temp will go up again tomorrow.

Flossy - glad you are in a good mood :D make the most of it! You are def v close to ov by your charting of CM etc so go grab your man!

Well, I didnt have the shot putter nurse I had the nice friendly one but Im sure she drained half my blood as she stole loads of it! :lol: No, it wasnt that much really but it went in loads of different containers so it looked like more than it was I hurt the most when she took the needle out. My arm hurts a bit at the mo where the needle was but I bruise easily and I had a nice big purple one last time I had a blood test so Im expecting the same - lucky old me! :roll: I think I may have buggered things up tho - the receptionist said when I booked the appt that it wasnt necessary to fast for the tests I was having, but as I was leaving today the Nurse said, you can get some breakfast now, so now Im worrying that I shouldnt have eaten before I had the test done - I only had a few cornflakes but if I wasnt meant to eat then anything is too much and will affect the result right? :( I prob should have piped up and asked her but I was already half way out the door and thought Id look like a right muppet asking! Wish I had now.....those of you who have had the CD21 tests did you eat before yours??? :think:[/i]
OK got my test results back from Wednesday - HCG less than 1, Prolactin 83 - the dragon on reception said no action required and that was that :wall: :wall: Now I wonder if the prolactin level is OK - obviously I'm not pregnant (the wine will be flowing on Saturday night) but it is so frustrating not knowing what the normal levels of prolactin should be.... The web just makes me more confused... :-)
sorry Rom I dunno what is normal, but did find this...

Levels can rise after exercise, meals, sexual intercourse, or minor surgical procedures.

So maybe if you ate or walked to the place where you had your test it would have affected it?

Sorry prob not much help :hug:
Why is it when you get one of those moments though is he hard at work :wall: :lol: Oh well guess il have to wait then! :wink:
Cheers honey :D apparently stress can effect it too - me stressed - never!!!! I just dont seem to be able to find what is the normal non pregnant level they would expect in the UK - I think it is measured differently in the USA - a bit like progesterone......
Not sure if this is any help ROM :? :)

Normal Results

The normal values for prolactin are as follows:

Males: 2 to 18 ng/ml
Nonpregnant females: 2 to 29 ng/ml
Pregnant women: 10 to 209 ng/ml
Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about what your specific test results mean.

Note: ng/ml = nanograms per milliliter
I see what you mean - the range of numbers on the diff websites is ridiculous! I wonder if NHS Direct would tell you by phone?
Thanks Flossy, I have just requested to see my GP - couldnt see me till after Easter!! Anyway I have arranged a telephone consultation on Monday at 10.00 am :wall:
Hmmm - wouldnt those stats then suggest that ROM has prolactin levels found in pregnancy? :think: It is very confusing ROM :hug: Really hope you enjoy your night out and your birthday :hug:

Kitty - That sucks balls about your DH not having his op done when planned! It really angers me that Doctors just play with your life like that without giving you a choice.

Skairdy - Hope those temps stay up hun :pray: I really hope you get your BFP.

Tasha - I get slow rising temps sometimes. It freaked me out the first time too. :hug:

Hope everyone is well. Ill do some proper stalking tomorrow I promise. :angel: AF is still here but Im kicking her out tomorrow. :cheer: Then the BDing can commence! Im pulling out all the stops tomorrow to start feeling better about myself. Im having my hair done hopefully a la Katie Holmes/Cruise:



Though hair cuts never look quite the same on me as they do on the stars! Ive also started using the sunbeds, which is very unlike me as Im a bit of a goth really :wink: but in an attempt to make my OH fancy me more and actually WANT sex with me not just because he has to, Ive booked 90 minutes worth of skin cancer and burning pain! I promise I wont use it all at once :lol: Im sure it will be worth it. :? :rotfl:

I shall post pics of my new hair in our photobucket account if I dont look to ridiculous!

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