Chart Stalkers March 2008

Hi all, :wave:

Sorry for my absence and tardiness in updating the front page with links, etc. I had a really stressful week workwise.

Anyway, I'm back, but not for long, because we're visiting my parents for the weekend. Annoyingly, I was due to ov yesterday, but the stress seems to have delayed it - my CBEFM went High at the weekend (usually you get 4 highs, then peak) but I'm now on the 6th high. Today's test stick clearly showed the LH line darkening though, and today's OPK was a lot darker, so I guess tomorrow might be Peak, and I'll ov Saturday. I so don't want to have to do the deed in my parents' house, but needs must! I'm sure they wouldn't be at all bothered (they're desperate for grandchildren, they'd probably stand outside the door cheering us on! :rotfl: ), but it's the whole thing of wondering if anyone can hear... Isn't it strange how our bodies work though?

Right, well, it looks like there are several pages of posts to catch up on, so I'm off to have a quick read. Hope all's well with everyone, FX for those in the 2ww, and :hug: to anyone who needs one.
gosh, lots of drama this week.

Babydust - a urine sample's not much good, you need a blood test! Stupid bloody receptionist. Best way of getting an appointment is by phoning the NHS direct line - then phone the doctor's surgery and tell them that NHS Direct told you to book an appointment urgently. The receptionist would be negligent if she then asked any questions or tried to stop you from seeing the doctor. If there's any way of asking NHS Direct a question in order to get from them the answer that your doctor needs to do a blood test, better still - then you can tell the receptionist that too. They may be able to book you in with the nurse just to get the bloods done, which is usually quicker. You have to work the system... cos the system doesn't work!

Having said that, the receptionist at my doctor's surgery is fantastic, it's only fair that I say that.

I've already lost track of everyone else! I saw a few people wanted their charts stalked, but then it seemed that they got the answers they wanted - if anyone does still want stalking, say so, and I'll have a look tomorrow morning! Not that I'm an expert but I'm always happy to do some amateur detection work! :lol:
gosh, lots of drama this week.

Babydust - a urine sample's not much good, you need a blood test! Stupid bloody receptionist. Best way of getting an appointment is by phoning the NHS direct line - then phone the doctor's surgery and tell them that NHS Direct told you to book an appointment urgently. The receptionist would be negligent if she then asked any questions or tried to stop you from seeing the doctor. If there's any way of asking NHS Direct a question in order to get from them the answer that your doctor needs to do a blood test, better still - then you can tell the receptionist that too. They may be able to book you in with the nurse just to get the bloods done, which is usually quicker. You have to work the system... cos the system doesn't work!

Having said that, the receptionist at my doctor's surgery is fantastic, it's only fair that I say that.

I've already lost track of everyone else! I saw a few people wanted their charts stalked, but then it seemed that they got the answers they wanted - if anyone does still want stalking, say so, and I'll have a look tomorrow morning! Not that I'm an expert but I'm always happy to do some amateur detection work! :lol:
The spotting seems to have stopped now, I had a feel around earlier and my cervix is low & hard. My CM is clear with flecks of light brown in it.

Dare I start to get excited? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
The spotting seems to have stopped now, I had a feel around earlier and my cervix is low & hard. My CM is clear with flecks of light brown in it.

Dare I start to get excited? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Morning all - OK now I'm going to have a whinge..... :(

What is wrong with me? Since Sunday I have been having the most awful night sweats (and some in the day when I feel all hot and clammy and think I may pass out). Then the last two nights they have got worse, so much so I am waking every hour and a half absolutely boiling - so much so I have to get up and come down stairs and stand outside for a couple of minutes. Then it takes me ages to get back to sleep. Everytime I wake up I am desparate for the loo so I cant even test with FMU because its only a couple of hours at most since I went last time!! On top of that I have the worst taste in my mouth and before you get excited its not metalic its just vile like furry or something but sour too - I am cleaning my teeth about 20 times a day....... I know I havent ovulated properly since August so maybe I have forgotten the normal TTW symptoms but this is daft - I'm knackered!!!

Anyway rant over sorry :D but I feel much better getting it off my hot and slimey chest :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry to hear your having a bad time. I get that funny taste in my mouth once i've ov'd...well i noticed it last month anyway. Do you think it could be that?
Morning all - OK now I'm going to have a whinge..... :(

What is wrong with me? Since Sunday I have been having the most awful night sweats (and some in the day when I feel all hot and clammy and think I may pass out). Then the last two nights they have got worse, so much so I am waking every hour and a half absolutely boiling - so much so I have to get up and come down stairs and stand outside for a couple of minutes. Then it takes me ages to get back to sleep. Everytime I wake up I am desparate for the loo so I cant even test with FMU because its only a couple of hours at most since I went last time!! On top of that I have the worst taste in my mouth and before you get excited its not metalic its just vile like furry or something but sour too - I am cleaning my teeth about 20 times a day....... I know I havent ovulated properly since August so maybe I have forgotten the normal TTW symptoms but this is daft - I'm knackered!!!

Anyway rant over sorry :D but I feel much better getting it off my hot and slimey chest :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry to hear your having a bad time. I get that funny taste in my mouth once i've ov'd...well i noticed it last month anyway. Do you think it could be that?
Thanks Hara I am sure they are just ovulation symptoms but it has been so long since I have had them I have forgotten...... Just so tired this morning and really fed up - going to go back to bed and try and get some sleep.....
Thanks Hara I am sure they are just ovulation symptoms but it has been so long since I have had them I have forgotten...... Just so tired this morning and really fed up - going to go back to bed and try and get some sleep.....
ROM - that's exactly what I get every 2ww. If you look back at my charts, there's a definite tendency to have open circles after ovulation, especially in the earlier charts. From about the third cycle on, I decided that I was going to mark it as sleep-deprived only if I had had less than one hour's sleep, or I had woken more than twice in the five hour period before temping. I also realised that I feel nauseous every 2ww. Great, huh? So I don't bother charting 'symptoms' any more (interesting though - the one cycle I got the positives, I felt differently nauseous - as in I felt badly carsick and actually threw up. Normally I feel slightly queasy from about 6dpo till about 10dpo. Guess that's the value of charting, you find out what's normal!). And yes, I find that I need to get up and pee at least a couple of times during the night.

skairdykat, your chart is looking FAB! Are you really going to hold out till Sunday to test?!

Well, now it's my turn to have a whinge. My CBEFM is STILL high, not peak... that's the 7th high... OPKs still negative, but it's a mid-dark line, not a faint one. I'm worried this is going to be another ridiculously long cycle, just when I thought everything had settled down again. Bloody typical that the blood tests were done last cycle and came back normal - that's the only normal cycle I've had in 8 months! SO I guess all I can do is carry on BDing, and carry on doing the CBEFM and OPKs every day. In some ways I'd prefer it if the monitor showed low - at least then we wouldn't have to BD every night. :bored:

Oh, and the hospital left a voicemail for DH last night - apparently the surgeon is now not going to be in the hopsital next Wednesday so his operation has been cancelled. DH has been working his arse off to try to get all the necessary work done before the 2 weeks' compulsory leave, so is truly peed off. I'm also annoyed because I had turned down an opportunity to present a paper at a conference on Wednesday because I was going to be needed to pick DH up. I bet the surgeon's decided to play golf instead. :evil:
ROM - that's exactly what I get every 2ww. If you look back at my charts, there's a definite tendency to have open circles after ovulation, especially in the earlier charts. From about the third cycle on, I decided that I was going to mark it as sleep-deprived only if I had had less than one hour's sleep, or I had woken more than twice in the five hour period before temping. I also realised that I feel nauseous every 2ww. Great, huh? So I don't bother charting 'symptoms' any more (interesting though - the one cycle I got the positives, I felt differently nauseous - as in I felt badly carsick and actually threw up. Normally I feel slightly queasy from about 6dpo till about 10dpo. Guess that's the value of charting, you find out what's normal!). And yes, I find that I need to get up and pee at least a couple of times during the night.

skairdykat, your chart is looking FAB! Are you really going to hold out till Sunday to test?!

Well, now it's my turn to have a whinge. My CBEFM is STILL high, not peak... that's the 7th high... OPKs still negative, but it's a mid-dark line, not a faint one. I'm worried this is going to be another ridiculously long cycle, just when I thought everything had settled down again. Bloody typical that the blood tests were done last cycle and came back normal - that's the only normal cycle I've had in 8 months! SO I guess all I can do is carry on BDing, and carry on doing the CBEFM and OPKs every day. In some ways I'd prefer it if the monitor showed low - at least then we wouldn't have to BD every night. :bored:

Oh, and the hospital left a voicemail for DH last night - apparently the surgeon is now not going to be in the hopsital next Wednesday so his operation has been cancelled. DH has been working his arse off to try to get all the necessary work done before the 2 weeks' compulsory leave, so is truly peed off. I'm also annoyed because I had turned down an opportunity to present a paper at a conference on Wednesday because I was going to be needed to pick DH up. I bet the surgeon's decided to play golf instead. :evil:
ROM hope your feeling better today hun :hug:

Kitty Hope your cycle settles doen hun, just keep BDing hun :hug: Whats a CBEFM BTW?

Flossy how are you hun?

Loola Has that pesky witch gone now?

I have a feeling I'm going to come on either today or tomorrow. My temp has dropped, not below the coverline but the spotting is back again and a bit darker now. I just 'know' I'm going to start. I'm going to put it down to the fact I OV'd CD16 not CD14 I think.

Ah well heres to next month, and at least I can get the tests done now. Although I would rather have been PG and not needed to have them done LOL.......................MMMMMMMMMMMMM :think: how to get sperm in a tiny jar? :rotfl:
ROM hope your feeling better today hun :hug:

Kitty Hope your cycle settles doen hun, just keep BDing hun :hug: Whats a CBEFM BTW?

Flossy how are you hun?

Loola Has that pesky witch gone now?

I have a feeling I'm going to come on either today or tomorrow. My temp has dropped, not below the coverline but the spotting is back again and a bit darker now. I just 'know' I'm going to start. I'm going to put it down to the fact I OV'd CD16 not CD14 I think.

Ah well heres to next month, and at least I can get the tests done now. Although I would rather have been PG and not needed to have them done LOL.......................MMMMMMMMMMMMM :think: how to get sperm in a tiny jar? :rotfl:
:x Oh Kitty - how annoying!

ROM - hope you get some sleep!

Babydust - hope you get some more sense out of someone today.

Skairdy! - :think: :D

:wave: everyone else!

Got my blood tests today so we shall see how that goes.....
Still not sleeping at all right and having my weird little episodes! :roll:

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