Morning all!
Loola, congrats on the dress. It's gorgeous! And a bargain! Perfect!!
Kmac, I'm no expert, but according to Toni Weschler's book, it's not uncommon to have a blip like that, sometimes quite a few days after ovulation, so I'd say you are still in with a chance. At the end of the day it's really the general trend that's important. Let's see what the others say.
I re-read that bit the other day, because my temperatures rose for several days and then one day they took a dip just below the coverline. Then they rose slowly again. They are not rising at the moment but they are staying high-ish if you know what I mean, sometimes just above the coverline.
And now, as promised, an update: I tested this morning at 6 a.m. after lying awake for hours. Mr Clearblue digital said 'Pregnant' after just a few seconds
I am in total shock. Happy
but shocked. Not to mention hubby
Of course, I'm now thinking that it may be a falsie, that I should have bought a two-pack, that I shouldn't count my chickens, that anything can happen now... I'm a real pain, I know
Thank you everybody for all your help and encouragement yesterday