***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Hi BN. How's jack doing? Do you have to have any follow ups for him?

How are you doing? Hope you've managed to catch up on your sleep? X
Call out to Brand New and Jack! Hope you are both ok...? How's LO getting on now? xxx
Hi Hun. Sorry been really busy this week catching up with friends etc. yeah jack is doing brilliantly. No signs of him ever being ill. He's eating loads and has upped his milk intake. He had a bit of pain from teething yeterday but nothing that calpol and cuddles couldn't sort out. His hand, nor his back bruised. Which was surprising has he had tha lumbar puncture and cannula. Thanx for thinking of me girls. I'm not on Facebook so feel I don't get to catch up properly. But I sadly won't be joining Facebook any time soon. Long story. Anyway hope all these gorgeous babies r doing ok. Big hugs to everyone xxx
Hi Hun. Sorry been really busy this week catching up with friends etc. yeah jack is doing brilliantly. No signs of him ever being ill. He's eating loads and has upped his milk intake. He had a bit of pain from teething yeterday but nothing that calpol and cuddles couldn't sort out. His hand, nor his back bruised. Which was surprising has he had tha lumbar puncture and cannula. Thanx for thinking of me girls. I'm not on Facebook so feel I don't get to catch up properly. But I sadly won't be joining Facebook any time soon. Long story. Anyway hope all these gorgeous babies r doing ok. Big hugs to everyone xxx

Ah boo! I keep popping in to see how you and the little guy are, so happy to hear he's doing well!

I'm sat having a cuppa watching Libby in her swing fighting to keep her eyes open :) little monkey only problem is we need to be leaving in about 45 minutes and neither of us are showered or dressed :eek: what to do what to do!
Hi all! I havent posted on this thread for ages but i pop in from time to time to see how everyone is.

How much do all your LO's weigh now? Our little girl is tiny so I expect they all weigh more than her now! She is still just under 12 lbs. She is developing well though. She is super active and happy, except that today she is teething so is feeling a bit sorry for herself.
Hi bunny. Jack now weighs 16lb!! Big jump from his birth weight of 3lbs 14oz!! He's even got the little fat rolls on his legs now!!! He will be 7 months old on Sunday too. I don't know where the time goes! Have to have a meeting next week about returning to work and what hours I want to do! Dreading the thought of going back!!! 5th January it is. When r u girls going back? Xx
I need to weigh Libby I'll do it tomorrow and report back.

I'm lucky to be taking a year off so I'm going back in April next year :)

Libbys been off since yesterday pm temperature and generally poorly but not sure what's up. Ibuprofen is magic though :) xxx
I'm getting Evan weighed on Monday.

I'm due to go back to work in March but seriously thinking of not going back. I hated my job and I don't want to pay for childcare or dump him with my parents. Need to consider money, but I've always imagined being a SAHM.

BN - Can we have some pics of little (or not so little anymore) Jack xxx
Hi bunny. Jack now weighs 16lb!! Big jump from his birth weight of 3lbs 14oz!! He's even got the little fat rolls on his legs now!!! He will be 7 months old on Sunday too. I don't know where the time goes! Have to have a meeting next week about returning to work and what hours I want to do! Dreading the thought of going back!!! 5th January it is. When r u girls going back? Xx

Wow, sounds like he's doing great other than being ill recently, glad he's better now. LO was 9lbs 4oz when she was born! It's a bit of a puzzle why she is growing so slowly. She's had tests but they wete all nornal. She had tummy issues early on which seemed to be caused by allergies, thats been resolved by changes in my diet, but she just seems to be naturally small too. OH and i are both tall but she does have a great grandmother on each side that was really small so she seems to be taking after them!
Here's a pic of jack and his daddy watching the football yesterday. These two are already thick as thieves!! Bullying me into watching stupid football!!!
Anyway I'm really nervous already because we r leaving jack with my parents over night on Saturday as a r going to Birmingham for my best friends 30th birthday. It's the first time we've left him over night. Dunno why I'm so nervous. My parents r brilliant with him. And it doesn't help that it's so far away from home. About 1 hr 30 mins. Just so nervous. Any ideas on he to cope???

Hope all those gorgeous babies r ok xxxx


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Here's a pic of jack and his daddy watching the football yesterday. These two are already thick as thieves!! Bullying me into watching stupid football!!!
Anyway I'm really nervous already because we r leaving jack with my parents over night on Saturday as a r going to Birmingham for my best friends 30th birthday. It's the first time we've left him over night. Dunno why I'm so nervous. My parents r brilliant with him. And it doesn't help that it's so far away from home. About 1 hr 30 mins. Just so nervous. Any ideas on he to cope???

Hope all those gorgeous babies r ok xxxx

Aww, Jack looks gorgeous!!!! xx

Unfortunately I can't offer any useful advice on your dilemma...I haven't left JJ overnight yet. I hope you manage to have a good night though!

Here's a couple of updated photos of JJ xx


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I haven't left LO overnight yet either but then she is BF and still feeding at least two times a night so I'm not likely to any time soon lol. I've left her in the day time for an hr a couple of times. Hope it goes well for you and you have a good time
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Hope your night out went well BN?? Did you have a good time?? xx
Hi my lovely. Yep it was brilliant. Jack loved staying at his grandparents and slept right through the night for them. Even tho it was a different routine and he slept in a travel cot. He was so good. And I had a brilliant time. I danced and drank a bit too much but it was nice to just be me for a night. But by god did I miss jack!! I couldn't wait to get back to him! So I pickled my liver with barcardi for a night, had no hangover and thoroughly enjoyed myself but I won't be leaving him that long again in a hurry. How Are u all?? And how is that gorgeous jj?? Xxx
Glad you had a great time BN. I'm yet to leave Evan for longer than an hour or two, and certainly not at night. The little monkey still wants 2-4 feeds a night. Urghhh xxx
Jack has been sleeping through for a while now. I've got a hv coming soon to check that jack is developing normally due to home being prem. I'm a bit worried actually bcos he still has no teeth. Can't sit up. Can roll onto his front but only on his right side . He is now 7 1/2 months. I can't but help to compare him to other babies development sometimes. Where r ur babies at? Xxx
Some babies dont sit unaided until later, is 7 1/2 adjusted age?
Hey BN! All good here thanks - JJ has a bit of a cold at the moment, but he is being a little trooper :)

Glad you had a good night! Mmmmm, Bacardi....a woman after my own heart ;-)

JJ rolled a couple of times around 4 months...hasn't done it since though. He's a lazy boy. If he wants a toy that he cant reach, he just shouts at me until I get it for him.

He is sitting up unaided and wanting to stand more and more - and is becoming more mischievous every day! However, my sister has 2 girls - both were born pretty much on EDD and neither sat unaided properly until gone 8 months. He has 2 teeth through on the bottom and 1 is starting to crown at the top - I'm not enjoying the teething stages much lol...we are going through Anbesol and dribble bibs like there is no tmrw!!

Try not to compare Jack's development to other babies though - there are babies who were born in May on this forum that are doing things that JJ hasn't even attempted yet - they are all so different :)

Do let us know how the meeting with your HV goes please! xx
I Know it's hard tho. Especially as his adjusted age is 6 months. And I think sometimes I forget that! I mean with weaning it is a battle and hard work. But again his milk is filling him up. He has a bottle every 4 hrs and isn't really enamoured when u try to feed him actual food!! I've tried pouches, homemade purees of many flavours. He just has a couple of spoons then will not open his mouth. But I'm not worried and will keep trying. Xx
I Know it's hard tho. Especially as his adjusted age is 6 months. And I think sometimes I forget that! I mean with weaning it is a battle and hard work. But again his milk is filling him up. He has a bottle every 4 hrs and isn't really enamoured when u try to feed him actual food!! I've tried pouches, homemade purees of many flavours. He just has a couple of spoons then will not open his mouth. But I'm not worried and will keep trying. Xx

Have you thought of trying a more baby led weaning approach? Sometimes that encourages babies to eat, it gets messy though! I wouldn't worry about it too much though. I think a baby knows what it's body needs. some take to food later than others but he will get there. It's just better not to push the issue with them so it doesn't turn into a battle of wills.

I try not to compare. LO is quite advanced in her development but still feeds two or three times a night and is tiny (12lbs at 6 months). Comparing can soon make you crazy!
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