***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Not in here much but just wanted a say a quick hello.

I'm struggling with weaning too, T is just not interested in food. He'll have a max of 2/3 spoonfuls before pursing his lips closed. I'm now trying baby led so I can leave him to it but he's still not there yet, chews on it for a bit then throws it on the floor! I'm going to keep on though, I'm just trying to master breakfast and dinner for now, and will sometimes give a bit of fruit or rusks during the day depending on what we are doing.

T also feeds every 3-4 hours and its hard to find the best time to feed him, where he won't be too full or moany because he's tired.

I do fear that he'll be 1 and still refusing food!!

It's nice to see some april/may mummies around :-) we have just started weaning too about 2 weeks ago. She'll have a little go with baby porridge but fruit and veg are proving not as easy. I am still managing to exclusively express for her too. That's a 6 month milestone reached this week. I am very proud!

Otherwise she's great! She can sit unaided now, although I still need to watch her like a hawk because she's still wobbly. Strangely though she isn't rolling still. Oh and she lifts her arm up to be picked up now - it melts me everytime! She really is the most loving, happy girl.

Hope everyone is doing ok? E starts nursery soon. I am a very nervous mummy!
It's nice to see some april/may mummies around :-) we have just started weaning too about 2 weeks ago. She'll have a little go with baby porridge but fruit and veg are proving not as easy. I am still managing to exclusively express for her too. That's a 6 month milestone reached this week. I am very proud!

Otherwise she's great! She can sit unaided now, although I still need to watch her like a hawk because she's still wobbly. Strangely though she isn't rolling still. Oh and she lifts her arm up to be picked up now - it melts me everytime! She really is the most loving, happy girl.

Hope everyone is doing ok? E starts nursery soon. I am a very nervous mummy!

Hey ABC, Long time no speak :-)

We all tend to use facebook to catch up on now, but we do pop in occasionally.

My LO starts nursery next week as I am going back to work part time sadly...it's come round way too soon and I am dreading it.

Glad to hear Eve is getting on well!

Joshie rolled a couple of times a couple of months back, but nothing since...lazy boy! He has been sitting unaided for a little while now, still a little wobbly sometimes though - and has just started pulling himself up in a standing position. He really doesn't like moving on his own though - he will shout at me to pass him a toy, rather than move himself!

He has a very healthy appetite...and wants to eat most things! Little fatty :-)

Have you got a recent photo of Eve? Would love to see her xxx
We've made a big decision. Just thought I'd let u girls now we are TTC again as of dec!! Excited as scared. X
Hope you and bubs are well ABC! & BN haven't spoke in a long while hope you and jack and OH are well & hope all goes well with
TTC - you defo are a nutter lol x
We've made a big decision. Just thought I'd let u girls now we are TTC again as of dec!! Excited as scared. X

Oh that's very exciting BN!! I do wish you were on facebook so we could all keep in touch more regularly...we have a lovely little completely private forum on there - we probably use it too much lol.

Keep us posted please and huge bundles of luck for you!! xx
I think we do use it too much lol... I tend to just post completely unbaby related things lol x
E's the same, ABC. She can sit now but not roll yet! Think they just pick which skill they find the most.interesting and do that first!
That's so exciting, Brandnew! Good luck!
Good for you BN we have been TTC for 3 months now but sadly looks like it wont happen niw as got some sad news.

Hows your gorgeous boy doing wish you were on FB so we could all catch up more xx
Good luck with ttc bn! :-)

Im glad E isn't the only one not rolling because her cousin who's younger than her has started to and I was worried.

I had 2 days back at uni this week too and survived! Feeling very proud of myself!!

What's everyone getting the babies for christmas? Im stuck!

I did post a picture but didn't feel comfortable leaving it on the public forum.
Poor baby :( sorry to hear you had a hard time ABC... Hope she's feeling much better.. She seems very happy though! Gorgeous girl xx
Bumpity bump!!

Brandnew...are you out there....??? Wondering how your TTC is going??

Hi flower!, how r u Hun. We are actively ttc at the min. Trying hard! Lol. How's that gorgeous boy of urs? Jack is changing every day. And learning loads. It's amazing how much they change isn't it. I have been lurking but now I'm back at work I don't have much time. I blink and my days have gone! It's hard to believe that in 8/9 weeks jack is 1!!! I dunno where the time has gone! How is work and motherhood for u? Xxxx
Hey!!! I'm good thanks - have been back at work a few weeks now...it's challenging to say the least, but working out well so far.

My boy is just great thank you! Growing far too fast - as they all are! I've attached a few recent photos :-)

He isn't crawling yet, but is trying very hard to...and we have a few words now - mama, dada, hello, hiya, wow wow (dog!) and ata (ta ta). He seems to really love nursery too - such a relief.

So how's gorgeous little Jack getting on? Can you post a photo...I'd love to see him!

Motherhood is amazing for me - and I absolutely love watching my hubby be an amazing daddy too. Children really are a gift!

How are you doing and how is being back at work for you?? xxx


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Hi Hun. Wow jj sounds like he's doing amazingly. Jack is doing ok but a little late doing stuff. He's only just learnt to sit up. But I can't walk away and leave him as he's still really wobbly. The HV wants t refer him to someone because she's worried as he is 10 months old now. I'm not that worried. He's always been a bit behind doing stuff. But as he was so early I'm willing to let him off. He babbles away but no words yet. He hasn't mastered crawling yet but he can go backwards!

But just watching him learn everyday is amazing.

But leaving him to go to work is very hard. I do 30 hrs a week. And that's enough. I find I have to be super organised otherwise nothing works! Anyway needs must so just gotta get on with it.

Hope ur all we'll and Ty of thinking of me. I think of all of u all the time but as I'm not on fb it's hard.

Big hugs to jj. Xxx


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Bumpity bump! Any April/May 2013 mummy's around? It's been a long time since I've looked at this thread, thought I would revive it! xx
Hi again, I remember you chezza! What have you been up to? I was an 'April' 2013 mummy! Though she ended up being 10 days late so was born in May. I've just become a Jan 2015 mummy too! Our little man was born 4 days ago. Enjoying newborn cuddles again.
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Wow chez!! Last post was a year ago!!!!

Obviously I'm still here ;-) x

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