***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Woohoo i got two 4 hour sleeps last night!

Finally managed to settle Harrison at about 11.30-midnight he then woke at 4.15am! Settled beautifully to sleep and woke again at 8am! He then had another feed and napped til 10am :D

Needless to say i'm feeling more human today :D
Went to a BBQ at friends last and madam was pain. Got overtired and hungry and wouldn't feed or sleep grrrrr.
Left at 9.30 she had a 10 min nap in the car got home fed and went to straight to sleep about 10.30 and woke up at 6 this morning.

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Woop go H long may it continue :)

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Daisy took a big gouge out of her cheek yesterday :( poor little thing made herself cry! Her nails are short but they're so sharp!!

Awwww hun, I bet it was a shock for you because he has been so good and I was very jel of you getting so much sleep. It could just be a phase! Ruby is on 3hr feeds still. The odd time she will go shorter or longer. She has just screamed for a bottle, hubby has made one and she is asleep in my arms! Little minx. They r so naughty! You could try upping his feed but he might not want it all. It's trial and error is suppose xxx[/QUOTE]

Shock isnt the word lol my happy content baby has gone replaced by this right grumpy monster lol

We have upped his milk to 6oz and hes drinking it all but hes only going 3hrs between feeds. x
Evan must be having a growth spurt as he's been sleeping most of the day. If only I could nap in the day it would be brilliant. Just hope he sleeps tonight as well...
Hiya ladies, hope you're all well. I don't get much time to catch up on this thread sadly, everything's a bit manic!

Just wanted to ask a quick question, do babies on comfort milk fart a lot? Scott has been on it for a week and omg he farts so much and they stink! His poo is also now really runny and green now. Is this normal? x

Hiya ladies, hope you're all well. I don't get much time to catch up on this thread sadly, everything's a bit manic!

Just wanted to ask a quick question, do babies on comfort milk fart a lot? Scott has been on it for a week and omg he farts so much and they stink! His poo is also now really runny and green now. Is this normal? x


Rian is on normal milk and his farts are leathal really loud and stinky lol so doubt its the milk. As for poo i cant answer that one as his are yellow but they bloody stink too xx
When he was on breast milk his poo was yellow and didn't smell nasty at all. Maybe it's just formula in general then and nothing to do with the comfort stuff x

Breastfed poo doesnt smell bad, formula poo does unfortunately. Its more harsh on their tummies (lactose) so poo can be green. If it persists, talk to your HV hun

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hiya ladies, hope you're all well. I don't get much time to catch up on this thread sadly, everything's a bit manic!

Just wanted to ask a quick question, do babies on comfort milk fart a lot? Scott has been on it for a week and omg he farts so much and they stink! His poo is also now really runny and green now. Is this normal? x


JJ has been on comfort milk for 2 or 3 weeks now...he farts like a trooper and his nappies are quite stinky and greeny/yellow! Yuk...:shock: xx
JJ has been really grizzly for about 4 or 5 days now :-( He still sleeps like a dream at night (god, I hope I haven't jinxed that now!), but during the day, he is refusing to nap, screams for his bottle...then fights it away when you give it to him...and is overall a really unhappy baby. It's really starting to get both of us now - it seems that no matter what we do, he just isn't happy...

He could be going through a leap at the moment, if The Wonder Weeks is anything to go by - and the "fussy days" go on until 9 - 9.5 weeks. Sob....:wall2:
Chezza Libby has been awful today when she's had a sleep and feed her gorgeous little self but trying to get to that point she's a nightmare crying for boob then screaming blue murder once she's there :(

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I think my little man isnt well had worse night ever. He sound weezy when he breaths and his chest sounds rattly :-( gonna take him to docs to get checked over.

Also when your LO is sick does it come out of their nose alot and also when they sneeze does milk come out of their nose xxx
I think my little man isnt well had worse night ever. He sound weezy when he breaths and his chest sounds rattly :-( gonna take him to docs to get checked over.

Also when your LO is sick does it come out of their nose alot and also when they sneeze does milk come out of their nose xxx

Aww hun! Hope he is ok! We had an awful night too so know how u feel. I've just managed to put her down now after her waking up before six :( xx
Had a shocking night here but not caused by madam, we've had power cuts all night so been up and down resetting the alarm, then listening to neighbours alarms going off all morning :(

Libby sneezed milk out of her nose the other day

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Day 6 of unhappy baby...:-(

Also had a world-ending nappy this morning. There was so much poop, that I had to actually cut his vest suit off - I couldn't get it over his head without covering him in it!! It had seeped out into his sleep suit too...first time I've gagged my way through a nappy change.

I want my happy baby back!!!
Chezza, are you finding the sling helps? When Evan doesn't seem to settle I put him in the sling and within a minute he is asleep and will usually last a few hours.

Evan just seems to be sleeping all the time at the moment. He went down at 10pm, woke at 3 and back down by 3.45, woke at 7.30 and back down by 8.30, then til 11.30 and now back down at 12.30. Must be a growth spurt
Chezza, are you finding the sling helps? When Evan doesn't seem to settle I put him in the sling and within a minute he is asleep and will usually last a few hours.

Evan just seems to be sleeping all the time at the moment. He went down at 10pm, woke at 3 and back down by 3.45, woke at 7.30 and back down by 8.30, then til 11.30 and now back down at 12.30. Must be a growth spurt

Nope, even the sling isn't helping - I've put him in it, in several different positions and he just fights and struggles in it constantly.

I'm waiting to experience this non stop sleeping because of a growth spurt....I seem to be experiencing the opposite end of the scale! I feel a little down at the moment :-( xx
Sending you a hug (and a big pack of chocolate biscuits!) xx

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