***April & May Mummy & Baby***

For any of you mummies who got diamorphine, how is the area you got the jag in? I'm 8 weeks PP now & it still feels kind of numb but also sometimes if I touch it I get a weird tingly sensation! I read it can take a while for full sensation to return! Just curious if anyone else has this lol xxx
For any of you mummies who got diamorphine, how is the area you got the jag in? I'm 8 weeks PP now & it still feels kind of numb but also sometimes if I touch it I get a weird tingly sensation! I read it can take a while for full sensation to return! Just curious if anyone else has this lol xxx

I had diamorphine and apart from when I had it I haven't noticed a thing. No tingles or soreness.

Had a good night with H last night. He settled much better after each feed, even if he woke every two hrs for one. And OH and I tried something new so i could have a bit more rest. I fed H at around half 5 and the at 6 my OH took him so I could sleep uninterrupted till he went work at 8 only it was closer to half 7 because H was hungry then. I feel loads better today and refreshed which is good as I have my 6 week check up today :)
Hope everyone is well x

Just bk from docs littleman has a cold the doc has given us nasal drops to help his nose and he has an inhaler to help his airways open up. Glad i went as i feel much better now hes been checked over x
Shell, do you mind me asking which unhaler? My lil man has been suffering for over 2 weeks and they wont give me anything!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hey ladies.

Sorry to here your babies are poorly with colds, poor little mites I hope the get better soon xx

Well what a night/day I've had, I'm an emotional wreck :( I don't even know were to start in explaining what's wrong.

OH went to Newcastle for his friends stag do, which was fine had no problems with it and coped fine whilst he was away. He came home Sunday dinner time just as I'd put Harrison down for a nap. We made the most of the quiet time and had some 'adult time'. We're using condoms as I'm yet to have a period so not on the pill yet. Yep you guessed it, the condom split :( had to make an appointment at the doctors today for the morning after pill, I'd only seen her the week before for my pill check. I felt like such an idiot, the whole situation felt odd. I had to try for so long to get Harrison so taking a morning after pill felt weird, if that makes sense, like I was going against the grain? !

Anyway, so that happened yesterday afternoon. Then I spent most of the evening fretting and getting paranoid!! OH phone went off and when I walked back into the room and save next to him he flicked the screen off and put it down, and of course the over tired, worried irrational me instantly assumed he must be hiding something. I kept quiet and tried to push my craziness to the back of my mind.

My next moment hit me at Harrisons 4am feed, when I got to thinking it would be easier/better if I was doing this all on my own. Then I wouldn't be so upset/pissed off when OH is laid next to me snoring when I'm doing the early feeds. So then came the tears, and I spent a good hour or so silently crying. And to make things worse I knew how crazy I sounded and near convinced myself I must have postnatal depression :/

Anyone else suddenly turned into an emotional wreck?

Sleep deprivation does that to us all. It does get easier, but do mention it to your hv xx
I have terrible sleep resentment Hun. The only reason my OH is still alive is because I send him downstairs to sleep on the couch most nights. Every night feed he sleeps through I find myself having to count to ten to calm down. I then take great pleasure in waking him up to do nappy changes. :) All my OH says as well is its not his fault if I choose to breast feed instead of bottle!!! I wouldn't mind but if we were bottle feeding no doubt I'd be doing them all anyway!

You not the only one who has bad days, Emma. I think your brave having "adult time" too. I'm still far too scared! I haven't let OH near me and he's gagging. Not letting him near me till I get the implant fitted, which is another 2 weeks :) x

Must people seem to be having a rough time at the mo. Ruby is screaming all the time at the mo. we had very little sleep last night then she has had the odd nap today for no more than 30mins. My mum was here when she was screaming and even she was worried at how inconsolable she was.it took me 15 mins to settle her and she slept on me for 30 mins then when I tried to put her in her Moses basket she woke up and screamed. She's feeding continuously but not sleeping. Any advice? Xxx
Hi ladies hope you're all doing well. Grace isn't having her immunisations until 9 weeks :wall; that's the earliest the docs can get but they did say they are doing it later because she was prem eh god knows

We have her checkup tomorrow though can anyone tell me what to expect? Xxx

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Aww Chezza hope you're ok? :hug:

We braved sex this morning! I was petrified but horny :rofl:
It felt weird going in but once we got going it was just like normal!

I feel like I've been out walking alllllll day today! Sore feet!

Hi ladies hope you're all doing well. Grace isn't having her immunisations until 9 weeks :wall; that's the earliest the docs can get but they did say they are doing it later because she was prem eh god knows

We have her checkup tomorrow though can anyone tell me what to expect? Xxx

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They will check her eyes, hips, reflexes etc - there's a little checklist in the red book that they fill out that will show you what they're checking :)

Hi ladies hope you're all doing well. Grace isn't having her immunisations until 9 weeks :wall; that's the earliest the docs can get but they did say they are doing it later because she was prem eh god knows

We have her checkup tomorrow though can anyone tell me what to expect? Xxx

Using tapatalk x

They will check her eyes, hips, reflexes etc - there's a little checklist in the red book that they fill out that will show you what they're checking :)


Thanks hun ill have a look in my red book now:) xx

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Thanks for your responses about the formula ladies. At least I know there's not something wrong, never smelt poo and farts so bad! Another reason for me to feel guilty for quitting breastfeeding :( x

Thanks for your responses about the formula ladies. At least I know there's not something wrong, never smelt poo and farts so bad! Another reason for me to feel guilty for quitting breastfeeding :( x


I cant believe how much JJ poops on this comfort milk! It's getting to the point that I am dreading his 8am-ish brekkie bottle, because the 08.30am-ish brekkie poop is AWFUL! I had to CUT a vest suit off him yesterday, because the poop had leaked...it was up his back...behind his thighs...
yuuuuuuukkkk!!!! Don't if its because of the comfort formula or just because he is getting bigger and consuming more...but could do without any more of those lol!! xx
Evan saves all his special poos for the bouncy chair. It's just the cheeky smile after he's done it that gets me lol! xx
H saves his epic poops for his daddy! Haha and i sit there with great joy while he struggles to clean him up hahaha.

H has even pooped on his dad on a number of occasions! Nothing puts a smile on my face more after a rubbish nights sleep or a stressful day :D

x x x
About an hour after I posted Evan took out another babygrow on the bouncer. At least I know what to do with him if he ever gets constipated lol!
I always seem to get the epic poos...I just have to laugh though...I swear he smirks at me while I'm cleaning him!

Rhys is off to get his first set of jags tomorrow...I'm so scared!! 1. Because I'll no doubt cry like a big baby when he screams and 2. There is so much scary stuff out there about vaccinations these days I'll be petrified he has any bad side effects. Will just need to have extra cuddles tomorrow night and keep an eye on him:(! Hard work being a mum!

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