Hey ladies.
Sorry to here your babies are poorly with colds, poor little mites I hope the get better soon xx
Well what a night/day I've had, I'm an emotional wreck

I don't even know were to start in explaining what's wrong.
OH went to Newcastle for his friends stag do, which was fine had no problems with it and coped fine whilst he was away. He came home Sunday dinner time just as I'd put Harrison down for a nap. We made the most of the quiet time and had some 'adult time'. We're using condoms as I'm yet to have a period so not on the pill yet. Yep you guessed it, the condom split

had to make an appointment at the doctors today for the morning after pill, I'd only seen her the week before for my pill check. I felt like such an idiot, the whole situation felt odd. I had to try for so long to get Harrison so taking a morning after pill felt weird, if that makes sense, like I was going against the grain? !
Anyway, so that happened yesterday afternoon. Then I spent most of the evening fretting and getting paranoid!! OH phone went off and when I walked back into the room and save next to him he flicked the screen off and put it down, and of course the over tired, worried irrational me instantly assumed he must be hiding something. I kept quiet and tried to push my craziness to the back of my mind.
My next moment hit me at Harrisons 4am feed, when I got to thinking it would be easier/better if I was doing this all on my own. Then I wouldn't be so upset/pissed off when OH is laid next to me snoring when I'm doing the early feeds. So then came the tears, and I spent a good hour or so silently crying. And to make things worse I knew how crazy I sounded and near convinced myself I must have postnatal depression :/
Anyone else suddenly turned into an emotional wreck?