***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Can someone tell me exactly how to sterilise the dr browns natural flow bottles. I've got the tommee tippee steriliser. Do you leave the bit inside the bottle, in the bottle to sterilise it? The instructions are crap! Hope the bottles are better x

I take the middle bit out of the bottle and just pop them into the microwave steriliser in four bits (bottle, teat, airflow bit and lid). The lid of the steriliser needs a bit of persuading to close but it's ok I guess!

Advice anyone- Ruby takes 3/4 of milk for her feed fine then when she only has about an oz left she gets very wriggly, red faced and cries. She knocks the bottle out of her mouth but then gets upset and wants it back. I've tried stopping her frequently to burp her (though she mainly burped herself!) and rest her because I thought she was crying because she was full and couldn't fit more in despite being greedy. The crying is worst on an evening. She does settle after a bit of cooing and rocking but I don't know what she wants. Is she colicky? In already using infacol, should I try colief? I'm already trying the Dr Brown bottles to see if that helps with the wind xx

I was going to post the same thing. it is so frustrating, because normally he will just be drifting off then starts wriggling and grunting and ends up accidently smacking himself in the face so then gets hysterical. I too am using infacol but if it is colic its not doing much. How are you getting on with the Dr Browns bottles? X
Emma, I used hungry milk a couple of weeks ago and it worked a treat but then I read online that your not supposed to use it on really young babies. Guess I should have asked HV instead!

Is he taking as much of the hungry milk? Joseph only took half his usual amount. That said he is only 5 weeks tomorrow and he is on 6oz, then cries for more and is quite frequently taking 8oz now! I worry that is far too much and wonder how the heck I'll keeo him off food until he is 6 mo! X
Some people are for and against it, but my first born suffered with a tad of constipation when he was tiny baby. My health visitor advised giving a few sips of water through out the day to help soften his stools. I did this and it really did help, his poops were lovely and soft after that. And i stuck with giving him water on occasion through out his first few months.

Some people are against giving water though, as if your stupid with the amounts it can lead to complications such as diluting the babies sodium levels (i think). So you just have to be sensible and not allow him/her to drink oz's of the stuff!

I give harrison the occasional few sips of warm water as it helps with wind also ;) 2 birds with one stone! :)

Oh and i think most brands do some form of milk for colic, but you may have to go to boots or some big supermarket.

x x x

A few people have mentioned water so going to give her a little. I'll have a look n see for this colic milk. Thanks Hun xxx

We gave Rian cooled boiled water when he was having trouble having a poo it seemed to work well for him although he wasnt impressed with the water lol x
If you are going to supplement with water, make sure it's cooled boiled water so that all bacteria is killed off. My midwife said you can also give babies a bit of unsweetened fennel tea.

I'm trying colocynth crystals at the moment for Ella to help with her colic. Has anyone else tried these? My friend recommended them.k
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If you are going to supplement with water, make sure it's cooled boiled water so that all bacteria is killed off. My midwife said you can also give babies a bit of unsweetened fennel tea.

I'm trying colocynth crystals at the moment for Ella to help with her colic. Has anyone else tried these? My friend recommended them.k

Sorry I'm month hopping here but without a word of a lie these crystals saved my sanity!!! They worked a treat on Spencer!

Little tip though if you're struggling with that stupid little spoon, make sure your hands are clean, dip your finger in a bit of water and stick the granules to your finger. Much easier to get them all in the mouth!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
I got mine from Amaon at the same time as the perfect prep - they're cheaper than anywhere else


I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're already talking about when to plan our NEXT BABY!!!! After the crash c section the thought of either being pregnant or having another baby made me feel physically sick, but after only 4 weeks we're talking about trying again when we get married on 30th November!!!!

It took us ten months to conceive Freddie so we're thinking that November is a good starting point!


Ohmygod! I wanted 5 but now after 1 I'm not so sure. I hated being pregnant (last 8 weeks)...I couldn't walk and I was swollen everywhere! No shoes or socks fit! It's put me off so much! I'd prefer to have contractions all data again than have to go through that kind of pregnancy again. Although they may deliver my next (if there is one) early so that baby doesn't grow like a giant again lol.

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x
It's my first night in pub with a friend in sooo long. Gregs looking after Anna and going round my friends (who I'm out with) house as her OH is looking after their little one. I'm so excited!!

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x
If you are going to supplement with water, make sure it's cooled boiled water so that all bacteria is killed off. My midwife said you can also give babies a bit of unsweetened fennel tea.

I'm trying colocynth crystals at the moment for Ella to help with her colic. Has anyone else tried these? My friend recommended them.k

I've boiled and cooled the water Sophie :) it's typical that she is asleep now!!! Little minx!!! x
Can someone tell me exactly how to sterilise the dr browns natural flow bottles. I've got the tommee tippee steriliser. Do you leave the bit inside the bottle, in the bottle to sterilise it? The instructions are crap! Hope the bottles are better x

I take the middle bit out of the bottle and just pop them into the microwave steriliser in four bits (bottle, teat, airflow bit and lid). The lid of the steriliser needs a bit of persuading to close but it's ok I guess!

Advice anyone- Ruby takes 3/4 of milk for her feed fine then when she only has about an oz left she gets very wriggly, red faced and cries. She knocks the bottle out of her mouth but then gets upset and wants it back. I've tried stopping her frequently to burp her (though she mainly burped herself!) and rest her because I thought she was crying because she was full and couldn't fit more in despite being greedy. The crying is worst on an evening. She does settle after a bit of cooing and rocking but I don't know what she wants. Is she colicky? In already using infacol, should I try colief? I'm already trying the Dr Brown bottles to see if that helps with the wind xx

I was going to post the same thing. it is so frustrating, because normally he will just be drifting off then starts wriggling and grunting and ends up accidently smacking himself in the face so then gets hysterical. I too am using infacol but if it is colic its not doing much. How are you getting on with the Dr Browns bottles? X

Ruby hits herself in the face too and then cries more. All I can say is at times she is inconsolable!!! Nothing will settle her apart from her bottle or sometimes not even that. She didn't do this before. I've been trying the hungrier baby milk for the odd feed because she continuously fed and now in thinking it might be that. She didn't get like that just on first milk so going back to just that now to see If that works for the crazy crying.

As for the Dr Browns, we have come to the conclusion she is not as windy ie doesn't roll her eyes as much is the indicator. We are crazily sterilising the bottles after each feed to use every feed to decide whether they have made a difference. You thinking of trying them? xx
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It's my first night in pub with a friend in sooo long. Gregs looking after Anna and going round my friends (who I'm out with) house as her OH is looking after their little one. I'm so excited!!

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x

Enjoy your night out JBJ!! Well deserved :-) xx
It's my first night in pub with a friend in sooo long. Gregs looking after Anna and going round my friends (who I'm out with) house as her OH is looking after their little one. I'm so excited!!

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x

You enjoy your time out hun xx
Does anyones elses LO fart alot?

I nearly died of embarassment the other day i was standing in the post office queue and Rian did the most almighty fart you had ever heard im sure people in the queue thought it was me!!! x
Does anyones elses LO fart alot?

I nearly died of embarassment the other day i was standing in the post office queue and Rian did the most almighty fart you had ever heard im sure people in the queue thought it was me!!! x

YES!! Ever since we put JJ on comfort milk, he passes wind a lot and SO loud lol!! I'm so immature too...always fall about laughing :-) :lol:
Enjoy your night out!

Libby does some cracking farts makes me :rotfl:

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Does anyones elses LO fart alot?

I nearly died of embarassment the other day i was standing in the post office queue and Rian did the most almighty fart you had ever heard im sure people in the queue thought it was me!!! x

YES!! Ever since we put JJ on comfort milk, he passes wind a lot and SO loud lol!! I'm so immature too...always fall about laughing :-) :lol:

Glad its not just me then lol honestly Rian farts are even louder than daddys :)
Me again lol

Rian is almost 6wks now and i think im going to have to up his milk to 6oz as these last few days 5oz isnt satisfying him!! Im just worried im over feeding him x
Evan did an almighty fart in the pub a few weeks back. His grandad was so proud of him!
If you are going to supplement with water, make sure it's cooled boiled water so that all bacteria is killed off. My midwife said you can also give babies a bit of unsweetened fennel tea.

I'm trying colocynth crystals at the moment for Ella to help with her colic. Has anyone else tried these? My friend recommended them.k

Sorry I'm month hopping here but without a word of a lie these crystals saved my sanity!!! They worked a treat on Spencer!

Little tip though if you're struggling with that stupid little spoon, make sure your hands are clean, dip your finger in a bit of water and stick the granules to your finger. Much easier to get them all in the mouth!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

Thanks for the tip! Can I ask how you use them? Do you give a few sprinkles before each feed or do you just give them when your baby's crying & colicy? Also, how long do they take until you sre an effect?
If you are going to supplement with water, make sure it's cooled boiled water so that all bacteria is killed off. My midwife said you can also give babies a bit of unsweetened fennel tea.

I'm trying colocynth crystals at the moment for Ella to help with her colic. Has anyone else tried these? My friend recommended them.k

Sorry I'm month hopping here but without a word of a lie these crystals saved my sanity!!! They worked a treat on Spencer!

Little tip though if you're struggling with that stupid little spoon, make sure your hands are clean, dip your finger in a bit of water and stick the granules to your finger. Much easier to get them all in the mouth!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

Thanks for the tip! Can I ask how you use them? Do you give a few sprinkles before each feed or do you just give them when your baby's crying & colicy? Also, how long do they take until you sre an effect?

You're supposed to give roughly about 10 half hour before each feed but it's pretty hard to count out ten so I just guessed lol. And don't worry if it's not as long as half an hour because by the time they finish their bottle they'll be working.

Within two days I saw a massive change so so easy to bring up wind but obviously every baby is different x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Emma, I used hungry milk a couple of weeks ago and it worked a treat but then I read online that your not supposed to use it on really young babies. Guess I should have asked HV instead!

Is he taking as much of the hungry milk? Joseph only took half his usual amount. That said he is only 5 weeks tomorrow and he is on 6oz, then cries for more and is quite frequently taking 8oz now! I worry that is far too much and wonder how the heck I'll keeo him off food until he is 6 mo! X

I have read the same thing, the reason being the hungry milk has higher levels of Casein which can cause constipation in young babies. Well at the min i'm offering small amounts of cooled boiled water every few feeds to help with his colic, so i'm thinking this will combat any issues with constipation. You never know what to do for the best as the milk cartons say for newborns yet HV say not to use it. I think like every thing else it's all trial and error?!

If i find he's getting constipated then i'll move him back onto stage 1. It's not affected his feeds a such, he's still drinking around 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours, but he seems more content for longer after the feed. On the other milks he was either spitting out more than he was drinking or wasn't happy after the feed.

I suppose time will tell :/

x x x

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