***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Oh no Amy. I am on my own with 2 if it helps lol. Dont feel bad re drinking, its not a lot at all.
Have you tried singing if he is grumpy? Works a treat for us, shuts up both and we do signing with hands with my toddler

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I wouldn't call it singing lol! Sounds more like a strangled cat. I've got some music I try sometimes.

Main thing I'm struggling is picking up his cues. He doesn't seem to have a hungry cue, since he is always trying to eat his hands, muslins, my hand, shoulder etc. And as he is being sick more often which I think may be down to him being greedy, I try to avoid offering boob first. Even at the first sight of eye rubbing he refuses to be allowed to sleep and it's very difficult to stop him getting overstimulated because he is so nosy. If he is awake he needs constant stimulation, something different every 5 minutes and I struggle to do that.

He is still asleep though which is great :)
Well....an interesting day so far. JJ has his 2nd round of jabs - cue screaming :-( It was over pretty quickly thank goodness - he only cried for a couple of mins. I didn't cry this time - hooray!!

Had to rush him back down there though for an emergency appt as DH was changing his bum this morning and there was about a tbsp.'s worth of blood in his nappy! He has had spotting before... but never this much.

Dr has checked him over and said its likely to be a small tear and nothing serious - apparently it is quite common, especially if they strain a little, which he does sometimes. Phew....was terribly worried there for a while.

Looking forward to a less dramatic afternoon!!! xx
Eeeeek scary stuff!

Well we've just taken the dogs for a walk madam was fading fast so thought right in quick boob and that's her down nope cried at boob, so popped her in her cot and she's talking to her mobile friends. I'm sat at the top if the stairs ready to go in as she's getting louder.

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Yay she's gone :) hopefully we get a huge nap like yesterday but will wait and see :)

Still got pots to wash and want to start dinner so fx for a long one girls x

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Ha ha! Hope you get a few hours to yourself v&b.

Think Ella must be going through a leap. Think there's one due about now. She had a bad night. Couldn't get her to sleep, then she projectile vomited twice in the night. Had her up 4:30 - 6. She went to sleep & I went for a 9k run. Was really good to clear my head.
We managed to have a morning nap together which was good.
She's basically just been really grumpy today & sleeping a lot or is on the boob or crying.
Hope she feels better soon.

Fingers crossed she falls asleep after I've fed her, then I can try & prepare the dinner too.
Urgh, santiago will just not have his afternoon nap! Lina has been down for 2 and a half hours, but santi only had an hour and will just not go back to sleep. I keep taking him through, giving him boob and singing, but he just empties me then smiles for a while, then gets bored and whingy so i have to take himback out again so he doesnt wake lina up. Frustrated.com.
Aww poor JJ. Rian was worse after his second lot of jabs it lasted for days he had a temp was clingy just not his normal happy self :-(

Little man is currently fighting his sleep today hes only had a 39min nap so far grr i currently rocking his in his chair the eyes are going at last lol xx
Not even an hour! Just boo bed her popped her back in her cot watch this space!

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Don't think this is going to work! Little git needs sleep though why do they fight it, I'd love someone to fill my tummy wrap me up cosy in a blanket and pop me in bed!

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It's all gone quiet! Still little movement's going but hopeful!!


My view lol

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I'm being tested today :(. Refuses naps, refuses boob, refuses being soothed by me...
I'm being tested today :(. Refuses naps, refuses boob, refuses being soothed by me...

We've had a day a bit like this hun, she must be starving and knackered but can't win so we're on our mat playing :)

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Well, my two both went down easy, thought i was onto a winner......then santiago woke up. Grrrrr, he hasnt napped properly all day, thought he wouldve been out like a light. oH now rocking him to sleep.
Mark was refising cross cradle position today, had to feed him sitting on my knee! He wants to look around! Or i have to walk around feeding....
I am dreading toddler BF acrobatics lol

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That's Libby's problem now knopk she's just too nosey!

Well she's down let's see how long for tonight, can't see her going all night I just don't think she's had enough milk, I hope I'm proven wrong!

Sleepy dust to all the babes *sprinkle*

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Oh no!!! All these clever babies were being so good with their sleep but still refusing naps!!!

I've been quite lucky with Freddie- we got into a routine of putting him into his cot at 10pm, curtains closed, nightlight on, musical mobile on, shut the door. He goes to sleep very easily but sometimes there's quite a lot of grunting. We've not changed the time to 9pm and I take him out of his cot in the morning at 8.30am.

Then he normally has a morning nap and a pm nap- I tend to just leave him to it at those times with his dummy on his playmat and he just nods off. I leave his cot for bedtime only though.

I think though that it's potluck- some babies like to sleep and some babies just like to play!!!!

Here he is zonked on his mat earlier!!!

Chezza, I know JJ is going through a leap/is about to, but is he teething maybe? My sister's bub is pretty grizzly because of that at the moment x
Its totally potluck, looking at all the babies around. You never know.

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Hey Jolly, he certainly is...he has a teeny tooth coming through - I can feel it on his top gum. I've just never known such a grumpy baby! Doesn't help that he also had his jabs this morning though...poor little thing :-(

Have a feeling I could be in for an interesting evening...here's hoping not!

Sleepy dust to all babies :dust: We'd like at least 9 hours out of all babies tonight please!! :lol: xxx
Feel for you Chezza, Mark.wants cuddles and to.gnaw on my finger(quite hard), teethers arent good enough. Sigh.
He is dribbling a bit too. But my eldest has symptoms for good couple of months before they popped out. I hate teething

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