Hi girls,
I'm on here but don't post on this thread much as I find it too hard to keep up!!
On the whole look like all your gorg baba's are growing nicely and doing really well!! and you all seem to enjoy being a mama as much as i do
Trey is doing good. So so good actually, so alert and interested in everything. He discovered siting up now and that's all he wants to do, he's a little wobbly and needs some support but he's really getting the hang of it. I use my feeding pillow to support him, he hates lying down now unless it's to change his nappy.
Teething has begun and it really is horrid
random outbursts of crying is no fun. I use the teething gel and teething granules and they seem to help. We have some teething toys but he's just not interested and will rather bite his hands!
He's rolled over a few times from tummy to back and I'm trying to encourage him to do more but he hates tummy time so I have limited time to do it!!
He's slept thru the night -9pm till 6am - on a few occasions which makes me a very happy mummy,
mostly he'll sleep from 9pm to about 4am then will Sleep again untill about 9.30am. I feed him every 3 hours so I think he's full enough during the day to sleep thru. Plus we have an established bedtime routine now which suits all of us so well.
Oh and finally i'm hating this 4th leap and can't want till its over! He's so clingy and needy, always moans when I leave the room as wants to be held all the time. He'll sometimes only nap for 20 mins or so leaving with no time to myself! It means I'm often doing housework after his 4am feed - naughty me!!
Anyway that's us. I'll continue to stalk tho!! Hope you all have a good rest of day and eve.