Hi ladies
Scott's woken up for an unexpected early morning bottle so just catching up a bit.
Great news Nikki! Such a massive relief I bet x
Just noticing that Scott drinks less than most other babies his age, he still only ever has 5oz per feed and usually wastes an ounce of that!. He is completely content though, sleeps fine and is generally a happy little man so he is certainly getting enough to fill him up. Maybe he just has a small appetite? I'm tempted to get him weighed again, he is definitely putting on weight but isn't podgy at all. He has his last injections next Wednesday so might just see how much he has gained then.
I can't believe he's already 16 weeks old! Where has the time gone? I remember being 22 weeks pregnant and thinking "16 weeks to go"and it seemed like a bloody lifetime away! He's already getting to big for his 0~3 month sleep suits so has to wear 3-6 month ones with legs obviously to big for him lol. There's just no in between, they're either to tight or to big.
Nearly at my first goal weight now too! I was 12st 7 the day I had Scott so I set my first goal at 10st 7, currently at 10st 9 wooop! My next goals will be dropping half a stone at a time hopefully down to around 9st. I've been doing so much walking to try and loose the flab, trying to achieve around 8+ miles a day and currently "learning"to jog lol. Bought a treadmill last week so I can get my stamina up to jog outside without feeling like a fat breathless fool haha and I use it every day. Jogging is just so hard though! I'm trying to start off easy and jog for 2 mins walk fast for 3 mins and keep that going x5 but omg, after the 3rd jog I'm just dying! I'm sticking at it though, my aim is to jog for between 30 mins and an hour every day, something that atm seems impossible because just a few minutes is a killer
I'm so determined though, I want to stay fit for Scott. I had my other children in my teens and early 20's so I'm going from being one of the youngest at the school gates to one of the oldest and I refuse to be old and fat! Age is something I can't do anything about but I'm gonna shift this flab if it kills me!
This time last year I was a 30+ a day smoker living on coffee and playing world of warcraft every day, how my life has changed! Completely for the better ofc