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***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Oh Hun, he seems to be testing you a lot lately :(

Is he going through a leap do you think? Or do I recall you saying you we're attempting to change his milk back to normal milk? Could this be giving him a little bellyache maybe? Or teething?

I'm just clutching a ideas to help you figure out what is wrong with him.

I know :-( Thank god the good days outweigh the bad.

He is teething at the moment and going through a LEAP...I am also weaning him off comfort milk (GP's advice as his nappies are just awful).

So I guess it could be a combo of the 3 really? He finally dropped off 10 mins ago...hoping it's for at least an hour - can run round getting some house bits done and at least grab a cuppa and a sandwich!! xx
Ah the poor mite, no wonder he's miserable having to deal with all three at once! Still can't be nice for you either, fingers crossed he's settled for you know.

Have you got any teething granulas or maybe a bit of gripe water to settle his belly? That's if that stuff works for your lo.

Harrison has just woken from an epic nap, I don't expect he'll settle for another nap today now, maybe get a cat nap but nothing other than that. I should have done like you and run round doing house work. Instead I opted to Internet shop, and eat toast! I'm gonna regret this choice later when nothing is done and H is grumpy lol

X x x
Hi ladies!
Haven't posted any photos of Ella for a while ... here are some proud mummy snaps!
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Hi ladies, i don't know if anyone remembers me from tri 3 etc. I am very late to the party but I had my daughter on 14th may. Her name is Eve and she was 9lbs9oz. She is doing brilliantly and I adore her. She is a big girl still though - at 13 weeks she was 16lb9oz! Anyway I thought it would be nice to pop in and introduce us. Congratulations to you all, your babies seem to be doing brilliantly! Xx

Hi my lovely how r u doing?! Eve is absolutely gorgeous. Sorry we lost touch , things have been a bit nuts! It is so lovely to see u back on here . Be lovely to talk to u again xxxx
Afternoon ladies

Well i said yesterday how much H disliked tummy time but I tried again today. He last a few minutes then got grumpy lol however im a super happy mummy as he rolled over front to back. I think it was more to do with position then him actually forcing himself over but still, he rolled!! :D

Here's a couple of pics of him having tummy time, seconds before he rolled over xxx


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Evan has been napping for nearly 2 hours! Praise the lord :D

I really don't know what to do with him when he refuses naps. He frantically rubs his eyes, threatens to close them and then is wide awake. Music failed, dancing failed, dummy failed, putting him in the cot with and hand on him failed. Had to resort to boob which I'm reluctant to do as I think he has mild relux and overfeeds.

Heading over to my sister's new pad tomorrow and will be looking out for a playmat. Evan enjoyed some tummy time in his cot yesteday, but it's not big enough for him to roll over in properly.

Chezza - hope JJ has followed suit and is still napping like an angel. I think our little guys are quite in sync at the moment lol! xxx
Nikki think my af is about to make an appearance feel bloated horrible and achey.

Hope jj is having a lovely snooze Chezza and wakes up feeling better.

Well I'm childless for the afternoon I have a hand bag instead of changing bag!

Booked in at 2.30 for my pamper I'm just sat outside in the car didn't want to look to eager! Got a feeling I'm going to nod off during my massage my ask them to wheel me into a corner and leave me :D lol

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Hi ladies, i don't know if anyone remembers me from tri 3 etc. I am very late to the party but I had my daughter on 14th may. Her name is Eve and she was 9lbs9oz. She is doing brilliantly and I adore her. She is a big girl still though - at 13 weeks she was 16lb9oz! Anyway I thought it would be nice to pop in and introduce us. Congratulations to you all, your babies seem to be doing brilliantly! Xx

My LO was also born on 14th May he was 6lb 6oz hes now 11lbs 5oz xxx
Hi ladies, little boy is 4 months today! Got him weighed and he is 16 lb 12 oz which is around 75th centile still.

When i was weighing him, got talking about weaning and i said this one might be ready earlier than his brother and he is only 4 months. The lady next to me was shocked he is 4 monts lol. To me he is my little baby though, he doesnt look that big

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
He is gorgeous knopk. It's scary cos they were once teeny weeny little things that fit in our bellies and now they are chunky monkeys giving our arms a good workout!
Happy 4 months! Bless Libby's a wee dot next to him lol

Anyway aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh feel so relaxed! Just sat waiting for my toes to dry :)

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy 4 months little Mark xx

JJ had a complete melt down (and I nearly followed suit) - it was that bad that I was very close to taking him to our local walk in clinic! He just would not top crying - and he was getting himself so worked up that he was sweating with big fat tears rolling down his little cheeks!! :-(

He wouldn't even sit in his sling happily, so have had lots of tight cuddles on the sofa and he took a 2.5 hour nap. Cant be doing that every day...hopefully a one off.

V&B - VERY jealous...hope you had a lovely pampering session!

Amy - our boys are a tad in synch aren't they! We must have words with both of them lol :-) xx
Hi ladies, i don't know if anyone remembers me from tri 3 etc. I am very late to the party but I had my daughter on 14th may. Her name is Eve and she was 9lbs9oz. She is doing brilliantly and I adore her. She is a big girl still though - at 13 weeks she was 16lb9oz! Anyway I thought it would be nice to pop in and introduce us. Congratulations to you all, your babies seem to be doing brilliantly! Xx

Hi my lovely how r u doing?! Eve is absolutely gorgeous. Sorry we lost touch , things have been a bit nuts! It is so lovely to see u back on here . Be lovely to talk to u again xxxx

Hello again BN! Its really good to see you on here still. I know what you mean about things being nuts! I hope Jack is doing really well too. I will keep an eye out for photos! I can't believe we're mummies - i remember tri 3 when it all seemed so far away and we were finishing for mat leave! Xx

I know. I don't know where the time has gone. Jack is over 20 weeks old now! I mean omg where has the time gone?! Jack is now 12lb 11oz. A big jump from his 3lb 14oz birth weight.

I will upload some photos for u to see him xx
Here is one of jack at 20 weeks x


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Argh! H is such a grump today too, he's cried more today then ever and hes just had a 2 hr sleep -he never sleeps for longrr then a hr during the day . I hope he is in a better mood tomorrow!

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Wow - look at jack now!

All our baba's are sooo cute! Xx

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 4
Wow - look at jack now!

All our baba's are sooo cute! Xx

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 4

Sorry H has been a grump all day Hun. It's hard work isn't it!

My little jacks growing up way to fast!!!

We definitely need more pics of these beautiful babies. Xxx
Aww look at all the cute little babies, I could squeeze them all!

Well H has been in bed since 9pm fast asleep. He was getting Narky at 8.30 and would settle, not even for a cuddle. So I popped him in his cot and he fell to sleep with in minutes he didn't even fuss. Which is great because I have some of my evening bac, but I dread to think what time he'll have me up tonight. I'm guessing between 1-2am.

I might go up to bed now and get in a few hours sleep before he wakes.

Night night ladies, sleep dust to all xxx

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