***April & May Mummy & Baby***

E is often tired but hungry. She starts feeding, falls asleep so I move her off the boob. She then does the most awful high-pitched squeal when she realises what's happened!

I got an early night in the bag last night & dtd with oh for first time! Can't believe we waited this long!

E had a good sleep from 21:30 to 3. She then some up at 5.30 & 7 again, but the first stretch was good.

Hope all you ladies had good nights.
Whoop whoop, go Amy!! :dance: There must have been something in the water this weekend :lol:

Sorry to hear you had such a rough day brandnew...but glad to hear Jack is much better this morning! I always find it quite hard at the weekend too - we have a pretty good routine during the week, but it always seems to go out of the window at the weekend...mainly because I find it quite hard to make him nap whilst we are out and about...and of course there are always a lot more people around wanting cuddles etc.

Emma - hope you won the battle! ;-)

We had a lovely day out with friends yesterday, but unfortunately JJ did have a melt down later in the afternoon, so we had to make a swift exit - but we still had a good time regardless.

JJ and I are having a nice relaxed day today...I am going to try and prepare myself mentally for my first KIT tmrw...I have a lot of papers to read through today / tonight in preparation. Eeeeeeeeeek!! :-(

Have a good day ladies!! xxx
Must be something in the air, we dtd 3 times last week. Congrats on breaking the "fast" lol. I would have gone mad waiting that long

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
All you ladies dtd for the first time well done. I waited till 9 weeks, OH is lucky of we do it once a week now though!

Brand new I'm glad jack seems happier today.

I went to my in laws for dinner yesterday and was on my best behaviour. Luckily my mil wasn't too bad and didn't comment on my parenting - although once again my fil asked when I was stopping breastfeeding and giving H a rusk. I told him H would be having solids when I feel he is ready for them and as for breastfeeding I will continue to feed him myself till we're both ready to stop, I'm just taking it one day at a time. As normal OH didn't comment.

Hope everyone has a nice start to the week. X

Morning ladies :)

Well we kind won. after popping H dummy back in he nodded of til 4.20 :D he woke up starving demolished 6oz but took me over an hour to wind him. Glad I persevered tho he eventually gave me a huge burp and didn't wake up til 8am.

Ive been in took his gro bag off and bid him a good morning, he's now bashing hell out of his musical light thingy on the side of his cot!
Brandnew so glad your little man is ok, greedy babies just don't know when to say no to the milk! When it comes to H routine im a lot more relaxed about over the weekend, there's no point trying to keep him to routine as we're always popping some where or people are visiting us. I just let H take control, he'll tell me when he's hungry, as as for tired I look for the earliest sign then just tell the person holding him he's tired. My family love nothing more than getting him to sleep, the see it as a victory! Plus H is happy to sleep with whoever has hold of him, as he's so nosey. The only part of the routine I stick to regardless is his bath and bed routine, it might not be at the same time depending on how feeds have gone. But he always has the same bath routine I'd be lost with out it lol

X x x
I don't keep my routine of a weekend. I spent one weekend getting really stressed out about it that I don't bother now. Like you though, Emma, I have the same evening routine. I have a rule that H goes upstairs at 8pm regardless.

Hey ABC237

I do remember you :) nice to see you back here. Welcome back :D

Hi ABC :wave:

Morning all she went 8.30 till 3.15 then 5 then 7 fell asleep again at 7.45 and is just stirring she liked to fall asleep on mummy and daddy's bed for her first nap of the day :)


I've showered and made a start on the mountain of pots next to the sink :o

She's off to granny's this afternoon as I'm off for a pamper using the voucher oh got me for my birthday full body massage and a luxury pedicure :)

Me and oh dtd at 4 weeks and do it about once a week, weekend mornings are the time for me I'm too knackered the rest of the time.

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I remember ou too ABC! Congrats on the birth ... I weighed 9lbs9oz when I was born ;-)
Have you got a photo of Eve for us??
Hi ladies, i don't know if anyone remembers me from tri 3 etc. I am very late to the party but I had my daughter on 14th may. Her name is Eve and she was 9lbs9oz. She is doing brilliantly and I adore her. She is a big girl still though - at 13 weeks she was 16lb9oz! Anyway I thought it would be nice to pop in and introduce us. Congratulations to you all, your babies seem to be doing brilliantly! Xx

Hi, glad to see you again. My lo was born on the 14th of may too :) at 13 weeks he weighed 13lb xx

Well she's still asleep! She obviously likes mummy's bed!

Poor little tyke must be knackered from her busy day yesterday

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Evan woke at 10.30pm for a feed just as I was getting ready for bed. Unfortunately that didn't stop the 4am feed and then again at 8. He has now been given to my parents cos after being awake an hour and screaming cos he refuses to go to sleep. I am exhausted. I can't get to sleep at night and takes me ages to get back to sleep when he wakes. After such a good day yesterday and feeling happy I now feel rubbish :(
Morning ladies! We had another good night, long may continue!

Nothing major to report here, quite a quiet weekend really. I am getting pretty bored as all the local mums are away on holiday, the heat is so bad we cant take the babies out walking for very long. So i am restricted to the shopping centres where it is cool. Luckily the OH doesnt mind throwing money at me to go and spend ;)
Brought myself a sports bra that actually supports yesterday! Feels awesome and i may even be brave enough to start jogging soon, although it will have to be either very early or very late due to the heat, we will see. Only another coUple of weeks before the weather cools down again, i cant wait!

Been really cranky the last few days and very short tempered, then AF turned up this morning. I cant believe it, i really didnt think it would show for a while bf twins. I reckon its because they have been going longer at night without feeds, its kicked my cycle back into gear. Boooooooo!
Awwww how cute!! Xxxx welcome to the group Hun, though I'm hardly about tbh :( can't seem to get any time lately :( xxx hope all you fab mummy's are doing well xxx
Hi ladies, i don't know if anyone remembers me from tri 3 etc. I am very late to the party but I had my daughter on 14th may. Her name is Eve and she was 9lbs9oz. She is doing brilliantly and I adore her. She is a big girl still though - at 13 weeks she was 16lb9oz! Anyway I thought it would be nice to pop in and introduce us. Congratulations to you all, your babies seem to be doing brilliantly! Xx

Welcome ABC - I've added you to the front page :-) xx
Being tested today - big time :-(

Aside from a 20 minute nap earlier, LO has been crying since around 08.00am this morning. Nothing I can do to calm him or ease his unhappiness. I hate days like this...
Oh Hun, he seems to be testing you a lot lately :(

Is he going through a leap do you think? Or do I recall you saying you we're attempting to change his milk back to normal milk? Could this be giving him a little bellyache maybe? Or teething?

I'm just clutching a ideas to help you figure out what is wrong with him.

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