***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Morning all, well the twins stayed in sleep mode from 10pm. Me and OH ended up watching a few episodes of dexter and didnt get to bed til 1. I decided to dream feed them so i would get a straight run of sleep, but santi still had me up at 4, lina at 5:30, then bothfed between 7-8. Im so,gad i feed them in bed and cosleep, else i would be exhausted!
I have a boy who wants to sleep on me with the nipple in his mouth. Or chew on my/his hands and be frustrated. I think i will get Teetha today and some gel

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Bloody smoke alarm went off at 5. Had to get dh to check but probably just a spider. By the time I'd closed my eyes someone else was up wanting a feed. I really struggled to get back to sleep after that.

Got to do the last prep for his naming ceremony tomorrow and have my sister coming round later and some friends.

Dh will be in a bad mood later. He's been passed over for promotion again. It's what happens when you're up against a less qualified person who is the daughter of the centre manager. Hopefully Evan will have some smiles for him when he gets home.
Well madam is a right grumpy git, whining on my knee whining at boob crying in crib so put her in her swing on full whack and so far she's quiet :D she's shattered but won't listen to me lol if this doesn't work buggy will have to come out and a soggy walk round the block will have to be in order.

Fx for a big nap at some point as I'm running on fumes.

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Had a really good night with H last night. He was asleep at 10pm and didn't wake for a bottle til 4.48!! Took me nearly an hour to feed him and wind him, only 15 mins of that was feeding the rest was winding, glad I persevered tho and got a good burp as he didn't wake again till 8.45 and woke with smiles!!

I'm really hoping this is the beginning of him fading out his am feed, it would be so much better as that when he's at his worse for giving up his wind!

He's currently napping in his pram for his first nap of the day :D I'm hoping today is going to be a good day as I've trapped a nerve in my back and it's killing :(

Hope you ladies and babies have a good day :) xx
Well madam is a right grumpy git, whining on my knee whining at boob crying in crib so put her in her swing on full whack and so far she's quiet :D she's shattered but won't listen to me lol if this doesn't work buggy will have to come out and a soggy walk round the block will have to be in order.

Fx for a big nap at some point as I'm running on fumes.

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We're likely to be doing a soggy walk too. He is currently whining at the cot mobile...
well i cant believe it but my little man is 20 weeks old today!! where has the time gone?? i really dont know!?? we have got his sleeping nailed me thinks! he slept from 10.15pm to 8.30 am! weaning him early was definitely the right thing to do for us. he is now so much more settled and contented during the day but my boy does Not like mashed banana. his poor little face when he ate it. but he does like apple. its exciting trying him on new things. he also loves mixed root veg puree. cant believe, after all the troubles we had at the beginning, where we are today.
we are also going to buy his cot at the weekend. because we are only in a one bed house we haven't purchased it before. and he is only just growing too big for his Moses basket. i'm excited to get it but upset because it means he is getting big!!

hope everyone is ok today. xxxxxx
well i cant believe it but my little man is 20 weeks old today!! where has the time gone?? i really dont know!?? we have got his sleeping nailed me thinks! he slept from 10.15pm to 8.30 am! weaning him early was definitely the right thing to do for us. he is now so much more settled and contented during the day but my boy does Not like mashed banana. his poor little face when he ate it. but he does like apple. its exciting trying him on new things. he also loves mixed root veg puree. cant believe, after all the troubles we had at the beginning, where we are today.
we are also going to buy his cot at the weekend. because we are only in a one bed house we haven't purchased it before. and he is only just growing too big for his Moses basket. i'm excited to get it but upset because it means he is getting big!!

hope everyone is ok today. xxxxxx
Well after 30 mins in the swing she started crying got her out on boob asleep within minutes.


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Aww Jolly...I feel for you. DH and I have been having a few ups and downs again lately, sadly. His family are really winding us up at the moment and it's putting an awful lot of pressure and unwanted stress on us. I'm sure we will get through it...but it is very hard xx

Sorry to hear about DH Amy...hopefully Evan will have lots of giggles and dribbles later on for daddy :-)

Libby is just too cute!! x

Take it easy today Emma! Hope your backs I much better soon x

Happy 20 weeks to little Jack BN!! Where does the time go! I will be weaning JJ soon - he is having a 10oz bottle at night and that still isn't filling him up! I am getting him weighed today, so will speak to a HV then and see what she says. My GP agreed I could do so fro 17 weeks...so only just over 1 week to go.

She'd be cuter if she slept Chezza! 20 mins was all she had tried my bloody hardest to get her back off but no chance. She's now on her mat kicking and chatting to her mates :)

Me i'm running on sugar energy huge bottle of fanta bought.

4 month growth spurt and sleep regression sucks!

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Same here v&b. Had to purchase some emergency donuts to keep me going. Evan just refuses to sleep today. It's so tough especially since yesterday wad good. Just wish he had more good days than bum days.

He's just had some massive rumbles on his bouncy chair so it could be outfit number 4 soon. I got properly puked all over earlier. It always manages to get down my bra...
Same here v&b. Had to purchase some emergency donuts to keep me going. Evan just refuses to sleep today. It's so tough especially since yesterday wad good. Just wish he had more good days than bum days.

He's just had some massive rumbles on his bouncy chair so it could be outfit number 4 soon. I got properly puked all over earlier. It always manages to get down my bra...

Ha! I put on some of my nicest underwear this morning (makes a change from the granny pants!) - and who, for the third time in his teeny little life decides he wants to chuck up all over me...?? Yes, my darling son.

It's amazing just how much puke a bra cup can hold!!! :shock:
Aww Jolly...I feel for you. DH and I have been having a few ups and downs again lately, sadly. His family are really winding us up at the moment and it's putting an awful lot of pressure and unwanted stress on us. I'm sure we will get through it...but it is very hard xx

Sorry to hear about DH Amy...hopefully Evan will have lots of giggles and dribbles later on for daddy :-)

Libby is just too cute!! x

Take it easy today Emma! Hope your backs I much better soon x

Happy 20 weeks to little Jack BN!! Where does the time go! I will be weaning JJ soon - he is having a 10oz bottle at night and that still isn't filling him up! I am getting him weighed today, so will speak to a HV then and see what she says. My GP agreed I could do so fro 17 weeks...so only just over 1 week to go.


No one could have prepared me for how much our relationship would change. I constantly doubt whether he still wants to marry me but when I've told him that he's genuinely gutted that I feel that way. I think a lot of it must be to do with confidence on my part. The beginning was the worst, but every now an again we have a big strop!!! We don't really argue, just snipe at each other which ends up with me crying.

Oddly enough it's ALWAYS about the housework.

Surely a 12 week old baby is a fairly good reason to have not done loads of cleaning???
well i cant believe it but my little man is 20 weeks old today!! where has the time gone?? i really dont know!?? we have got his sleeping nailed me thinks! he slept from 10.15pm to 8.30 am! weaning him early was definitely the right thing to do for us. he is now so much more settled and contented during the day but my boy does Not like mashed banana. his poor little face when he ate it. but he does like apple. its exciting trying him on new things. he also loves mixed root veg puree. cant believe, after all the troubles we had at the beginning, where we are today.
we are also going to buy his cot at the weekend. because we are only in a one bed house we haven't purchased it before. and he is only just growing too big for his Moses basket. i'm excited to get it but upset because it means he is getting big!!

hope everyone is ok today. xxxxxx

I love this post :-) so positive after your beginning xxx <3 xxx
Me again!!!

Also got the proofs through from Freddie's photoshoot. Here are some of the watermarked copies, I get to choose 5 to have copyright free and those and the photoshoot cost me £30- she was excellent :-)
[/QUOTE]No one could have prepared me for how much our relationship would change. I constantly doubt whether he still wants to marry me but when I've told him that he's genuinely gutted that I feel that way. I think a lot of it must be to do with confidence on my part. The beginning was the worst, but every now an again we have a big strop!!! We don't really argue, just snipe at each other which ends up with me crying.

Oddly enough it's ALWAYS about the housework.

Surely a 12 week old baby is a fairly good reason to have not done loads of cleaning???[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, is hubby having a pop at you, for lack of housework being done throughout the day...? Has he looked after Freddie alone for more than 4 hours...?? If not, it sounds like you need to have a nice day out somewhere to leave hubby to it - and leave him a list of tasks to be done. He'll soon see that it's not easy.

On a good day - if JJ has 2 decent naps, I can get quite a few things done...on a bad day, I'm lucky if I wash up breakfast dishes :lol: xxx
Give your OH a slap with a wet fish from me. My DH suggested we increase cleaning hours ( i now have a cleaner once a week for 4 hours). And the rest we do when we can ie one entertains, one cleans.
I do all the feeds in this house so he does other things like nappy changes
Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Yes he is!!! Yesterday, besides getting annoyed at having to bring me the baby towel (ffs!) he also said it was irritating that the baby wipes WEREN'T OPEN!!!! Wtf? Honestly, if I use the last baby wipe I throw the packet away but I don't get another pack out because I'm concentrating on feeding him after I've changed him!!!

Argh rant!!! It's fine, but it does pee me off big time sometimes, he huffs and puffs when he does one cycle of feeding etc, yet moans when I do it all day long but don't do the cleaning!!!! Grrrr!!!!

Glad I can share this stuff with you guys!!!

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