***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Ahhh bless him :-( not a happy chappy at all :-(

I never realised teething started so early!! I know I mentioned it the other day but I was so blind to it! I thought it happened at about 8 months but the Fredster has been dribbling since about 9 weeks and now he's started gnawing away at his fist and he's only just 12 weeks - I was totally naive about teething!!!
Thanks knopk...totally agree about teethers. We have 5 - all different shapes and sizes and the only thing he wants to chew is my thumb and hand!

I know Jolly - me too! Never realised it started so early. I have found Nelsons Teething Granules to be really good though. JJ reacts really quickly to them and they settle him right down - all homeopathic and natural too :-)

Has anyone else found themselves to be really on edge? DH says that I am very quick to snap recently and tbh I agree...it doesn't take much to make me feel like my head might explode :-( xxx
Thanks for the sleepy dust ladies ... it worked! Just got a 7 hour stretch, which is unheard of in my house! She normally goes for 4-5 tops! My boobs are rock hard waiting for her lol!

I think I deserve it though. She's been grumpy all day & evening. Welcomed my OH home from work by waking up. and screaming for an hour!
Yay Sophie!

We were up at 5 too! We're now cuddled up in bed having a cuppa.

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Great news sophie :) mine have slept through a few times, but nothing consistent, the boobs hurt like hell when they do though!
Santiago didnt go down until midnight in the end :( Lina slept through but fed at 1:30 then both fed around 5 (i just feed them in bed cosleep til the other wakes up so i have no idea of actual times, lol) both fed around 8am, santiago back asleep on the bed and lina is up with me :) It is so much easier when they have the same routine though, and i wish Santi would sleep as well as Lina, then my life would be a breeze!
Ella then slept until 8!! I wish this was an ever day occurrence ... I feel great!!

A cup of tea V&B ... now there's a good idea!
I think these babies are little sleep monsters. Last night H was up 3 times, the night before he was only up the once! Very tired today.

Chezza, I've been very snappy at my OH and my mum this week. I was putting it down to tiredness. Also, don't get me started on my OH's mum and dad - I'm really seeing a different side to them since having H and I've bitten my tongue quite a few times. Apparently because he can roll from his front onto his back I am rushing his physical development. Tummy time is the most ridiculous thing they have heard of (flat head syndrome wasn't a problem when they had children, apparently!)

They think I'm rushing him yet their the ones that keep asking when he's going to have a rusk!!! Argh!!!!!

( sorry, needed that rant :( ). Xx

Libby is now fast asleep on me, my cuppa is just out of reach :(

Sounds like the twins are keeping you on your toes nikki! I'm sure I'd feel better if I didn't look what time it is when we are up.

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Evan slept through til 6, went back down at 6.45 and awake again at 8. My mum and dad are out fir the day so it's just me and Evan on our own for the first time. I feel ok though as I went to bed at half 9 in preparation lol! Wish me luck xx
Good luck amy, you will be fine! I actually cope better on my own, OH gets me stressed out when the babies are grizzley :)
Thanks Nikki, he's actually gone down for a nap so given me a chance to write a poem for Evan's Great Grandma's to read at his naming ceremony on Saturday. I'm not normally a writer so have surprised myself.

Can I have some honest feedback (btw both Great Grandma's are called Joy hence the title!)

Great Joy

Oh what great joy it is to hear,
A baby’s laugh when you are near.
But sometimes though it is a cry,
You hold them close and ask them why.

Oh what great joy it is to feel,
That soft soft skin you’d like to steal.
Little fingers, tiny toes,
All dressed up in such cute clothes.

Oh what great joy it is to see,
A smiling child bounced on your knee.
That toothless grin, those rosy cheeks,
They’ll keep you entertained for weeks

Oh what great joy it is today,
To celebrate and say hello.
For Evan came into this world,
And now we get to watch him grow.​
Morning Ladies, feeling a little better today and not so snappy...lucky husband!

Stargirl - sorry you are having a rough time. My DH parents aren't really on the scene at the moment, but only his granddad shows any form of interest anyway. His mum couldn't care less - and friends have said it must be easier with them not breathing down our necks...but it's just as bad really - I'd love there to be a middle ground! The problem is, everyone has their own idea of how to bring children up and if you don't do it "their way" because it's what they did, then you are apparently wrong. My parents (who I have an amazing relationship with) scoff at me because I wont give JJ solids just yet and because I follow things like "LEAP'S" / growth spurts etc. They think I am crazy! In my mums opinion...if I gave him rusks (which is something I never intend to give JJ anyway) - everything else would fall into place...

Amy - good luck for today...you wont need it though! As for your poem, it's brilliant! You should get it professionally printed and framed :-) xxx
Amy - good luck for today, hopefully you'll have a happy smiley baby....there so much easier to deal with ;D And the poem is amazing, well done!

Chezza - your not the only one snapping, i'm blaming mine on tiredness. Every now and then the disturbed sleep gets to me and i turn into a monster! Lol I do feel sorry for OH occasionally but then he says things like 'Jeez i'm so tired, i only managed 6 hours sleep last night'...eh try 3 hours you bleeding A*&! hole!

Nikki - i agree with you, dealing with H is much easier when it's just me and him. Everyone else just gets in the way :D Hopefully Santi will start following Lina lead soon, fingers crossed. I still think your wonderwoman tho, how your coping with twins is amazing me. I struggled with one in the beginning! :D

Sophie - congratulations on Ella sleeping through. Tonight you'll be going through everything you did last night!! I know i would lol, fingers crossed it's a sign of things to come. :)

V&B - argh! How frustrating, your cuppa being just out of reach. Bet it's like medieval torture i hope you at least have the remote ;)

Stargirl - Sorry to hear H had you up so many times, i swear these babies do it to test us lol. Hopefully he'll have some good naps today so you can grab some sleep also. Finger crossed for a better night tonight for you both.

x x x
Well H went down at 9 last night, was asleep by 10 and woke at 4am! Had a full 6oz then went back to sleep but woke only an hour later crying his little eyes out. Tried to sooth him but it didn't help so gave him gripe water. I then ended up with sick all down my vest top :(

He was still wittering so ended up in bed with me at 6am laid on his front while i patted his back. He finally fell asleep and slept til 9.30. Then woke himself having a poop! Lol

He's now just stirring from the first nap of the day. Hopefully he'll be feeling a little better.

xx x
Hey Girls, I haven't been on in a while. I have a few of you on FB so I can see your updates but just wanted to check in and see how you are all getting on?

Has anyone thought about/started weaning at all?

Hope you are all ok xxx
Afternoon all,

Well today is my first real day on my own OH was offered a days work so hes been gone since 5am!! Its been great i took both boys to town and did an iceland shop the took the big boy to burger king Rian was a gem i feed him whilst Vinnie was eating his kids meal. How bad is this but ive actually enjoyed being on my own!! hubbys been out of work for 2 years so you can kinda get why i liked it lol

What do you ladies use for cradle cap? Rian has a very small amount on the top of his head i want to try and clear up for him.

Afternoon all,

Well today is my first real day on my own OH was offered a days work so hes been gone since 5am!! Its been great i took both boys to town and did an iceland shop the took the big boy to burger king Rian was a gem i feed him whilst Vinnie was eating his kids meal. How bad is this but ive actually enjoyed being on my own!! hubbys been out of work for 2 years so you can kinda get why i liked it lol

What do you ladies use for cradle cap? Rian has a very small amount on the top of his head i want to try and clear up for him.


Ooo Anna has had bad cradle cap for weeks now...she looks liek a loaf of tiger bread! I found that putting Olive oil on it then leaving it to dry, brush it through softly and then wash with a sponge or flannel gently in a circular motion and then brush hair while wet and then put more olive oil on and leaving it really works. I tried the shampoo and it made hers spread. She had it all on her head and in her eyebrows too. Here are some comparison pics:
This was when it started in her brows and a little patch on her head:

then it spread all over her head after using the shampoo:


Now it still looks bad but it is only on the top now:


The oil makes it look really yellow but this is better comapred to what is was:

I used baby oil once and that made it look really sore and red :/ So I am sticking with just olive oil.
I use coconut oil in the same way JBJ does. Works for is but he has a tiny bit.
I have weaned before so waiting for signs of readyness - good head control, able to sit up unaided, able to grab and bring food to mouth.

My son was weaned at 5,5 months.
They have a big growth spurt at 4 months which a lot of people mistake for weaning sign but its not.
If you do start early, start with veg and fruit. Wheat and gluten arent recommended before 6 months xxx
Are you doing tw or blw?

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