***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Hey Emma...I cant find you...?? Are you on anyones friend list?? If not, have a look for me: Cheryl Anderson and my profile pic is JJ with a big cheesey grin :-) xx
Hey Emma...I cant find you...?? Are you on anyones friend list?? If not, have a look for me: Cheryl Anderson and my profile pic is JJ with a big cheesey grin :-) xx

Well this is annoying, i can't find you either!

I have LYLLjellytots of facebook if you have her? But no one else :(
I cant find u Emma either im Michelle Hillier was Parker my boys are my profile piccy xx
Hey Emma...I cant find you...?? Are you on anyones friend list?? If not, have a look for me: Cheryl Anderson and my profile pic is JJ with a big cheesey grin :-) xx

Well this is annoying, i can't find you either!

I have LYLLjellytots of facebook if you have her? But no one else :(

Do you have an email address associated with your facebook page? xx
Btw yesterday I put on my necklace from oh for the first time since the emergency team literally ripped it from my neck during the crash section. Doesn't seem like a big deal but it was a big achievement for me emotionally :-)

It is a big emotional step hun - well done! Didn't know you had a crash section too? xxx

Yep- it was awful!! Did you???

Freddie stopped moving or responding at 41+10 so we went in to get checked out the day before I was due to be induced and next thing I know teams of people were rushing into the room and I was put under. Found out recently I was put under at 11.23pm, knife to skin 11.25pm and he was born at 11.27pm!!!

Then spent a week in nicu as he'd poo'd due to distress and had hypothermia and a couple of infections. He's absolutely fine now, I've got over worrying about his infections etc but still having a couple of flashbacks of the actual emergency. So putting the necklace on was definitely a big step for me :-)

So going back to the Fb conv, if anyone ever dared to comment on the number of piccies I posted of my beautiful precious son I'd slap them so hard!!! ;-) hahah!!! X
Hey Emma...I cant find you...?? Are you on anyones friend list?? If not, have a look for me: Cheryl Anderson and my profile pic is JJ with a big cheesey grin :-) xx

Well this is annoying, i can't find you either!

I have LYLLjellytots of facebook if you have her? But no one else :(

Emma i'll add you my May buddy :-) x
This is a very solemn post so if any of u r in a good mood, look away now!!

The last few days I have felt awful. Like really down. Just like when I was at my lowest with my pnd. I would just like to know how it's possible to feel as lonely as I do , even with people around me? I'm so lonely during the day, and then when my oh gets in he sorts jack out and then he's on his mobile, doing whatever he does, right up till he goes to bed. He does sort out jack in between but this is irrelevant. My mum is also been coming to my house a couple of days a week as she is on holiday from work, just for an hour or so at a time and when she goes to leave I feel like begging her not too. It's sad that at 30 years of age I feel like I have no one. No one to lean on or talk to and that's so very sad. A lot of my friends have abandoned me bcos I now have a baby and they don't. It just proves who ur real friends r once u have a LO. sorry for the depressing post but needed to put it out there. Xxxxx
I cant find u Emma either im Michelle Hillier was Parker my boys are my profile piccy xx

Michelle i think i found you, i hope so otherwise i have sent a friend request to some random person ;)

x x x
Btw yesterday I put on my necklace from oh for the first time since the emergency team literally ripped it from my neck during the crash section. Doesn't seem like a big deal but it was a big achievement for me emotionally :-)

It is a big emotional step hun - well done! Didn't know you had a crash section too? xxx

Yep- it was awful!! Did you???

Freddie stopped moving or responding at 41+10 so we went in to get checked out the day before I was due to be induced and next thing I know teams of people were rushing into the room and I was put under. Found out recently I was put under at 11.23pm, knife to skin 11.25pm and he was born at 11.27pm!!!

Then spent a week in nicu as he'd poo'd due to distress and had hypothermia and a couple of infections. He's absolutely fine now, I've got over worrying about his infections etc but still having a couple of flashbacks of the actual emergency. So putting the necklace on was definitely a big step for me :-)

So going back to the Fb conv, if anyone ever dared to comment on the number of piccies I posted of my beautiful precious son I'd slap them so hard!!! ;-) hahah!!! X

I certainly did! Jeez...your story sounds stressful...so glad you are both ok! It's quite amazing how tough these little babies are though :-)

JJ's HB dropped in labour and although I tried my hardest to get him out, I just couldn't do it...went to Ventouse without pain relief (youch) - 8 x failed attempts, lots of failed epi attempts and JJ's HB either dropped or increased rapidly - crash button was pressed, suddenly surrounded by 16 staff, being pulled in several different directions...not really knowing what was going on (thanks to horrible Pethadine) - and having a clipboard thrust under my nose to sign! I remember looking over at my husband and seeing tears in his eyes - and that's when I realised it must have been a little bit bad...

JJ was born and was blue and not breathing. He came round fairly quickly and my DH (Lee) took care of him until they brought him round.

I would definitely have a planned C Sect next time!!!! xxx
This is a very solemn post so if any of u r in a good mood, look away now!!

The last few days I have felt awful. Like really down. Just like when I was at my lowest with my pnd. I would just like to know how it's possible to feel as lonely as I do , even with people around me? I'm so lonely during the day, and then when my oh gets in he sorts jack out and then he's on his mobile, doing whatever he does, right up till he goes to bed. He does sort out jack in between but this is irrelevant. My mum is also been coming to my house a couple of days a week as she is on holiday from work, just for an hour or so at a time and when she goes to leave I feel like begging her not too. It's sad that at 30 years of age I feel like I have no one. No one to lean on or talk to and that's so very sad. A lot of my friends have abandoned me bcos I now have a baby and they don't. It just proves who ur real friends r once u have a LO. sorry for the depressing post but needed to put it out there. Xxxxx

Oh hun, i'm so sorry to hear your feeling like this. Have you spoken to anyone about how your feeling? Maybe having a word with your OH will help?

Also maybe try baby classes if you haven't already? Or coffee mornings? I can fully understand how you feel, when i had my first son i was only 18 and all my friends abandoned me as i was no longer able to do things on the spare of the moment. Like you said you find out who your true friends are.

Hugs to you hun x x x
Crikey I didn't realise!!! I feel slightly cheated that I didn't even go into labour, but at the same time at least we're still 'like new' down there!!! Because of what happened I'll definitely be offered a planned section at 38 weeks- apparently they'd rather I didn't go full term which suits me fine!!!!

You all healed now? I sometimes feel the odd sting but mostly all good :-) I like to think of it as a badge of honour :-)
Emma I'd like to say the smell of fish but we moved to Poole in Dorset when I was 3 weeks which has the same-ish aroma!!!
This is a very solemn post so if any of u r in a good mood, look away now!!

The last few days I have felt awful. Like really down. Just like when I was at my lowest with my pnd. I would just like to know how it's possible to feel as lonely as I do , even with people around me? I'm so lonely during the day, and then when my oh gets in he sorts jack out and then he's on his mobile, doing whatever he does, right up till he goes to bed. He does sort out jack in between but this is irrelevant. My mum is also been coming to my house a couple of days a week as she is on holiday from work, just for an hour or so at a time and when she goes to leave I feel like begging her not too. It's sad that at 30 years of age I feel like I have no one. No one to lean on or talk to and that's so very sad. A lot of my friends have abandoned me bcos I now have a baby and they don't. It just proves who ur real friends r once u have a LO. sorry for the depressing post but needed to put it out there. Xxxxx

Ohhhh, BN - first all of all, sending huge hugs xx

This is the only place I have turned to when I have had problems since having JJ...this is the only place you get support without being judged, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, friends will fall away, its only natural. I've lots a couple and some have even taken to insulting my existence as a new mum. I just accept that they were probably not good friends in the first place.

Are you able to / have the will to join any groups at all? Baby sensory / baby massage / signing etc etc?

A lot of us are friends on facebook - and are always sharing / supporting through this...if you fancy joining up, let us know hun. Thinking of you xxxx
Holy crap ladies your births sound horrendous!

I thought my first labour was bad, well it was to be fair! LOL

I was induced 12 days over due, 36 hours of labour, J's heart rate plummeted, he got stuck in birth canal, i wouldn't dilate past 9cm, rushed to theater, gave birth to J, he was rushed off to SCBU for oxygen, i then needed to be knocked out as the epidural had failed just as there were removing him but for obvious reason couldn't stop for risk of lossing him. I was given a general for the removal of placenta and closing up. I got to see my baby 24 hours later and was reunited with him after 36 hours :D

Thank my lucky stars my second labour was plain sailing!

x x x

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