***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I want to wait to wean but Evan has been fascinated with watching us eat. Anyway he's still far too interested in eating hands at the moment.

He's having another nap. He's been really good for me so far, I've managed to deal with the mid nap grumpies and had some big smiles too :D
I want to wait to wean but Evan has been fascinated with watching us eat. Anyway he's still far too interested in eating hands at the moment.

He's having another nap. He's been really good for me so far, I've managed to deal with the mid nap grumpies and had some big smiles too :D

Mark is fascinated with watching his big brother eat(and his big brother is keen to feed him).
But from my experience it doesnt mean they are ready. From about 5 months he would sit in the highchair when we were eating and have fun with food ( i put things on.his tray)

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I woudl like to do bl weaning but I have no clue when to start, how to start or what with :/

She just likes chewing her hands too and watches us eat all the time haha. xxx
You can read up, Gill Rapley is good. We did a mix in the beginning as he wanted food so much. I would feed him some food and he would then have finger food. You can start introducing finger foods from 7 months with tw anyway. I never did purees which was great, i would just mash some things with a fork. Thats as smooth as i made it

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This may be the most stupid question ever but can i use any olive oil? Xx
Just use cheap one, dont use virgin as it has a strong smell. You can use pretty much any vegetable oil like sunflower.

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Currently sat in the car with madam asleep in the back, waiting for OH to get home as dogs need walking and they'll get all giddy and annoying if I go in.

Think I'm going to do blw is that a good book knopk? Want to do some proper reading on it. But 99% sure that's the route I'm going to take.

Madam is 4 months on Sunday! Eeeeek

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I used dentinox shampoo on Libs cradle cap and cleared it up pretty much straight away.

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Had a terrible day. Both babies grumpy, neither wanted an afternoon nap, they fed and fed and fed, still grumpy, didnt want to play or anything. Just complete meltdown. Mummy had complete meltdown too and even a little cry of frustration. Had to actually walk out of the room at one point, but it just got worse. nothing more frustrating than not being able to comfort your own baby because you cant hold two at the same time. Felt like a shit mum. Fell asleep witht them both at 5 , santi woke us up half hour later, OH comes in and has smartly whisked them and the dog out for a walk. Need a cup of tea!
Certainly no wonderwoman, lol, but thanks!
What doesnt help is being stuck in this stupid country with no family to help and baking 40degree heat today #sweatinglikeapig
Ahhhh just had about 5 pages to catch up on there!

Hope all mummies & babies are well! Looks like leaps/teething are affecting us all just now:(! I feel so sorry for their poor wee mouths...it looks so sore!

Is it sad I got excited when I got my leaflet through to say Asda are having their baby event soon?? Can't wait to stock up:D!!

Lots to catch up on here! Sorry to hear some of the babies are having trouble with teethies and leaps. Daisy seems to be fine by all accounts - all I've really noticed is that she's been a bit more clingy than usual, which I don't mind :) no problems with sleeping so far touch wood.

Had her 3-4 month review on Monday and all is well. Got lots of info on weaning, think we might do a mix of blw and tw.

Nikki -I feel for you, don't think I could cope with two. I still think you're superwoman even if you don't ;)

Can't remember who was asking about cradle cap (lots to catch up on) but Daisy had a touch in her eyebrows and along hairline, and vaseline worked wonders in a couple of days.

She's showing off all the time now rolling over :)

I am sending the sleep fairies out to everyone for tonight! xx

Sorry you had such a bad day Nikki. Really don't know how you cope with 2. Ella was a dream all day. I could really play with her & get some good banter. She was all smiles & is loving practicing sitting up. She had a cry for a bit this eve but has gone in her bed at 9:30 & I've hopefully got a bit of peace & quiet! Wish every day was like this!
Evening Ladies, hope everyone is ok!

We've had a good today...JJ wasn't as grumpy as usual - hoping we might be coming out of the grumpy stage.

I had my first ever daytime nap today, without even meaning too! We were snuggled up on the sofa and I just dropped off...he followed suit and an hour later, I woke up to a very dribbly baby :-)

He had his usual 8oz tonight...had to make up another 2oz...DH is feeding him at the moment. I don't know where he puts it!! Hope that amount settles him. Roll on baby rice in a couple of weeks time...something might eventually fill my boy up :-)
Sleepy dust to all babies...be good for mummy tonight! :dust:xxxx
Nikki your still superwoman in my eyes.

Madam is down hold out more hope for tonight than last night but we'll wait and see.


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Thanks guys, i dont really have much choice but to cope. But my god its hard some days. I *think* mine are down for the night, i seriously hope so. OH lost his patience tonight too, and that makes me even more stressed trying to get them both to bed because he is so fed up with it too.
Anyway, hope all the other mummies and babies have a good night xxxx
Morning ladies. Hope everyone had a good night. H was up at his normal times. Half 12, half 2, and half 4 but At half4 i just popped his dummy back in and then he woke at 6. I fed him and we kicked daddy out of bed for our morning snuggles - he's now fast asleep. :)

Had him weighed yesterday, he's now 13lb and following his line perfectly. I was a little worried as he's now going longer between feeds but still only having about 8-10 mins so technically he's missing 2 feeds. But the HV wasn't concerned, she said he's doing great :).

Breastfeeding at times has been so frustrating and hard so, nikki, my hat goes off to you feeding two!

We're off to the library this morning for rhyme time and I need to go to our local children's centre to register and join some groups :)

Wow stargirl, I count myself so very lucky that JJ sleeps through 95% of the time...I wouldn't be going anywhere today if Id been up that much - you join Nicki in the rank of superwoman!!

Getting my little chunk weighed today...hoping they will measure his length too. He has been in 6 - 9 month clothes for a few weeks now...I'm trying to plan ahead and pick up some winter gear for him, but we have no idea what size to buy!!

Have a good Friday everyone xxx
Morning everyone think I saw every o clock again last night :( it's pssssting it down outside so today we'll be curled up indoors.

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I only had to wake up twice last night at 2 & at 5:30. I got up at 6:30 & tidied the house for a couple if hours before E woke up as OH's brother is coming to stay for the weekend. He's not seen E before as he lives in Thailand & hasn't made it over before now.
It's 27'c here at the moment, but that's cold for him!

Have a good day everyone. I'm off for Brunch with a friend.
Feeling a bit sad today. Had a huge argument with oh last night as I shouted for him while I was in the bath with lo to get the baby towel...god I'm evil aren't I? What a huge demand for someone- to get a frigging towel???!!!! He got annoyed with me and shouted that he wanted to sit down for 5mins- wtf???? I don't get it. I think he thinks looking after baby all day is an effing holiday!!!!!

Anyway, feeling a bit sorry for myself today :-(

But had Freddie weighed yesterday and he's now 12lb 7oz and still on his line :-) so proud of my little beast xxx

Sorry mummies who had a bad night last night xxx

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