****April 2019 Mummies****

ahhhh night owl it sounds like the horrible symptoms of tri 1 are living on for you :-(

I literally hate sneezing or if I move in a certain way in bed I get a really horrible pain - was quite scary when I first had it.

Im the same as you, only noticeable if I wear a tight top, although we had friends over for a dinner party on Saturday and the girls noticed my bump through my pjs <3 (yes I wore pj's to my dinner party :lol:) I also can't wait until we actually look pregnant <3

Oh also girls, the non alcoholic prosecco from Sainsburys is AMAZING - if anything its nicer than normal prosecco as its not so dry. Its call nosecco :lol: xx
ahhhh night owl it sounds like the horrible symptoms of tri 1 are living on for you :-(

I literally hate sneezing or if I move in a certain way in bed I get a really horrible pain - was quite scary when I first had it.

Im the same as you, only noticeable if I wear a tight top, although we had friends over for a dinner party on Saturday and the girls noticed my bump through my pjs <3 (yes I wore pj's to my dinner party :lol:) I also can't wait until we actually look pregnant <3

Oh also girls, the non alcoholic prosecco from Sainsburys is AMAZING - if anything its nicer than normal prosecco as its not so dry. Its call nosecco :lol: xx

I can’t wait to look properly pregnant too! Ooh I’ll have to remember that about the nosecco! Will get some in for Christmas xx
Oh night owl gutted your still feeling so rough still. You definitely seem to have got it the worst! This is after worrying so much about your symptoms too haha! It can only be a good thing though. I still have slight nausea/food aversion but feel like I am putting weight on now :( I don't look pregnant just the tummy I already had I can't suck in any longer haha! Few people have said oh look at your bump but it just my chubby tummy haha!
Oooh I love prosecco will definitely have to get some of that in!
I booked a gender scan over the weekend it's on 27th I can't wait xxx
Hi ladies
I&#8217;ve been off the radar a bit recently as we&#8217;ve had a pretty rubbish week. Went for our 12 week scan last wednesday to discover a nuchal translucency measurement of 5mm. We were told the likelihood is that the baby has a problem so we were referred to another hospital for further tests. We have spent the weekend not knowing what to do/say to each other and it&#8217;s been really difficult. We went for our appointment this morning, had a detailed scan and were given our risk factors. 1 in 110 for downs and &#8216;low risk&#8217; for Edwards & Patau&#8217;s, which was a lot more promising than we originally thought. We were offered a CVS at the appointment so we decided to go ahead with it because it&#8217;s the not knowing that&#8217;s been killing us. The CVS was horrific, it was a lot more painful than I expected and I was in a lot of pain afterwards.. the pain/cramping has died down a lot now so I&#8217;m feeling better, just resting. We will get a definite answer for the main 3 syndromes later this week and then another week or so until we here back about every other possible chromosome abnormality. We are feeling much more positive that it will be a good outcome, but even if so we are not out of the woods as there could also be a heart problem. Our new due date is 12th April. We are keeping everything crossed for good news this Thursday/Friday.
I hope everyone is feeling okay and settling into tri 2 with minimal issues xx
Hi ladies
I’ve been off the radar a bit recently as we’ve had a pretty rubbish week. Went for our 12 week scan last wednesday to discover a nuchal translucency measurement of 5mm. We were told the likelihood is that the baby has a problem so we were referred to another hospital for further tests. We have spent the weekend not knowing what to do/say to each other and it’s been really difficult. We went for our appointment this morning, had a detailed scan and were given our risk factors. 1 in 110 for downs and ‘low risk’ for Edwards & Patau’s, which was a lot more promising than we originally thought. We were offered a CVS at the appointment so we decided to go ahead with it because it’s the not knowing that’s been killing us. The CVS was horrific, it was a lot more painful than I expected and I was in a lot of pain afterwards.. the pain/cramping has died down a lot now so I’m feeling better, just resting. We will get a definite answer for the main 3 syndromes later this week and then another week or so until we here back about every other possible chromosome abnormality. We are feeling much more positive that it will be a good outcome, but even if so we are not out of the woods as there could also be a heart problem. Our new due date is 12th April. We are keeping everything crossed for good news this Thursday/Friday.
I hope everyone is feeling okay and settling into tri 2 with minimal issues xx

Its all just a constant worry :-(
Hope it all turns out well for you <3
I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this worry and uncertainty Mrs Garner, wishing you well and hope you get the outcome you want <3
We’ve got our 16 week appointment tomorrow, which is exciting! From what I read on the appointment sheet I’ll have bloods and urine samples taken again and a chance to listen to baby’s heart beat on a Doppler! :D ALSO we’re so excited because we’ve booked our gender scan for next Thursday :D it’s a bit of a drive out (it’s the closest private clinic to us but we live in the country) but totally worth it! It’s £59 which I’m unsure if a good deal or not as I haven’t had any private scans before. But we’re happy to pay it to find out the sex of the baby :D xx
We&#8217;ve got our 16 week appointment tomorrow, which is exciting! From what I read on the appointment sheet I&#8217;ll have bloods and urine samples taken again and a chance to listen to baby&#8217;s heart beat on a Doppler! :D ALSO we&#8217;re so excited because we&#8217;ve booked our gender scan for next Thursday :D it&#8217;s a bit of a drive out (it&#8217;s the closest private clinic to us but we live in the country) but totally worth it! It&#8217;s £59 which I&#8217;m unsure if a good deal or not as I haven&#8217;t had any private scans before. But we&#8217;re happy to pay it to find out the sex of the baby :D xx

We paid £59 for our 8 week scan, so thats absolutely fine :-) they do private scans on groupons, but as you can imagine are limited on dates and times etc and when you wana know, who cares how much it costs <3
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Hi ladies
I’ve been off the radar a bit recently as we’ve had a pretty rubbish week. Went for our 12 week scan last wednesday to discover a nuchal translucency measurement of 5mm. We were told the likelihood is that the baby has a problem so we were referred to another hospital for further tests. We have spent the weekend not knowing what to do/say to each other and it’s been really difficult. We went for our appointment this morning, had a detailed scan and were given our risk factors. 1 in 110 for downs and ‘low risk’ for Edwards & Patau’s, which was a lot more promising than we originally thought. We were offered a CVS at the appointment so we decided to go ahead with it because it’s the not knowing that’s been killing us. The CVS was horrific, it was a lot more painful than I expected and I was in a lot of pain afterwards.. the pain/cramping has died down a lot now so I’m feeling better, just resting. We will get a definite answer for the main 3 syndromes later this week and then another week or so until we here back about every other possible chromosome abnormality. We are feeling much more positive that it will be a good outcome, but even if so we are not out of the woods as there could also be a heart problem. Our new due date is 12th April. We are keeping everything crossed for good news this Thursday/Friday.
I hope everyone is feeling okay and settling into tri 2 with minimal issues xx

Sorry you are having this stress mrsgarner, I hope it all turns out that there is absolutely nothing wrong, I have heard of people having high NT measurements and it turning out everything was absolutely fine, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
We’ve got our 16 week appointment tomorrow, which is exciting! From what I read on the appointment sheet I’ll have bloods and urine samples taken again and a chance to listen to baby’s heart beat on a Doppler! :D ALSO we’re so excited because we’ve booked our gender scan for next Thursday :D it’s a bit of a drive out (it’s the closest private clinic to us but we live in the country) but totally worth it! It’s £59 which I’m unsure if a good deal or not as I haven’t had any private scans before. But we’re happy to pay it to find out the sex of the baby :D xx

Oooh how exciting! £59 seems reasonable, it’s pretty much the going rate now xx
Oh night owl gutted your still feeling so rough still. You definitely seem to have got it the worst! This is after worrying so much about your symptoms too haha! It can only be a good thing though. I still have slight nausea/food aversion but feel like I am putting weight on now :( I don't look pregnant just the tummy I already had I can't suck in any longer haha! Few people have said oh look at your bump but it just my chubby tummy haha!
Oooh I love prosecco will definitely have to get some of that in!
I booked a gender scan over the weekend it's on 27th I can't wait xxx

Aaah how exciting!! I bet you are counting down the days xx
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#128515; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I’ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When’s everyone’s next appointments? Xx
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#128515; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I’ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When’s everyone’s next appointments? Xx

ahhhh thats amazing <3 so nice to have a productive day and come away with good news and something thats going to help you move forward :-)
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#128515; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I’ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When’s everyone’s next appointments? Xx

That’s great about getting referred for physio, hopefully it will stop it from getting any worse as you get bigger, I have my 16 week appointment 2 weeks today, hoping I get to hear the baby’s heartbeat too that sounds amazing! Xx
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#128515; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I’ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When’s everyone’s next appointments? Xx

That’s great about getting referred for physio, hopefully it will stop it from getting any worse as you get bigger, I have my 16 week appointment 2 weeks today, hoping I get to hear the baby’s heartbeat too that sounds amazing! Xx

Are you doing a private scan as well?x
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#128515; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I’ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When’s everyone’s next appointments? Xx

That’s great about getting referred for physio, hopefully it will stop it from getting any worse as you get bigger, I have my 16 week appointment 2 weeks today, hoping I get to hear the baby’s heartbeat too that sounds amazing! Xx

Are you doing a private scan as well?x

No not going to get a private scan, I don’t feel like I’m in a hurry to find out the gender, I don’t mind waiting till 20 weeks and then will get to save the 50 quid need to get used to not having disposable income, sob :-(

Are you getting a private scan IVW? X
Morning girls &#9786;&#65039; How are you all?
Just had our 16 week appointment and listened to the baby&#8217;s heartbeat on the Doppler, the midwife found it straight away and it was so loud and strong &#55357;&#56835; and we could hear him/her moving about, it was so great <3
Also got referred to a physio class for my hip ache I&#8217;ve been having - was nice to be taken seriously and not just told to take paracetamol :) When&#8217;s everyone&#8217;s next appointments? Xx

That&#8217;s great about getting referred for physio, hopefully it will stop it from getting any worse as you get bigger, I have my 16 week appointment 2 weeks today, hoping I get to hear the baby&#8217;s heartbeat too that sounds amazing! Xx

Are you doing a private scan as well?x

No not going to get a private scan, I don&#8217;t feel like I&#8217;m in a hurry to find out the gender, I don&#8217;t mind waiting till 20 weeks and then will get to save the 50 quid need to get used to not having disposable income, sob :-(

Are you getting a private scan IVW? X

Idiot here miss read what you put, i assumed it was a scan. So our next appointment, does the mid wife try and find a heartbeat then or does it all depend on area as to what we get etc? i am literally learning as i go along to these things :shock:

We arent getting a private scan either, we will hold tight for the 20 week scan, although i think i will be 19 weeks by the time i have it <3
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As far as I’m aware all appointments should be the same as it’s NHS procedure so they should use a Doppler to listen to baby’s heart, it says on my appointment dates list in my maternity folder what gets done at each appointment and it mentioned the Doppler. Maybe you’ve got the same lists in your maternity pack? Xx
We’re having a private gender scan next week when I’ll be 17+2, mainly because I literally can’t wait to find out I’m so impatient - and also my mum is able to come with us to this scan as she was unable to come to the 12 week one and is on holiday for our 20 week scan too. So she can’t wait to see the baby :) Also I think I’ve been feeling lots of movement today :D It’s still very subtle and slight but I’m feeling little tiny flutters and a few pokes, and occasionally it feels like a muscle spasm in my lower abdomen. :D xx
It really would help if i actually read what i am given :dohh:

So yep, mine says 'discuss results of initial blood test and screening; blood pressure and urine sample tested; listen to baby's heartbeat, further information on a healthy pregnancy given'

Is everyone going with their partners? I was just going to go on my own, but now i know about the heartbeat, i think i would want him there for that :eh:

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