****April 2019 Mummies****

I know how you feel, I was a bit anxious to start telling people - but now I’ve got used to it and just tell anyone who will listen! Haha :P xx

This is me also :lol:

We had a mcmillan cake thing last Friday and i casually dropped in the line 'at this rate i will get gestational diabetes' :lol: - the news soon got round the office, but i am glad <3
Feel like I’ve had a productive day, been to the dentist for an extra check up as recommended by my doctor now I’m pregnant (teeth are fine :D), found out the clinic date of when the next lot of flu jabs are happening at my local practice, and scheduled to go swimming with my mum later! So excited to go swimming, haven’t been since becoming pregnant and I feel like it will really help my achey hips :) Only worry is fitting in to my swimming costume! Gulp!
Hope you’re all well! Xx
So I’m 13 weeks today, so I think today is the first day of the second trimester, How exciting, I’m now just awaiting my bump to come in, currently in that awkward stage where you can’t tell if I’m preggers or just put a few pounds on around the middle! I’ve definitely got a round firm bump but it’s still low down, still being sick a few times a day and can’t eat much :-( I hope that goes soon, happy 2nd trimester to my due date buddy IVW! X
Congratulations and welcome to tri 2 :D
I’ve been feeling sick too!! So weird as I pretty much had no sickness up until about 12 weeks - now I’m 14+4 it’s here most mornings for about an hour >< (actual *morning* sickness! Haha!) I thought tri 2 was meant to be the best :D This morning I felt so sick on the way to catch the bus I had to turn straight around and go home as I was nearly sick over someone’s wall :roll: Hopefully I’ll feel better by 9 as I’ve got work! Ugh!
Hope you’re all well xx
So I’m 13 weeks today, so I think today is the first day of the second trimester, How exciting, I’m now just awaiting my bump to come in, currently in that awkward stage where you can’t tell if I’m preggers or just put a few pounds on around the middle! I’ve definitely got a round firm bump but it’s still low down, still being sick a few times a day and can’t eat much :-( I hope that goes soon, happy 2nd trimester to my due date buddy IVW! X

I can’t believe we are here already <3

So much easier to track my weeks knowing it’s on a Saturday :)

My bump sounds the same as yours, low down and just looks like a few extra pounds or bloat. I’m excited to see it really pop out :dance:
Congratulations and welcome to tri 2 :D
I’ve been feeling sick too!! So weird as I pretty much had no sickness up until about 12 weeks - now I’m 14+4 it’s here most mornings for about an hour >< (actual *morning* sickness! Haha!) I thought tri 2 was meant to be the best :D This morning I felt so sick on the way to catch the bus I had to turn straight around and go home as I was nearly sick over someone’s wall :roll: Hopefully I’ll feel better by 9 as I’ve got work! Ugh!
Hope you’re all well xx

I’m still feeling sick aswell, doesn’t seem AS bad, but it’s definately still apparent :roll: just goes to show every single pregnancy is very different <3
Congratulations and welcome to tri 2 :D
I’ve been feeling sick too!! So weird as I pretty much had no sickness up until about 12 weeks - now I’m 14+4 it’s here most mornings for about an hour >< (actual *morning* sickness! Haha!) I thought tri 2 was meant to be the best :D This morning I felt so sick on the way to catch the bus I had to turn straight around and go home as I was nearly sick over someone’s wall :roll: Hopefully I’ll feel better by 9 as I’ve got work! Ugh!
Hope you’re all well xx

How strange that the sickness is now catching up with you when it should be become a thing of the past, it definitely does go to show how different every pregnancy is! I hope tri 2 is amazing for all of us and we get that lovely pregnancy glow people talk about! Xx
So as dated by my many private scans I was 13 weeks yesterday also! Awaiting my official NHS scan on Tuesday praying everything is ok and hoping still measuring to these dates zxx
Welcome to tri 2 MM :D I’m sure everything with your little bean is just fine, will be thinking of you on Tuesday <3
Were all slowly moving over <3 breaks my heart that not everyone will be joining us :-(
I think I have felt some flutters :) hoping this means everything is ok. Still no more spotting since Thursday! Scan at 10.20 tomorrow morning. Will update with official dates xxx
Hi everyone!!! 13 weeks today!!! Still can't believe I have made it this far after 3 early miscarriages! Feel so lucky! Definitely starting to show now, have had to start buying maternity clothes!
I think I have felt some flutters :) hoping this means everything is ok. Still no more spotting since Thursday! Scan at 10.20 tomorrow morning. Will update with official dates xxx

Aah oh my god how exciting MM! I bet you can’t wait for your scan tomorrow, will be looking forward to your update :) xx
Eughhh when is this &#8216;more energy&#8217; meant to kick in now we&#8217;re in the second trimester? I am feeling more and more tired as the days go on :wall2:

Thankfully I am back to my usual eating habits, albeit the nausea is still around :roll:
Oh wow MM so exciting :D I *thought* I had a flutter a couple of days ago but I think it was just wind :lol:
Glad you’re doing well rainingflowers :D
I think I’m going to do a private gender scan at around 16 weeks (which is a week tomorrow!!!! How has that happened so fast?!?!) I’m so impatient it’s driving me up the wall not knowing!! Plus anything to take a peek at our little bean again <3
Oh wow jomo you don’t have to wait much longer now to find out, I think you will be the first one of us to know! Yes it would be lovely to see the baby again, I wish I could have filmed the scan, it was so magical seeing him/her wriggling around and waving their arms up and down! I can’t wait to feel the first movements

IVW I’m still waiting for the joys of tri 2 to kick in too, still feel half dead most days and still being sick 2 or 3 times a day, I get stabbing pains in my boobs now too and lots of what I think is round ligament pain

Got my combined screening results in the post today and it’s come back as 1 in 30,000 which I’m very happy with considering I’m 34

We’ve decided now to find out the sex at 20 week scan eeek, that gives me another 6 or 7 weeks of wondering what it is and trying to decide which id prefer! I love baby girls clothes but I’ve seen some amazing toys for boys I think boys get better stuff to play with girls just tend to get dolls ha ha xx
Hi girls I can officially join second trimester.. .yayyy!!!
Everything was fine measuring 13+3 today and joining night owl and IVW for due date of 13th April xxx
Hi girls I can officially join second trimester.. .yayyy!!!
Everything was fine measuring 13+3 today and joining night owl and IVW for due date of 13th April xxx

Cant believe theres 3 of us on the same date :dance: <3
Can I join in tri2 please. I&#8217;m 15 weeks today. Due the 2nd April. I&#8217;ve been feeling some flutters every now and then and have a gender scan next Thursday so starting to feel very real now!

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