I love hearing his heartbeat, i know hes ok in there as he likes to give me a regular rolly polly
but theres just something about a heartbeat
My oh couldnt help himself and went and collected ours a few days ago - its nicer than i remember, thank god! I also did my first baby wash and sterilised some bottles as well - just thought theres no time like the present, so get stuff done when i can. I honestly dont think it will hit me until he is here
My friend recommended 'the positive birthing book' she said it was amazing! unfortunately for her she did hypno birthday amongst other things and he ended up being breach, so ended in a c section, how annoying
but he arrived safe and sound, and thats all that matters. I am still going with 'what will be will be, i will just push when i need to and scream as loud as i can to help' I have totally got this