****April 2019 Mummies****

We’re having a private gender scan next week when I’ll be 17+2, mainly because I literally can’t wait to find out I’m so impatient - and also my mum is able to come with us to this scan as she was unable to come to the 12 week one and is on holiday for our 20 week scan too. So she can’t wait to see the baby :) Also I think I’ve been feeling lots of movement today :D It’s still very subtle and slight but I’m feeling little tiny flutters and a few pokes, and occasionally it feels like a muscle spasm in my lower abdomen. :D xx

Ahhh that will be such a nice moment for mum and daughter <3

I cant wait to start feeling him or her <3
It really would help if i actually read what i am given :dohh:

So yep, mine says 'discuss results of initial blood test and screening; blood pressure and urine sample tested; listen to baby's heartbeat, further information on a healthy pregnancy given'

Is everyone going with their partners? I was just going to go on my own, but now i know about the heartbeat, i think i would want him there for that :eh:

I took my partner and my Mum because they both wanted to hear the heartbeat :D it was great having the OH there to hear the heartbeat, and handy as well because most things the midwive says to me goes in one ear and out the other so it’s good having another person to be your ears incase you forget something important they say. :) (I’ve got terrible baby brain at the moment) It was so amazing to hear, and you could hear them kicking around in there as well on the Doppler so it’s definitely not one to miss <3
Hi ladies
I just wanted to let you know that I had the phone call from the hospital this afternoon, which we weren&#8217;t expecting until at least tomorrow, but I&#8217;m so glad because I wasn&#8217;t getting any sleep due to worry. They found no evidence of Down&#8217;s, Edwards or Patau&#8217;s so we are absolutely over the moon!! We also got to find out that we are expecting a little boy!! We both really wanted a boy, but were genuinely not fussed, especially after everything we&#8217;ve been through this past week, but it was just the icing on the cake!! Obviously they will still keep an eye on the baby&#8217;s heart and they are still checking for any other rare chromosome abnormalities, which we won&#8217;t hear back about for another week or so, but because they&#8217;re so rare we aren&#8217;t panicking about them so much and are just finally glad to be feeling happy again after what feels like a lifetime!!
So exciting that everyone is hearing heartbeats and gearing up to find out the sex.
Baby boy Garner is due 12th April! :) xx
Hi ladies
I just wanted to let you know that I had the phone call from the hospital this afternoon, which we weren’t expecting until at least tomorrow, but I’m so glad because I wasn’t getting any sleep due to worry. They found no evidence of Down’s, Edwards or Patau’s so we are absolutely over the moon!! We also got to find out that we are expecting a little boy!! We both really wanted a boy, but were genuinely not fussed, especially after everything we’ve been through this past week, but it was just the icing on the cake!! Obviously they will still keep an eye on the baby’s heart and they are still checking for any other rare chromosome abnormalities, which we won’t hear back about for another week or so, but because they’re so rare we aren’t panicking about them so much and are just finally glad to be feeling happy again after what feels like a lifetime!!
So exciting that everyone is hearing heartbeats and gearing up to find out the sex.
Baby boy Garner is due 12th April! :) xx

Oh wow, this is amazing, double wammy of good news, fantastic <3

Oooooo you know the sex already :x *IVW holds back from googling private scan* :lol:
It really would help if i actually read what i am given :dohh:

So yep, mine says 'discuss results of initial blood test and screening; blood pressure and urine sample tested; listen to baby's heartbeat, further information on a healthy pregnancy given'

Is everyone going with their partners? I was just going to go on my own, but now i know about the heartbeat, i think i would want him there for that :eh:

I took my partner and my Mum because they both wanted to hear the heartbeat :D it was great having the OH there to hear the heartbeat, and handy as well because most things the midwive says to me goes in one ear and out the other so it’s good having another person to be your ears incase you forget something important they say. :) (I’ve got terrible baby brain at the moment) It was so amazing to hear, and you could hear them kicking around in there as well on the Doppler so it’s definitely not one to miss <3

I just told him and unfortunately because of his job, without taking the day off, it isnt easy for him to attend these appointments :-( its at 2pm, so a real awkward time.

He will be gutted, but might see what leave he has left and see if he wants to take the day off for it.x
Hi ladies
I just wanted to let you know that I had the phone call from the hospital this afternoon, which we weren’t expecting until at least tomorrow, but I’m so glad because I wasn’t getting any sleep due to worry. They found no evidence of Down’s, Edwards or Patau’s so we are absolutely over the moon!! We also got to find out that we are expecting a little boy!! We both really wanted a boy, but were genuinely not fussed, especially after everything we’ve been through this past week, but it was just the icing on the cake!! Obviously they will still keep an eye on the baby’s heart and they are still checking for any other rare chromosome abnormalities, which we won’t hear back about for another week or so, but because they’re so rare we aren’t panicking about them so much and are just finally glad to be feeling happy again after what feels like a lifetime!!
So exciting that everyone is hearing heartbeats and gearing up to find out the sex.
Baby boy Garner is due 12th April! :) xx

That is amazing! I bet you’re so chuffed! Great news <3 I will add your due date and our first gender to our April mummies list! &#128515; So exciting <3
Amazing news mrs Garner, I bet you are so relieved, and I hope you manage to get a decent nights sleep tonight now! That’s lovely news that it is a boy too, so we now have the first gender result out of the group, yay! Xx
Aww Mrs Garner that is amazing news!!!
Congrats on a beautiful baby boy, so relieved for you! Now hopefully you can enjoy your pregnancy now xxx
Sorry I have been quiet recently have had such a busy time lots going on. I got surprised with antibiotics when I took my little boy to the doctors on Tuesday. They said there's a prescription here for you! Confused I investigated and turns out it was from my hospital appt last week I have a urine infection I knew nothing about no symptoms or anything. I feel fine though. We are all full of coughs and colds and sore throats so taking it easy. Looking forward to my gender scan a week on Saturday. Going to do a little mini reveal for the kids xxx
Thanks everyone, we are so relieved. And yes, hopefully I can finally start enjoying the pregnancy now that the awful morning sickness has gone and we are over this hump!
We do also have a private scan booked for 3rd November which was supposed to be our gender scan.. we are going to keep the appointment because our 10 year old daughter can come along and it will be lovely for her to see the baby wriggling around. Plus it's only £45 and they do a '4D peek' as well, which should be interesting!
MM - how strange that they didn't tell you about the urine infection!!
How are everyone's bumps coming along? I have a weird one because sometimes it's there and it's quite firm and round (although small), and other times it completely disappears and I can't feel anything at all. I am only a size 8, but have always had a 'wobbly' tummy.
It seems to be more prominent when I'm lying down, especially when I wake in the middle of the night.. I have a loose theory that when I stand up, gravity sort of pulls the uterus back down behind the pubic bone which is why it sometimes isn't there.. anyone else have this??
I have officially popped out and it just gets bigger and bigger throughout the day when i eat and drink, but by the morning its back to a little bump.

I definitely cant eat the same amount of food as i used to in one sitting and joke to my oh that the baby is taking up room, therefore squashing my stomach so i feel fuller quicker - its one way to not put weight on i suppose :lol:
I’m 13 weeks on Saturday and have my dating scan tomorrow, had a scan a couple of weeks ago due to bleeding and they said I would be due 27th April but will find out tomorrow xx
I’ve got a little bump for sure, and just above my pubic bone there’s a bulge that’s quite firm where I’m guessing my uterus is, then that sort of goes into where the bump is at my tummy. So it’s not quite ‘round’ at the moment because you can see the difference between my uterus bump and my tummy bump (is this even a thing? Or am I just making it up? I’m pretty sure it’s all just one bump xD) but if I wear a tight shirt I definitely look pregnant rather than just chubby XD xx
Hi ladies. I'm over in May mummies but had my 12 week scan today. Dated 12+6 so my due date has been moved up from 1 May to 26 April, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi, and maybe straddle the two groups :rofl:
This is my second baby; DS is 13 months now! I'm already showing and feel so round...

Hope everyone is doing well x
Welcome! I’ll add your due date to the list &#128513; xx
Hi everyone. Just a quick update, I had my gender scan today, I&#8217;m team blue!! Very excited and now the hunt for a name we agree on begins....
Ooo so exciting. :D I will add your colour to the list :D xx
Hi ladies. I'm over in May mummies but had my 12 week scan today. Dated 12+6 so my due date has been moved up from 1 May to 26 April, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi, and maybe straddle the two groups :rofl:
This is my second baby; DS is 13 months now! I'm already showing and feel so round...

Hope everyone is doing well x

Hi firstfreakout, welcome to the group xx
Hi everyone. Just a quick update, I had my gender scan today, I’m team blue!! Very excited and now the hunt for a name we agree on begins....

Congratulations mibaby2! So we have 2 x team blue so far how exciting! X

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