****April 2019 Mummies****

IVW - my hubby is always saying he wonders what the baby will look like.. who's nose he'll have, if he'll have his ridiculously curly hair and blue eyes or my poker straight hair and brown eyes.. it is so exciting!!
We also talk a lot about how this little guy knows absolutely nothing and we will have to teach him everything there is to know about the world!! What a massive responsibility!! If I hadn't already done it once before I'd probably be feeling more pressure! haha x
Is anyone else really looking forward to labour/birth??
I am not wishing this pregnancy away, because it is the last time I'm going to be pregnant, and I've spent the last 7-8 years longing to be, so I'm going to savour every day of it. But I watch OBEM all the time and for some reason it makes me really look forward to it! I'm sure I'll be kicking myself for saying this when it's actually happening!! x
Is anyone else really looking forward to labour/birth??
I am not wishing this pregnancy away, because it is the last time I'm going to be pregnant, and I've spent the last 7-8 years longing to be, so I'm going to savour every day of it. But I watch OBEM all the time and for some reason it makes me really look forward to it! I'm sure I'll be kicking myself for saying this when it's actually happening!! x

Ha ha I wouldn’t say I’m looking forward to it, I am getting a bit scared now! I watched some of obem for the first time the other day and and got the shock of my life :rotfl: another thing is that I think my OH will not be much use, he hates blood and medical stuff and is a bit squeamish so I just don’t know how he will manage lol

I’m trying not to think about it too much until the event itself :) x
I love watching OBEM and I loved the Emma Willis series too! Everyone thinks I'm going to be hurrendous in labour so I'm kinda looking forward to it so I can (hopefully) prove them all wrong!! I've been going to a pregnancy yoga class and learning about different labour positions and breathing techniques so hopefully with another 4 months practice il be a pro!
IVW - my hubby is always saying he wonders what the baby will look like.. who's nose he'll have, if he'll have his ridiculously curly hair and blue eyes or my poker straight hair and brown eyes.. it is so exciting!!
We also talk a lot about how this little guy knows absolutely nothing and we will have to teach him everything there is to know about the world!! What a massive responsibility!! If I hadn't already done it once before I'd probably be feeling more pressure! haha x

Yea at least you are a bit more knowledgeable - we will almost be winging it :lol: It is super exciting though and a real big responsibility, but i am also saying to myself, if he falls off the bed or has a bump, these things will happen and i wont get myself worked up about it x
I watched that emma willis programme as well and was a blubbering mess - dam these pregnancy hormones :lol: I wouldn't say i am looking forward to it, but just intrigued on how my birth will pan out, as lets face it, it is all out of our hands and what will be will be. I just dont want anything too long and i definitely want to avoid a cesarean, but if i have to, so be it.x
another thing is that I think my OH will not be much use, he hates blood and medical stuff and is a bit squeamish so I just don’t know how he will manage lol

Oh no, hopefully hes ok and doesn't freak out :shock: there was one poor guy on the emma willis programme who fainted and missed the whole birth. I used to be terrible in hospitals, but you just have to get on with it - easier said than done i know :lol: x
Can't say I'm looking forward to it as I had a bit of a traumatic time last time, I just want to get booked in so I know he or she will be out of me ASAP after going in!
Is anyone else’s stomach really hard and tight? Especially lower down? I’ve looked it up and says it could be braxton hicks, but it doesn’t feel like anything’s tensing per say, and I have no pain, it just feels really hard. Maybe he’s got his back facing outwards? I’ve got my 25 week appointment on Wednesday so might ask the MW. X
Is anyone else’s stomach really hard and tight? Especially lower down? I’ve looked it up and says it could be braxton hicks, but it doesn’t feel like anything’s tensing per say, and I have no pain, it just feels really hard. Maybe he’s got his back facing outwards? I’ve got my 25 week appointment on Wednesday so might ask the MW. X

Mine is hard, but tbh my bump has been pretty solid from the get go - i just assumed it was kind of normal. Had an appointment with the GP last week to measure and check heartbeat and he didnt mention anything x
Random, yet very relevant question: Are we meant to continue with all these vitamins right through to the end of our pregnancy? I probably should know this :lol: but i seen it mentioned or asked anyway, so just assume we carry on as we are?x
Random, yet very relevant question: Are we meant to continue with all these vitamins right through to the end of our pregnancy? I probably should know this :lol: but i seen it mentioned or asked anyway, so just assume we carry on as we are?x

I think it’s probably good practice to carry on with them, depends how healthy and varied your diet is

To be honest I’ve been skipping mine quite a lot I’m still struggling with sickness and aversions to most foods :sad: eating is just a chore for me now and the vitamins make my stomach feel worse, I gag at the thought of swallowing a tablet, I’m trying to take them as much as I can though x
I think it’s probably good practice to carry on with them, depends how healthy and varied your diet is

To be honest I’ve been skipping mine quite a lot I’m still struggling with sickness and aversions to most foods :sad: eating is just a chore for me now and the vitamins make my stomach feel worse, I gag at the thought of swallowing a tablet, I’m trying to take them as much as I can though x

Yea thats what i thought and definately no harm anyway, was just curious if they say you can stop or not.

I am taking mine without fail, even if i forgot my oh would nag me :lol: well he used to, probably forgot i still need to take them.

Oh no i cant believe you are still suffering! Are you physically being sick still or just feel it? not quite sure whats worse :wall2: x
Yea thats what i thought and definately no harm anyway, was just curious if they say you can stop or not.

I am taking mine without fail, even if i forgot my oh would nag me :lol: well he used to, probably forgot i still need to take them.

Oh no i cant believe you are still suffering! Are you physically being sick still or just feel it? not quite sure whats worse :wall2: x

Yeah I think the most important is taking folic acid for the first 12 weeks but you can’t go wrong taking them, vitamin d is important throughout the whole pregnancy and we generally don’t get enough in this country cos of the lack of sunlight!!

I’m being sick maybe twice a week but just retching every day and just hate food, eating is a real chore there’s never anything I actually want, still mostly living off bread but some days that makes me retch too, it’s funny when people ask me what weird cravings I’m having I could cry, I wish I had a craving!! I think this is what it’s going to be like for the rest of the pregnancy now, it does cheer me up a lot though when I feel her little kicks and punches :)
Has anyone ever done hypnobirthing before or considering it this time? I’m
Intrigued to know more about it and would even pay to go to some classes but only if it is going to make a significant difference! Would be interested to hear from anyone with experience if it makes a difference or not x
I'm sure I stopped taking folic acid mid pregancy last time but MW said take throughout so dunno if guidelines have changed. I often forget the odd day here and there along with my aspirin and my 24 week check yesterday was fine!

I didn't hypno birth, I cant buy into all of it if I'm honest! I did pregancy yoga which touched a bit on it and that wound me up so much!! Saying that, my friend hypnobirthed and said it worked so well
I’ve just been taking my vitamins as normal, can’t do any harm! Xx
I'm sure I stopped taking folic acid mid pregancy last time but MW said take throughout so dunno if guidelines have changed. I often forget the odd day here and there along with my aspirin and my 24 week check yesterday was fine!

I didn't hypno birth, I cant buy into all of it if I'm honest! I did pregancy yoga which touched a bit on it and that wound me up so much!! Saying that, my friend hypnobirthed and said it worked so well

Ha ha stuff like that can wind me up too! I intended on doing pregnancy yoga but I’ve just been too ill and it feels a bit too late to start now x
I think I am the only person to come back from yoga more stressed!! I just can't relax in public and the more I tried to regulate my breathing the more short of breath I became
I started late, I booked a 10 week block which took me to a week before my due date so I don't think it would we a problem starting now x
Oh night owl can't believe your still bad! Feel for you!!! I still have aversions but I'm craving cheese haha!!! Best time of the year for it.
I did throw up a few mornings ago brushing my teeth I was just wretching so bad. I can't take my vitamins for the same reason they make me gag. I take aspirin and omeprazole and have to inject with clexane everyday so the vitamin on top I can't cope with.
Never done hypnobirthing. None of that was around when I started having kids or it wasn't the trend. I have just been so preoccupied with Christmas that I find it hard to even think about a new baby. Looking forward to the new year and hopefully I can focus more on new baby.
How is everyone?
I went back to work finally a few weeks ago. When is everyone thinking about finishing work? Xxx

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